Hey FNN,

First off a big thanks to Captain Erik and my Buddy Jae Gamboa. Jae and I have been friends forever, and we always try to get together to fish when I am in town. I called him as soon as I found out that I was heading up to the Bay Area. He said to plan for a saltwater trip.

There was talk of going for rockfish early in the week, but when we saw an opening of good weather, we decided to go for the prize that everyone was looking for King Salmon.

The day started at 4:00 AM, and we were quickly out the door by 4:30 headed to our scheduled meet up with Captain Erik and to pack up "Barely Legal". We got to the ramp right around 5:00 AM, and the wind was howling. We met up with our other fishing partner Eddy, and we set out in the dark.

This was the snottiest ride in the bay that i ahve ever experienced, and the first few hours were a bit nautical so to speak. We headed straight for Duxberry reef, and had our lines in the water by 7:00 AM. We tried trolling for a bit, but the weather was just making it to rough, and the captain opted for mooching.

Our first drift produced several shaker ling cod. About 40 minutes in two rods started to go off. My buddy Jae hooked into the first Salmon of the day weighing in at 21#'s

We then tried another drift, and had no more takers. Around noon the water laid down, and the captin said it was time to try the troll again. About 30 minutes in I get hit hard, and bring in my first King Salmon ever. Not bad at 15 Lbs.

We were blessed with one more troll fish at the end of the day. I also had 3 rockfish in the box at the end of the day, one about 4 Lbs or so. Enjoy the pics, big thanks again to Captain Eric and my Buddy Jae.