Quote Originally Posted by DarkShadow View Post
The interchangeable lenses were the main reason I selected this particular pair. I carry 3 polarized lenses with me and swap them depending on the ambient light. I love the Fire Iridium lenses during low light/high sky conditions and swap them with the Ice Iridiums when the sun starts to show. The Oakley website has a demo on how each color lens looks.

One thing tho...the lenses are extremely sensitive to scratching so make sure you get a case and take care of them. The good thing about the Half Jackets is that if the lenses do get ruined, you can just buy replacement lenses and you're not out an entire pair of expensive glasses.
Are the lenses on the Straight Jacket not interchangeable? I know the rim goes all the way around the lens on these but I figured the lenses were still swappable.