Quote Originally Posted by Daus
hey brokenrod,

I'm glad you've improved on your fishing. That's a nice halibut. Did you trailer your boat all the way from canyon country?

Thanks Daus
Yep!...Trl the boat from Acton. 20miles North of Canyon Country. Ive had a few OK fishing trips. Bunch of rock fish off Rocky Point a few Calicos, and some ling. Really after the Yellowtail,WSB,and hopefully a Dorado?Maybe a Halibut if i'm just out screwing around(which most trips are) :D I think my boat is to fun. Maybe I need a smaller lousy boat,Then I would spend more time fishing, And less time just enjoying the the boat, and being on the water. :D Guess my standards are a little different then most. I figure if a fish is not at least 24" He is not worth killing or posting. :roll:
Wait for my future 20+ lb Yellowtail/WSB pics :lol: