My parents took my wife and I for a last-minute trip to June Lake for a little trout fishing. The area was surprisingly uncrowded for summer compared to what I remember in past trips.

First stop: Silver Lake

1st catch on Silver Kastmaster..released

That evening we tried Gull Lake on the side opposite the marina.

Hook-up on a yellow coachdog rooster-tail...gave this one to a guy fishing with his daughter with a Dora the Explorer pole.

Next morning we tried a favorite spot at the top of Tioga Pass, Ellery Lake.

The views were great and the fish were present(you could see them swimming in the clear water when the sun broke through the clouds); but they weren't too interested in the lures or bait. The only catch was on a bubble with a mosquito fly attached with a 4-foot 1lb. test leader.

Last stop that afternoon was back at Silver Lake. Two fish were caught, one with a gold Kastmaster and the other with a Dardevle Spoon:

It was a real fun trip. We managed to catch enough to have one good trout dinner. Next time I would get a two-pole stamp, and have powerbait soaking while I use lures and give Salmon eggs a try for the picky fish at Ellery Lake. On a side-note, my parents stayed at Reversed Creek Lodge and got us a cabin across the street at Fern Creek Lodge. Reversed Creek Lodge is cleaner, newer, and much more comfortable. The cabin we stayed in at Fern Creek looked like it hadn't been renovated since the 20's...
