I went fishing at a creek I love to go to, it's connected to Big Tujunga Creek. Maybe a few minutes into using salmon eggs I hear my drag go zzzzzz and this 3 lb catfish (the belly was about to pop) was at the end of the hook.

How the hell did that happen? There aren't any catfish in the big tujunga creek areas..are there?! Maybe the DFG accidentley got one in there with the trout? This picture does it NO justice, the belly was about to pop because it was full. I didn't keep it, but some guys next to me that were very nice begged me for it so I gave it to them.

(Sorry for the bad angle pic, but this sucker stung the ever living crap out of the other guy who grabbed it and messed his hand up bad so I didnt feel like going through that for the sake of a pic)