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  1. View Conversation
    What's up to fishing network was try to post a new thread thrread and can't figure it out....can you hook me up with some tips.

  2. View Conversation
    re-education for all.....LoL
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About City Dad

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About City Dad
When I was just a baby, too little for an apple sack
I played in the dirt while the others worked and they couldn't straighten up their backs
and I made myself a promise when I was big enough to run
That I'd never stay a single day in that Okanogan sun
and I never picked apples.
like my mother did
and my brother did
and my sister did
and my daddy died young
workin' on the green chain
Folks said that I grew up early and the farm couldn't hold me then.
So, I stole ten bucks and a pick-up truck and I never looked back again.
And it was fast cars and whiskey long-legged girls and fun
I had everything that money could bring and I took it all with a gun
but I never picked apples.
like my mother did
and my brother did
and my sister did
and my daddy died young
workin' on the green chain
It was Saturday night in Cheney when a redneck grabbed my shirt
When he said "go back to your apple sack" I left him dying in the dirt.
and they'll take me in the morning To the gallos just outside
And in the time I got There ain't a hell of alot That I can look back on with pride
but I never picked apples.
like my mother did
and my brother did
and my sister did
and my daddy died young
workin' on the green chain
the danger zone
Chess Boxing


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05-13-2011 11:09 AM
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04-19-2022 06:35 PM
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