Irvine Lake Anglers

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  1. troutdog
    That weed line might be pretty good, Hitts0n texted me and he said he did really well in boat dock cove today....keep an eye out for his report, considering he actually caught something he should post something!

    BingJr, Kalidawg and I are going out to the Vine Friday night. Hope to see you guys out there!

  2. Granny Fish
    Granny Fish
    We are still boatless. Not sure yet if we will go.
  3. troutdog
    What is the dealio with the boat Granny, I sure hope it is something covered in the warranty!

    I got a few extra bags of fresh yellowtail, if anyone is interested shoot me a PM as I am happy to share with my fellow Team57/Irvine friends!

  4. johnsfishing
    Hey Guys, whats going on at the lake.. its been a few weeks since I have been out there. Are the Flats (buoys) still the spot or is the boat dock cove area producing better? Thanks,

  5. troutdog
    Hope to have some more solid feedback for ya John, but based on what I heard from my legion of lake lurkers the boat dock area was producing a little better. Sleeper spots Sierra Cove and West Shore Friday night so if you are fishing Sat night and want to hit me up at the event maybe I can give you some feedback based on our experience.

    Keep your ears to the ground and post what you hear for the "Vine Group"! Good luck out there....

  6. johnsfishing
    Alright TD. Ill see ya at the event. Thanks.

  7. Troutman65
    Hello everyone . Its been awhile . I got hurt and broke my left collar bone and several ribs on the left side also. Its been very painfull. I am healing and hope to return to work as soon as I get 100 % and Dr. releases me. I sure miss working at the lake. I miss all you team 57 members . Anyway , just thought I would post something in here. See you at the lake .
  8. olfishergal
    Take care of yourself TM...........we sure missed you at Legends. Hope to see you better and back to work soon.......Trout season is fash approaching....
  9. johnsfishing
    Wow Troutman65, that sucks! Get better buddy! Its always good to see ya at the lake. Lets go slay some fish!

  10. troutdog
    Get better fast TM, heres to some positive mojo towards getting back on your feet in in the very near future! Take care buddy.

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