Conversation Between Sublime-Steve and bassgrabber1

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. yea man... it was giant.. i thought he fell in lol
  2. Way to go're such a fishing
  3. got another trout today @ big bear.. 16 inch on a bobber n worm and i finally caught a trout on a lure yay! but it was tiny
  4. lol na im always up this early ( unless im wasted the night before haha) no gas no money cant fish.. or i think id be @ ford park i haven't been there in a long while
  5. I'm gonna vote YES!!!!....hahahaha...what the hell are you doing up? Going fishing??
  6. So ??? How did u do in Big Bear ?
  7. Hey!!! Let's hit Fairmount at the crack of dawn. Call me when you get this....951-377-7507
  8. No I can't man. I have **** to do. There are a few of us going to Fishermans Retreat this Sunday. $15 to fish it.
  9. yo im hittin up fulmore tomarrow ( the 27th ) im leavin here around 3ish you gonna go?
  10. We were there from around 330 till 8. We were catching them between that time. I got the mosty bites around 6 when the sun was off the lake.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
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