Conversation Between mark_31 and raterBfishin

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I got this GL2 mag light med action 6' spinning rod, with my new shimano sedonna 1000FD with 4 lbs line in it. Works really well, do you think you will get your boat b4 summer?
  2. and no, i haven't had time to get the boat... baby has taken over my life.
  3. which loomis did you get?
  4. your bro told me about it, cant wait to take it to the lagoon. When you going to pick it up?
  5. hey mark it's your cousin jeff, i'm gonna be picking up a 12' aluminum boat from my father in law so we'll be movin up from float tubes soon... but my baby is comin so i don't know when i'll get to use it!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5