Conversation Between spartafish and diamondbear

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Jared , google Fort Bragg weather , 3rd. down [ calif. bragg ] and find the marine forcast . check out how bad it will probably be up there for this sunday as thats the day we would dive . iam going to say no for this weekend , if i actually lived closer id go but its 600 miles so iam going to wait for a better weather , sorry jared but i'll keep you updated on the next attempt // steve
  2. Jared , its sun. afternoon and it doesn't look very promising on the weather up north this coming weekend . may 9,10,11 is kinda a low tide but if the water is flat thats what matters more than anything . theres 10+ foot surf till tues. and exspected to get worse by the weekend . water vis. 2-4 ft. and decreasing . [ not safe or fun going so far ] may 24-26 is a really low tide and its also memioral weekend so we'll see . the choice on going or not going is up to like 2 days before we leave , kinda bad as I like to plan my time as you do to iam sure . BUT WHEN WE GO IT'LL BE WAY FUN AND COOL // STEVE
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