Conversation Between linh and fishmagic

3 Visitor Messages

  1. ramp#2 is the left of the main launch ramp. You'll see sign and fish around the main points. anchoives and chicken liver is a really good bait. Also, just be patience because skinner is an on and off lake.
  2. Just left for the day and didnt catch anything. Went out to ramp 2 headed straight out. Didnt get one bite all day. I only saw one other person get hooked up but they ended up loosing it. I dont know how to use swimbaits or top water. I want to go back next week and try again. You know where ramp 2 is.. If you drive a little bit more on the right theres a place right there also walking distance. Is that a good place to fish?
  3. hey, I was wondering if you could help me. Its going to be my first time fishing in california and i was going to try lake skinner out. Was wondering if you could show me some spots i could fish at if you dont mind..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3