Conversation Between Hometown and Josh

6 Visitor Messages

  1. i heard you saw the mackeral being caught at cabrillo pier recently was it day or night thinking about going tomorrow
  2. I think if you cut your plywood close to size and inflate your boat half way and insert floor board then complete inflateing you will get good fit.that is what i did.
  3. I really liked the plywood on the back in front of the engine mount and the bench seat. But deffintly start with a floor board
  4. josh i saw some pretty cool videos on you tube on customized 360 fish hunters have you seen them
  5. cool man. I don't have my saltwater stamp (gonna get it for next year) would love to hit the vine or SARL.
  6. Josh Im off friday and thinking about going on a boat out of marina del rey. If not I might hit Irvine alot depends on the weather.
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