View Full Version : wall to wall bait

11-10-2023, 05:23 PM
the water between pt conception south into n baja is swarming with more bait that's been seen in a while and everything is feeding from the whales all the way down the food chain
you have squid ,chovies ,sardines ,and macks of all sizes everywhere

huge spots and temperate water

11-15-2023, 08:40 AM

11-16-2023, 04:03 PM

it means that the water is still 63-65 clean and loaded with bait
so the local fish are hanging

nov marlin and tuna are there for the taking if you feel lucky

11-17-2023, 05:25 PM
hit and miss bluefin limits this morning
nice fish 40-60 lb models
off the rigs
more fish between radilina and clemente with a bigger class of fish out by santa barbara island that were snapping early

wasn't to bad outside today s/sw winds breezing 10 this morning still oodles of bait water is still warm going from 63 to 70
again this is the middle of nov and fishing is still great

11-19-2023, 10:13 AM
yesterday was a miss
blasted out of dp about midnight friday and headed towards the isthmus was a fairly flat sonar was metering a lot of bait
water was anywhere from 61 to 68 on the way out nice lump on the build though when we started towards santa barbara island went from 2-4 to a solid 8 out of the nw

ran for 6 hours found 1 spot of breezers and hung one bf and lost a pair

after it got light not much happened saw a couple of spear carp sunning but had no luck

hit a high spot dropped for some rock cod

got our 30 fish on 2 drifts and 4 nice lings headed back towards radilina and looked for more fish noda
with a building swell and with the wind picking up to 20+ we headed back to the barn

didn't see anything on any patties we passed on the way back no shortage of whales they were breaching all over

and big spots of mackerel