View Full Version : first ghost hunt of the year

04-06-2023, 04:26 PM
full moon weathers ok on the beach and will be looking for them tonight

not sure of the plan yet might be hug the coast and work north to pv or blast to the backside of radilina for the sunrise bite as there is squid floating there so it could be interesting

first time going bobbing in months just got my new license this morning amazing that it's april

04-09-2023, 09:19 AM
no luck on legal seabass
got 7 shorts off of rays bay and lost a few that felt legal

we did get 3 halibut that were keepers
the biggest was a 18lber

all on live smelt in about 10 fathoms

water was cold 55
metered lots of bait and small bonita's that came up to our lights.