View Full Version : Irvine lake update 1/6/2023

01-08-2023, 06:24 AM

01-10-2023, 10:48 AM
was hoping we

would expand on this more

i wanted to talk about those far away location's that are todays option's

like deep creek miles of virgin native trout habitat stretching from running springs to bowen's ranch

into fly fishing try the kern river 31/2 hours get you buckets of wild native fish including some very nice golden trout you say wow but thats 31/2 hours

how fars wolford from you or d valley ,or big bear lake

not that much closer

i could take you to spot's in both san diego and ventura where you would have a excellent chance to catch and release wild steelhead but then i would have to blind and cripple you to uphold the secret

all within a few hours from dizzworld

so the good old days are still here

i am a saltwater guy but that doesnt mean i don't anything about what swims in freshwater

01-15-2023, 06:38 PM
Whats going on with this post just wondering?

01-16-2023, 11:47 AM
Whats going on with this post just wondering?

I wrote a 4 paragraph report and when it was all done. Only the first 4 lines were saved and I was too lazy to re write it. I will do another one in the next day or two!

01-16-2023, 05:07 PM
Did you guys get a little rain lately ? Lets see the water level pics of irvine. Just wondering.

01-17-2023, 05:58 AM
Did you guys get a little rain lately ? Lets see the water level pics of irvine. Just wondering.

The lake went up at least 60 horizontal feet in the last 2 weeks. Terrible for trout fishing, but good for catfishing!

01-17-2023, 09:56 AM
Did you guys get a little rain lately ? Lets see the water level pics of irvine. Just wondering.

No pic but just got off the
Phone and the lady said
The is full again!
Great news!!

Now we need a new concession
Owner with big bucks to get some
Boats on the water again’………


01-17-2023, 10:14 AM
No pic but just got off the
Phone and the lady said
The is full again!
Great news!!

Now we need a new concession
Owner with big bucks to get some
Boats on the water again’………


With one of the 3 owners being the water district, that will probably never happen. Besides their going to drain it dry in about 3 years anyway, for Dam repair!

01-17-2023, 11:28 PM
its too bad you guys can't get a brake with mother nature on your side finally. Those were some good times 25 yrs ago there.

01-18-2023, 04:13 AM
its too bad you guys can't get a brake with mother nature on your side finally. Those were some good times 25 yrs ago there.

Their is still some good times there now! (at least for some) Lol The lake has a decent following, but their is two distinct groups who fish it. The Locals (me included) which have a plan and carry it out. The others, just come out to enjoy fishing in a real lake. (unfortunately from a fish count point of view, they get skunked 90% of the time)

Let's talk about those Locals for a minute.

Any one who has followed my fish reports in recent years. (knows 100 miles one way, is a Day fishing trip to me!) So I'm not stuck fishing Irvine lake because it's the only game in town for me. (either by my williness in how far I'm willing to drive or how fat my wallet is) I go to Irvine lake because what it has to offer in it's fishing.

I've heard and read many people yearn for the good old day's at Irvine lake. (were you can take a boat in there or drive your car to your spot on the shoreline) The fact that you can't do either one of those things. Elminates most of the competition for the limited amount of fish. So for the angler who is willing to hike up to a mile each way while hauling his gear. Is now in the same league as a guy fishing in a $50,000 Bass boat or an angler fishing in a $10,000 fully loaded Kayak in another lake! The shore angler is KING at Irvine lake. You can't say that about vary many other lakes can you??????????? Lol

It does make all species of fish still avaiable at Irvine lake. (they just might still be more in season) But I'll give you a break down of every fish and show how they still can be caught, even just from shore.


It might not be a 12 month season on them, but 9 months of the year, it's pretty good fishing.


The first 2 season at Irvine lake since they reopened, the trout fishing was outstanding! At $5 a car load to fish there, what a deal! (compare that to SARL, which is $35 a person) The problem now is they have a different hatchery and rising water levels. So this year it's been a Flop! They need to go back to buying their trout from Wright's hatchery. Those trout like to hug the shoreline and are easy to catch. These new fish from Black water hatchery, like open water and don't stick to the shoreline. Time to switch back people, who ever makes those decisions.


Last year was tough, but the year before was outstanding. Those people who came to fill their Ice chest full of them are gone now. So with any Luck, they will come back!


Those are you either like them or they all need to killed. Well they did kill a lot of them, but the serious guy's can still catch them!


Well that's my thing and it's outstanding! Since they re opened, "I've caught over 100 Trophy catfish myself" I've yet to catch a monster Catfish (30-70 pounds) But they caught one last Friday and I've got some new ideas on how to catch one. I'd say my chances are good, I'll catch one this year.


It depends on the water levels. But 2 years ago, those things bit for 10 weeks straight! It was off the hook and the best shore bite I can remember any where south of Izzy!

It's not the old Irvine lake at all!

But this new Irvine lake is pretty neat for the shore based angler!!!!:Smile::Smile::Smile: