View Full Version : Jigging Haleiwa Harbor Today!

Scuba Chris
04-11-2022, 05:14 PM
Still Trying to Figure Out If It's Me, How I Equipped Myself, Or Just a Bad Spell!

Got my SUV back this week. Been over a month with no wheels. I'm now crispy fried & sluggish from over-doing it. I used to live down the road past Haleiwa Harbor. I rarely fish by day, mostly at night but needed to get my feet wet. Still was expecting to be C & R'ing today but if you can't Catch, you can't Release. Lol!

So i went to the bowling alley to cool off a bit. Most everyone thought i left the islands since Covid! So i'm sharing part of my afternoon jigging from shore. Need to get out of the "funk" i'm in right now. A lot of anglers were telling me today fishing has been slow. Well, let's see if we can change that.
