View Full Version : zoonotic disease transmission

02-11-2022, 11:22 AM
covid is a sneaky disease as we know
perfectly designed for humans

pandemic is pretty much an epidemic now

but surprise

new evidence has shown the virus has mutated

into new and much more virent strains transmitted from animal to human
and then spreading human to human

similar to the swine and hong kong flu

say above the 20% fatality rate

not much if nothing is spoken about this
mainly because until it blows up it is almost impossible to put out a vaccine

what do you think global reaction would be

complete social breakdown and maybe 2 billion deaths

02-15-2022, 09:36 AM

already global

diagnosed cases in europe and asia
not a pandemic yet but close

all it needs is a human host to mutate with covid

then who knows

be interesting to hear the phony news believers then

02-15-2022, 12:05 PM
As long as i get my $1200 check!! :LOL: