View Full Version : Nigh tournament dead release

08-22-2021, 09:50 PM
Hit up DVL this morning at about 6:30. Lake workers were scooping up dead bass at the ramp. I saw at least 6, don't know the total. Workers said night tourney casualties.
What happened to live release?
Looks like 40 fish weighed in, high percentage of dead fish.

08-25-2021, 09:12 AM
Hit up DVL this morning at about 6:30. Lake workers were scooping up dead bass at the ramp. I saw at least 6, don't know the total. Workers said night tourney casualties.
What happened to live release?
Looks like 40 fish weighed in, high percentage of dead fish.

Ugh, that sucks.

It's too bad our small local tournies can't do live weigh and release like MLF does, but the logistics would be insane.

I'm sure the Mike Longs of the world will find a way to cheat.

09-04-2021, 11:26 AM
The mortality rate at even the highest level tournaments would shock most people. Google it. Lots of articles.

09-08-2021, 08:46 AM
Everyone has a cell phone today. There are kayak tournaments that run for a month or more. I believe they take a photo of the fish being measured on a tournament designated board. I'm not sure if the fish is weighed or not. It's then sent immediately to the tournament committee.
"Big Bob" fishes these tournaments regularly. Maybe he could chime in with the rules.

09-11-2021, 03:23 PM
Everyone has a cell phone today. There are kayak tournaments that run for a month or more. I believe they take a photo of the fish being measured on a tournament designated board. I'm not sure if the fish is weighed or not. It's then sent immediately to the tournament committee.
"Big Bob" fishes these tournaments regularly. Maybe he could chime in with the rules.

Kayak tournaments have been doing this forever. They usually go by inches instead of pounds. Would be curios to know what club had the night tournament.