View Full Version : More Masks!

07-18-2021, 03:34 PM
So, LA is requiring masks for indoor use again.

This is because there is a rise of infections and hospitalizations.

But, the vast majority, if not all of the people that are being hospitalized, are people that have refused to be vacc'ed.

So, we're having to wear masks again to protect the unvaccinated? How about we let Darwin take its course.

07-19-2021, 07:01 AM
there is a new mutation c37
now mostly confined to peru

8 to 10% mortality rate with the current vaccines not being as effective as it is for other mutations of the virus

people that think it's happy days again are going to be shocked around oct

as far as the unvaccinated
met a women up in idlewild saturday at a friends bbq
she was in charge of the intensive care unit in hemet
they have 11 beds that are all full
all covid victims

not 1 vaccinated

Natural Lefty
07-19-2021, 10:10 AM
The more of the virus there is around, the more it will mutate. Unfortunately, some of those mutations will be worse than the original, or the vaccines will be less effective against them.

I think Riverside County where I live had the first mask mandate in the nation, and we are still (mostly) wearing masks here in public. I don't like having to do it, but I will until it is safe to stop.

07-19-2021, 04:30 PM
So far, I've gathered that:

1. The new mutations are more contagious.
2. Having the vaccine essentially prevents hospitalization and death if you do happen to get infected by any strain or mutation.
3. The vast majority of deaths and hospitalizations that are happening are individuals who are not vaccinated.


4. If I do catch any strain, I'll be fine. All my friends and family are vaccinated, so if i do infect them, THEY'D be fine as well. But you're telling me I have to wear a mask so I don't go infecting some moron without a vaccine?

Again, how about we ditch masks all together and let Darwin sort it out?

Maybe I need eTucker to explain things to me.

Natural Lefty
07-19-2021, 09:54 PM
Yes, basically it's to protect the 1/3 of the population or so that have not been vaccinated. The vaccinations are not for children, so that's another unvaccinated population, although they are less vulnerable to Covid-19 in general. Still, some children and teens have died from it.

07-20-2021, 07:23 AM
not when it comes to c37
that's why they are developing a new vaccine that address's the new mutation's

not a booster
with delta most vaccinated people will at worst be mildly ill

with c37 they can expect hospitalization

07-20-2021, 08:31 AM
I heard something yesterday which might be the biggest reason to "FORCE" people to take the vaccine! The argument of my body my choice (I wish these same people felt that way about Abortion)and I'm only hurting myself if I don't take it. That is wrong on so many levels, but let me get to the meat against that argument! It's hurting the "ECONOMY" and we will all suffer because of that! That was the reason they gave yesterday of the stock market dropping in a big way! Even a broader argument is, "we can't get rid of this pandemic" until herd immunity is reached! That means the economy won't fully recover til we beat this virus! The quickest and fastest way is through vaccinations! Everybody is part of the economy, so the Anti Vackers are hurting everybody!

07-20-2021, 08:48 AM
Even a broader argument is, "we can't get rid of this pandemic" until herd immunity is reached!

Or the uneducated unvaxx'ed kick the bucket.

I prefer that method.

Look at the people who are unvaxxed. It's not like we're gonna be losing Nobel Prize winners here.

Natural Lefty
07-20-2021, 11:01 AM
Or the uneducated unvaxx'ed kick the bucket.

I prefer that method.

Look at the people who are unvaxxed. It's not like we're gonna be losing Nobel Prize winners here.

What if children start getting sick from some variant of Covid-19 but can't be vaccinated for it? How about people who can't tolerate vaccines or can't be vaccinated for some reason? How about people who don't want to get the vaccine for some other reason than being a Trumpster, like fear of side effects? My wife is in that later category, and she is no dummy. She has 2 masters degrees.

Although I understand your point (which I see sometimes from my friends and group members on Facebook for instance), you open yourself up to criticism as being anti-humanitarian with social darwinist arguments like you are making.

07-20-2021, 12:47 PM
Although I understand your point (which I see sometimes from my friends and group members on Facebook for instance), you open yourself up to criticism as being anti-humanitarian with social darwinist arguments like you are making.

True. Don't wanna be called a conservative Republican.

Natural Lefty
07-20-2021, 02:47 PM
Exactly, and that is part of the reason that I wear a mask in public. I don't want to be mistaken for an anti-masker, or an anti-vaxxer for that matter.

07-20-2021, 03:27 PM

You wearing your mask indoors?


07-20-2021, 03:31 PM
Mutation C37

Goddammit, they stole the name of my garage band!

"Hi folks, I'm Panshot, and we're The Mutation C37's!!!!"


07-21-2021, 06:06 AM
really i would have thought it would be called my dead children band
when it goes mainstream
i want to hear you pimping it as the number of fatalities goes up

if it wasn't for the right conspiracies'
that keep their hillbilly followers

on the short list for vaccines or minorities that they have scared to low inoculation rates by the great lie

we will all be laughing

i bet you'll laugh the loudest when your or friends families are directly effected

maybe you can write a smash hit

you can title it I HAD A FAMILY BUT I LET THEM DIE

07-22-2021, 08:16 AM
It's Too Late': Doctor Says Dying COVID-19 Patients Are Begging For Vaccines


07-22-2021, 08:34 AM
really i would have thought it would be called my dead children band
when it goes mainstream
i want to hear you pimping it as the number of fatalities goes up

if it wasn't for the right conspiracies'
that keep their hillbilly followers

on the short list for vaccines or minorities that they have scared to low inoculation rates by the great lie

we will all be laughing

i bet you'll laugh the loudest when your or friends families are directly effected

maybe you can write a smash hit

you can title it I HAD A FAMILY BUT I LET THEM DIE

Hmm....well let's see:


Me: Vaccinated

Spouse: Vaccinated

Daughter #1: Vaccinated

Daughter #2 & her boyfriend: Vaccinated

Son: Vaccinated

Sister: Vaccinated

Best friend #1 & his wife: Vaccinated

Best friend #2 & his parents/siblings: Vaccinated

Anonymous daily associate: Vaccinated


Normally at this point I would tell you to E.A.B.O.D., but my therapist says I shouldn't be so hard on the developmentally handicapped.

07-22-2021, 05:37 PM
Goddammit, they stole the name of my garage band!

"Hi folks, I'm Panshot, and we're The Mutation C37's!!!!"


different perspectives bucko

people die and you think your cute

07-22-2021, 06:46 PM

You wearing your mask indoors?


Indoors and out. I wear 3 when I ride my dirt bike I heard it’s safer that way.
Sometimes I’m so scared I wear a wet towel around my mouth too.
Whenever I drive by myself I only wear 1 mask and put the air conditioner on recirculate.

07-22-2021, 07:14 PM
Indoors and out. I wear 3 when I ride my dirt bike I heard it’s safer that way.
Sometimes I’m so scared I wear a wet towel around my mouth too.
Whenever I drive by myself I only wear 1 mask and put the air conditioner on recirculate.

A little sarcasm is funny!

07-23-2021, 06:48 AM
especially to the 610,000 dead people

but i see your point

hardly a day goes by without hearing some jew cracking jokes about the holocaust

funny stuff

07-23-2021, 10:22 AM

07-23-2021, 11:26 AM
different perspectives bucko

people die and you think your cute

Really KneeCap?

Don't mistake my levity for a lack of "perspective". I had enough perspective and foresight to hop to the front of the line to get vaccinated.

It started with my son getting COVID-19 early on in the pandemic, with symptoms severe enough to send him to the hospital.

As the pandemic progressed, my family and I were witness to personal losses all around us. All preventable.

And if you'd bothered to read ANY of my posts regarding the pandemic, you know that I regard the deniers and naysayers with the utmost contempt.

Do yourself a favor and get off that high horse, and go cry about my jokes to someone who gives a sh*t.

07-23-2021, 12:04 PM
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey on Thursday called out "the unvaccinated folks" for the rise in COVID-19 cases in her state, a remarkable plea at a time when many GOP leaders are refusing to urge people to get vaccinated even as COVID-19 cases surge in many parts of the country.

"Folks are supposed to have common sense. But it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It's the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down," Ivey told reporters in Birmingham.

Uh oh, they're turning on their own!


07-23-2021, 07:42 PM
Today's new cases of Covid 19 reached over 3,000 cases in LA County! (July 23, 2021) I just guess we can't fix stupid!

07-23-2021, 09:12 PM
Today's new cases of Covid 19 reached over 3,000 cases in LA County! (July 23, 2021) I just guess we can't fix stupid!

oMG ! The sky is falling. Everyone run for your lives.

Could it be covid is increasing due to illegal immigrants?
I mean yeah Um ……….. the border is wide open.

07-23-2021, 09:34 PM
I just guess we can't fix stupid!

Actually, eTucks, stupid is fixing itself right now.

07-23-2021, 09:36 PM
Could it be covid is increasing due to illegal immigrants? I mean yeah Um ……….. the border is wide open.


07-23-2021, 09:37 PM
oMG ! The sky is falling. Everyone run for your lives.

Could it be covid is increasing due to illegal immigrants?
I mean yeah Um ……….. the border is wide open.

No Chucky, it's not due to illegal immigrants.

But hey, whatever it takes for dipsh!t Americans to avoid responsibility for their own stupidity, right?

07-23-2021, 11:09 PM
No Chucky, it's not due to illegal immigrants.

But hey, whatever it takes for dipsh!t Americans to avoid responsibility for their own stupidity, right?

Stupid for what? Taking an experimental flu shot. Glad for you that you took the shot. How does it feel being part of an experiment ?

07-24-2021, 04:57 AM
oMG ! The sky is falling. Everyone run for your lives.

Could it be covid is increasing due to illegal immigrants?
I mean yeah Um ……….. the border is wide open.

Sorry this has nothing to do with the border! The 3 worst states hit are Missouri, Florida and Texas! (their accounting for 40% of the new cases) Only 1 of them is a border state and it's also going crazy in the South, which has nothing to do with the border! We now have a Pandemic among the un vaccinated! Their is some break through cases of the vaccinated, but if they do get Covid 19 it will be a much milder case!

07-24-2021, 08:09 AM
Stupid for what? Taking an experimental flu shot. Glad for you that you took the shot. How does it feel being part of an experiment ?

I haven't taken any experimental influenza shots. Nor have I taken part in any experiments, voluntary or otherwise.

And so, I reiterate: Whatever it takes for dipsh!t Americans to avoid responsibility for their own stupidity, right?

07-24-2021, 08:29 AM
Stupid for what? Taking an experimental flu shot. Glad for you that you took the shot. How does it feel being part of an experiment ?

You know CHUCKY, "you don't have to listen to us, because you think we're bias!" Google on you tube, the recent speech the Republican Governor of Alabama made about the non vaccinated people! (she is a feisty old Grandmother type) If you don't Google it, "I'll just tell you the punch line!" People who don't take the vaccine, "JUST DON'T HAVE ANY COMMON SENSE!"

07-24-2021, 10:37 AM
waiting for a holocaust joke

what's hanging you up

your a real funny guy

07-24-2021, 10:45 AM
oMG ! The sky is falling. Everyone run for your lives.

Could it be covid is increasing due to illegal immigrants?
I mean yeah Um ……….. the border is wide open.

no it's not

most case's now occurring are crackers and hillbilly's but it's a nice try for deflection

and if you want to stop a influx of illegal's

simply follow the current none enforced laws over legal labor hiring's

fine ,arrest , and seize business's that don't comply

no jobs or chances for jobs means far less interest in immigrating and zero chance for remittance when illegals get here

07-24-2021, 02:52 PM
Stupid for what? Taking an experimental flu shot. Glad for you that you took the shot. How does it feel being part of an experiment ?

in your case it is more a experiment in stupidity
and your the result
glad your stupid
just hope stupidity doesn't kill you or we will need to find a new stupid person for trumpism perversions being posted here

07-24-2021, 09:18 PM
I haven't taken any experimental influenza shots. Nor have I taken part in any experiments, voluntary or otherwise.

And so, I reiterate: Whatever it takes for dipsh!t Americans to avoid responsibility for their own stupidity, right?
You said you took the covid vaccine? Is that correct. If you have then you are taking part in an experiment. Nobody knows the long term effects of this vaccine.

07-24-2021, 09:19 PM
in your case it is more a experiment in stupidity
and your the result
glad your stupid
just hope stupidity doesn't kill you or we will need to find a new stupid person for trumpism perversions being posted here

Oh. Ok. I’m stupid living with free will. Cool.

07-24-2021, 11:25 PM
Oh. Ok. I’m stupid living with free will. Cool.

No Chucky. You're just stupid.

07-25-2021, 09:52 AM
Oh. Ok. I’m stupid living with free will. Cool.

i hope the time comes soon that socially irresponsible stupid people like you

have to deal with laws and rules established more than 100 years ago

same rules made into laws dealing with typhus and t.b among other diseases

either be inoculated or isolated

then the only place you can exercise your free will will be to go to the head in the sanitarium
your confined to

and before i bust a gut listening to your stupid replies

about your rights

look at the laws passed to keep stupid people like you from effecting the welfare of society

07-26-2021, 10:55 AM
You said you took the covid vaccine? Is that correct. If you have then you are taking part in an experiment. Nobody knows the long term effects of this vaccine.

My god you are a blathering idiot.

We are not part of a clinical trial, and this isn't a mass experiment, no matter what you or some shitheel pundit says.

07-26-2021, 03:53 PM
If they were truly worried about a new covid variant then why don’t they close the border?

07-26-2021, 03:58 PM
Joe, Kumala and nervous Nancy said they wouldn’t take the trump vaccine. Why now? Hmmmm. I bet they got salene shots.

07-26-2021, 04:17 PM
Chucksters, inquiring minds want to know, do you hit the pookie before or after you post?

07-26-2021, 04:38 PM
Joe, Kumala and nervous Nancy said they wouldn’t take the trump vaccine. Why now? Hmmmm. I bet they got salene shots.

Oh, you must be talking about this:


Now I know reading might a challenge for you, Chuckles. But the consensus here is that even if it isn't, you won't be able to get halfway through that article before you start drooling and babbling uncontrollably.

08-01-2021, 05:39 PM
So far, I've gathered that:

1. The new mutations are more contagious.
2. Having the vaccine essentially prevents hospitalization and death if you do happen to get infected by any strain or mutation.
3. The vast majority of deaths and hospitalizations that are happening are individuals who are not vaccinated.


4. If I do catch any strain, I'll be fine. All my friends and family are vaccinated, so if i do infect them, THEY'D be fine as well. But you're telling me I have to wear a mask so I don't go infecting some moron without a vaccine?

Again, how about we ditch masks all together and let Darwin sort it out?

Maybe I need eTucker to explain things to me.

My GF brother just got Covid 19! (he wasn't vaccinated) So it a good time for me to give my explanation of why we all should still wear masks! It's for the children who are less then 12 years old. Even though they probably won't get sick and die. It is a way to protect them, because that's a group their not sure if vaccinating them is the correct thing to do now!

Natural Lefty
08-01-2021, 08:27 PM
Yes, I already said that about the children, plus there are others as well who cannot be vaccinated.

08-02-2021, 07:15 AM
people from the antivax religious right
should remember they will reap what they sow

and sadly the worst is yet to come for them

08-05-2021, 07:18 PM
Yes, I already said that about the children, plus there are others as well who cannot be vaccinated.

If you are scared or afraid then you are already dead.

08-06-2021, 06:37 AM
well chucky it seems your at least already brain dead

and much to ignorant to feel any sense of social responsibility

08-23-2021, 11:25 AM
Uh oh.

The FDA just gave the Pfizer shot full approval.

Time to move the goal posts, anti-vaxers/freeDumb fighters!

The excuse before was that the drug was 'experimental.' Now that it no longer is, I wonder what the excuse is gonna be this time?

:Rolls Eyes:

Althea Hamby
08-23-2021, 02:19 PM
It's apocalyptic, mark of the beast? :Big Grin:

08-23-2021, 03:33 PM
Uh oh.

The FDA just gave the Pfizer shot full approval.

Time to move the goal posts, anti-vaxers/freeDumb fighters!

The excuse before was that the drug was 'experimental.' Now that it no longer is, I wonder what the excuse is gonna be this time?

:Rolls Eyes:

Wohoo FDA approved. Just made my appointment for 2023

08-23-2021, 04:48 PM
Wohoo FDA approved. Just made my appointment for 2023

Well at least you can't say, "it's an experimental drug" anymore! Lol

08-24-2021, 04:46 PM
Will the people who are calling other people "sheep" please stop taking livestock deworming medication?

Althea Hamby
08-31-2021, 11:26 PM
Will the people who are calling other people "sheep" please stop taking livestock deworming medication?

Are you referring to Ivermectin? In other countries, they have been using this and was proven effective. I just don't understand why CDC is against it. Makes me think that vaccines are for profit purposes only.

09-01-2021, 03:36 PM
In other countries, they have been using this and was proven effective.


I'd love to read some peer reviewed studies where it shows this is the case.

09-02-2021, 04:53 PM

I'd love to read some peer reviewed studies where it shows this is the case.

Is this enough peer reviewed study for you ?

09-03-2021, 05:37 AM
Is this enough peer reviewed study for you ?


A big study supporting ivermectin, Fox's latest miracle COVID treatment, was just retracted


different strokes for different folks
the 95 percent club keeps dropping like fly's

zero stats chucky
but keep pitching maybe if horse medicine doesn't work out for you

you can hook up with mike and help pimp his pillows

09-17-2021, 09:12 AM
Is this enough peer reviewed study for you ?

2 fringe doctors created the myth that ivermectin is a 'miracle cure' for COVID-19 - whipping up false hope that could have deadly consequences


Natural Lefty
09-17-2021, 09:56 AM
I have checked into the Ivermectin false hope hype some, and it seems that everything it is effective for treating is a parasite of one kind or another, which are small animals, not viruses. Viruses are a completely different category. It is far fetched to think that a drug for parasites would somehow fight a virus infection too.

10-01-2021, 08:56 PM
2 weeks to slow the spread but here you are ……
Last years hero’s today’s unemployed.

10-01-2021, 09:15 PM

The guy on the ground looks like joe Biden.
Well at least it looks good on camera.
Not staged our anything

10-27-2021, 05:52 PM
Here’s some more. Will you guys ever wake up.

10-27-2021, 06:47 PM
Here’s some more. Will you guys ever wake up.

Here is the number and make your own conclusions.

Yes 9 million people die annually from Hunger.

3 Million people died from Covid 19 in 2020.

1/3 of all Food production is wasted every year!

So we have the food and the will to get it where it needs to go!

But obviously we have a food distribution problem!

We can't even "unload Freighters" with stuff in our own ports in a timely fashion! So having a food distribution problem is not surprising!

Don't throw out the good in a quest for perfection! (Typically Republican response) If something isn't perfect, we shouldn't just give up and not even try!

12-17-2021, 08:31 PM
Here is the number and make your own conclusions.

Yes 9 million people die annually from Hunger.

3 Million people died from Covid 19 in 2020.

1/3 of all Food production is wasted every year!

So we have the food and the will to get it where it needs to go!

But obviously we have a food distribution problem!

We can't even "unload Freighters" with stuff in our own ports in a timely fashion! So having a food distribution problem is not surprising!

Don't throw out the good in a quest for perfection! (Typically Republican response) If something isn't perfect, we shouldn't just give up and not even try!

Wake up fools.

12-18-2021, 09:29 AM
Wake up fools.

How much longer is this going to take???? Not until the 73 Million un vaccinated Americans wake up and smell the coffee!!!

Natural Lefty
12-18-2021, 09:46 AM
How much longer is this going to take???? Not until the 73 Million un vaccinated Americans wake up and smell the coffee!!!

Or wake up and smell the Covid.

12-18-2021, 03:04 PM

great to see you back from the cellar pliyer

and who would have imagined you got a new set of writers to script your posts
they seem much better than the old guys you used

props to you

so what do you think about those deep state lies that are claiming 9 out 10 of patriots and freedom fighters are the ones going room temp in the er's

can't be real and even if it is
it's worth the cost to keep our freedom right

keep true to your beliefs even if you have to become a cornerstone statistic in the 800.000 counted on the wall of of lies

12-20-2021, 06:23 PM
Chuck, Steelplate?

You guys got your vaccines yet?

You know Trumpy has. :LOL:

12-21-2021, 07:07 PM
Chuck, Steelplate?

You guys got your vaccines yet?

You know Trumpy has. :LOL:

Trump is not president.
The guy you voted for is.

12-21-2021, 07:45 PM
Chuck, Steelplate?

You guys got your vaccines yet?

You know Trumpy has. :LOL:

Well well folks guess what…………
Wear your mask.

12-22-2021, 07:02 AM
mr chuck
does that mean that pinky as the primary issuer of the 13 trillion in fun money is responsible for the current wave of inflation or you going to hang it on sleepy joe
the guy that can't get a penny of spending through the house

12-22-2021, 06:48 PM
mr chuck
does that mean that pinky as the primary issuer of the 13 trillion in fun money is responsible for the current wave of inflation or you going to hang it on sleepy joe
the guy that can't get a penny of spending through the house

Do you mean spending for socialist programs?
Free money?
Are you mad at manchin.
Anyways, this is something I could get onboard with …..

12-23-2021, 07:42 AM
no him and trump are the ones that are completely mad

and why the defletion all the money that has been spent isn't the result of joey
he can't get 2 dimes from the legistature to spend

2 trillion was inherited from obama and 11 trillion from pinky that's the source of the inflation

so instead of misinformative lies and spin YOU SHOULD GET ON BOARD THE FACT TRAIN

one that doesn't cause you to crap in your pants everytime you hear a fox host use the word socialism

merry christmas