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View Full Version : Lake Wohlford went from Hot Crappie fishing to Cold in a week

06-02-2021, 12:47 PM
I got the word that Crappie went on a biting tear on Sunday May 23. (8 limits of Crappie were caught that day) A buddy of mine ask me if I wanted to go with him on Tuesday to get in on the action? I checked on Minnow availability and they were out! They said they might get some in that morning, but that's enough of a doubt for me to abort! My buddy was going to charge the cannons anyway and unlike the Light Brigade they weren't wiped out! They did get in an emergency supply of Minnows, so my buddy was set. (you can't lose all the time) Lol Long story short, they caught 37 smaller Crappies and some miscellaneous fish. So if he wanted to go again on Friday, I would be his Huckleberry. He did and off we went, this time with a guarantee supply of Minnows waiting for us.

Arriving at the gate their was only a couple of cars in front of us. (man this is why I drive so far to fish) To get away from the competition! We were first in line and first boat out to the buoy line. We had our choice of spots and picked the spot that produced the most all week. A few other boats eventually showed up, but another regular tied up just behind our boat. (we were the only 2 boats who caught much!) The bite slowed down at 11 o clock, but by then I had 18 Crappies. Not quite a limit of 25 Crappies, but good enough to put a big smile on my face. We heard of some very Large Crappies being caught on the troll. Did someone say troll???? I had to give that a try, for I've been shooting my Big Mouth off about that for months on FNN! Lol The only trolling lures I had with me were those Flicka shad from Wal Mart. On our first pass in this tiny cove were some big Crappies were reportedly caught, my buddy got hammered by a Big Crappie. (it was by far the biggest one we caught all day) By then the chimps realized we knew what we were doing and ran over there and C blocked that little cove! We made a couple more passes on the outside and I got hammered by an 3 pound Rainbow trout. After that we had enough fun for one day and headed home.

When fishing is that good, I had to give it another try!

We tried again on Tuesday June 1. This time at the buoy line things were completely different. Their was a huge current pushing our lines everywhere that wasn't there last week. We found out later from the Dock attendant their pumping in tons of water into the lake. (right where the buoy line is located) We got a few short bites there and landed only 1 Crappie. We drifted around for Catfish for a little while and ended up catching 8 Catfish. 4 small native catfish that were born there and 4 decent recent stocker Catfish. I have to admit, I'm so spoiled I went home as disappointed, as if we were Skunked for the day! 9 fish caught is an OK day by most peoples standards. But I guess my head has swelled up pretty bad, after having such a good fishing year! Lol