View Full Version : Boise drone footy from the hills

04-21-2021, 01:27 PM
Haven't flown my drones in a while. Just got some new cheap goggles and took my old batteries out for a spin in the cruiser.
Forgot to set high power on transmitter. Didn’t go far.

With the new HAM license, I can use higher power. I need to go get FAA registrations and licenses now.


Here is what Boise looks like from the hills just to the north. Followed some recreationalists around a bit. Got a "waver".

Set it to 1080 otherwise probably not worth it.


04-23-2021, 06:54 PM
You get any angling done in Boise?

04-26-2021, 05:14 AM
Not yet..

I actually just got my Idaho star card (drivers license with allowance for government buildings and airplanes after October 1st) and registrations and license plates. not bad having only been here three weeks. You need proof of residence to get that card and I managed without waiting a month for paper bills in the mail. ;)

I got the trailer in the driveway now getting some upgrades. The. Heading back to fish steelhead on Oregon for a week starting Monday May 3rd with the trailer.

when you know where there is donkeys biting, you drop everything in your waking life and go fish the donkeys. Donkeys are few per lifetime. MUch more rare than a day of work. Lol Priorities.

if you want some introductions to the Tillamook side, Monday the 3rd or Tuesday the 4th would be a good start.
plan to go hit wilson again for a skunk and then go to Ling Lings to score some of those special little jigs they carry that you can’t find anywhere else. They have little rubber legs on them like a bass jig but are sized for the steelhead.

still not sure how or why 10-20lb hook jawed fish eat a tiny dot of a bait... but ok! They make it happen.

taking the drones for filming. Also got a new high power mobile (car) ham radio that I want to try out in the woods out of cell reception, while I’m back there fishin’. Waiting on amazon for the antenna(e).

04-26-2021, 05:27 AM
I’ll have to figure out Idaho when I’m bored of the sea run sorbet donkeys or out of gas money to drive back and fourth from Boise to Tillamook.

..pr once Portland finally descends into complete and total chaos. It’s been pretty close, lately. Four to five people shot a day, people jumping in front of your car trying to extort you for money saying you ran them over.. etc etc.

i did just go through the Portland riots and mini civil war they had with the proud boys. Rather interesting, to say the least. Lol.
hence why I now live in Idaho.

no pan handling ‘round here and every resident above 18 can conceal without a permit.
Much safer. Haven’t even seen a homeless person here yet. By contrast, Portland is ALL homeless people everywhere. I’ve been one of them. Not fun.

04-26-2021, 05:31 AM
Oregon is like California, now. Unfortunately.
AWESOME place to visit. But you don’t want to live there.

used to be real nice. Until this “pandemic”. Now it’s gone.

04-26-2021, 05:43 AM
Not to mention Kate Brown is like trying to screw every small business and employee in the state. All the residents driving around with “F@(& Kate Brown” stickers. Probably the same in Cali.. for Your Gov

what ever small business that corona virus left behind, Kate Brown is coming for it. In such a small state, you’re talking about a pending disaster. Place is going to go off the hinges soon. Ticking time bomb. Economy going down the tubes. Turning to crime.

almost as if it was DESIGNED to happen this way. Not sure how things could cascade so badly otherwise.

04-26-2021, 05:50 AM
200 police officers left the Portland force last year.
the DA is not prosecuting rioters and major offenses. They’re releasing everyone.
just like all the homeless running around on the street panhandling.

it would all stop if Portland would take on some law and order. It’s not the police. Is the people in power and the voters who put them there. They want their city to crash I guess.

they want homeless everywhere pooping and peeing on the street for you to see as you drive by.

Idaho does not.

04-26-2021, 05:54 AM
Drive through downtown Portland. Bring your vest.

all graffiti. No police anywhere. Looks like mexico now. Everything boarded up. Still weekly rioting and fires.

almost as bad as DC, when I want to see that, last summer. There is a reason they call DC the swamp. You can FEEL it when you drive into town! Lol

04-26-2021, 05:58 AM
The local government is housing the rioters in downtown Portland in makeshift tiny houses in a gated area by the freeway. The rioters from the videos are all staying right there. People get It on film. I’ve seen the camp of tiny houses with my own two eyes.

they love it! There is a reason Portland and Seattle and SF are dying. The people who run them.

The second you leave these places, everything is “Normal” again. Boise is the most normal thing I have seen in a couple years.

sunshine, friendly people, police officers pulling people over. Back to normal life!

04-26-2021, 09:07 AM
Ok it’s official I’ve penciled in Wilson River for 3rd through until I get tired of fishing. Probably the 5th or so.

fishing during the daylight hours. Camping and drinking off dirt tributary roads at night.

if anyone is down to go, let me know. Otherwise, on Monday the 3rd, start looking for my 2020 white F250 with florida plates attached to a blue 5x8’ trailer with Idaho plates on the side of the Wilson River. Somewhere between the peak at browns camp on highway 6 down to Tillamook.
ill be sure to park on the side of the highway so my truck is visible.

leaving Sunday night so probably waking up in very close proximity to the river or Ling Lings’.

rain or shine. Bring waders.

if you have a Ham radio, call CQ KJ7WZT a bunch of times over a Tillamook repeater. I’ll hear you.
there is no cell reception. Just the way I like it!

while I’m not on the canyons I might get some reception. Text 971-245-9589 if you go and can’t find me. You’ll probably have to wait for night time for an answer. No cell reception when I’m fishing down there

Althea Hamby
04-28-2021, 05:52 AM
Great video. Though by any chance there would be a way to lessen the noise or maybe mute it?

04-28-2021, 07:30 PM
Most of time I do. This was just a quick raw unedited clip uploaded straight from the camera with zero processing.
mostly because it was nothing special. Lol.
I also need to “re-up” my editing software subscription, next time I have a cool video.

I have a feeling I’ll have some better footage for you folks soon. I usually end up deleting my older stuff but a few of my old YouTube channels had some wild shots.

i need some new batteries as well. I’ve been slacking on the drones lately.

see ya’ll on the coast next week. Almost all packed up.

i went up a huge mountain today In Boise with the new Ham radio inside the truck and made my first few legit contacts. Was super fun. Name of the mountain was “Bogus Basin”. Street bikes were flying by all around me. Good times. Dog almost caught a skunk, but I stopped her. Lol

i could see the wholllllle entire treasure valley. Awesome view. My phone camera is broken so I can’t take pictures lately.

05-02-2021, 06:23 AM
Guess who just showed up in Tillamook?! :Cool:
a lucky fisherman and his fisher dog!

05-04-2021, 05:32 AM
It must be so cramped up and violent down there?

05-07-2021, 04:56 AM
What camera are you using at the moment?

05-07-2021, 05:49 AM
Hero 7 black.

funny how nobody has fingered or canceled gopro yet for their black and white scheme.

Boise only has about 200,000 residents I think I saw at last check so that’s not really cramped up or crowded. It’s kinda like two Simi Valleys. Pinned together. At the end of a larger bean shaped Treasure Valley.

The police that left Oregon came here to work and are welcomed. Not much crime to speak of. My neighborhood seems to have a lot of older and more responsible types, outside doing their yard work keeping their investment looking nice. Playing with their RVs in their driveways and such.

My one complaint is they are a bit close to me. I may move somewhere with more space and privacy. I like to make loud noises and funny smells. I can hear my neighbors talking from in my
bathroom, somehow. Which means I’m sure they hear me yelling on my telly

05-07-2021, 06:30 AM
If anyone questions why I left Portland,
maybe it’s because there is no police and people are being pulled from their cars at gunpoint by rioters.
yes, this is real life lol.
that happened yesterday. It’s been going on for a year. None of the mayors or DA or police or anyone there will put an end to it.

it wasn’t trumps fault and trump is gone and it’s still happening. Democrats rule and it’s just getting worse and worse.

if you don’t stop or prosecute the crime it gets out of control.

Portland just legalized meth an cocain. It’s not going to get better.

Portland is being destroyed on purpose. Very sad to watch my home for the last six years die. If you want to experience anarchy, all you brave lads out there, strap on the vest and head to the pacific north west lol

doesnt matter if you’re packing. They’ll drag you out of your car 20:1 and take you out anyway. They don’t care.

Kate Brown, Teddy Wheeler, the DA, all directly responsible.

Althea Hamby
05-10-2021, 03:08 PM
Really? Well, that's scary. I would have left, too. It's horrible that people there feel unsafe.

05-17-2021, 01:17 AM
They’re all standing around scratching their heads wondering what happened to their city that they won’t stop destroying.

I know exactly what happened but I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Lol! “Progress” happened.
let’s let the propaganda media explain it in their own way. You guys will have to read between the lines lol.

pretty much everyone I ever met here is walking around in some sort of dream state where they don’t think anything is actually real, don’t care about anything and all they do is tear each other to pieces.

it’s no wonder I haven’t been very successful in this area. I’ve been saying the people here are terrible for years and they all disagree with me and start fights about it. Obviously I must be right lol. They’re destroying the place and everyone is leaving. Almost 20% of the businesses are empty now.

this is a manufactured race war to take out a president and country they didn’t like. Same with the virus. The propaganda is so thick you can’t even breathe, these days. They legalized that back in the Obama era.

yes they made it legal for the news to lie to you and they do it frequently to control their narrative.

nobody will tell you what the real truth is anymore. You have to figure it all out for yourself.

honestly when I went to DC, both the trump supporters and never trumpers were all crazy. ALL of them.
nobody stood back and said “wtf are we doing all this for?”

no real brains between any of them. They want to fight, and they’re all being lead to do so. No organization and bad communication.

in other news.. I just bought a new fly reel and plan to go to the Western Sierras. To see about some spots I hit up 30 years ago. Let all the morons sit around town beating the SH out of each other.

as soon as whatever is about to kick off kicks off, Ya’ll know where I’ll be. Fishing.

trust me. The fun hasn’t even begun yet. They’re just getting warmed up! one party is walking around saying that the other one might never exist again. Sounds a bit creepy to me.. and I’m not choosing sides. To divide is to be conquered.

Althea Hamby
05-17-2021, 02:42 PM
About time Portland stops hiding the truth about what's happening there. It's sad. Looks like they are in the movie where there are people who are factionless.

05-26-2021, 02:35 AM
I also thought about aerial video filming. I'm already looking forward to my DJI Mavic Mini drone arriving. I think I will not regret my order, it was not an emotional purchase, although I made the final decision when I read this article https://homemakerguide.com/best-drone-camera/.

05-31-2021, 08:13 PM
About time Portland stops hiding the truth about what's happening there. It's sad. Looks like they are in the movie where there are people who are factionless.

place is a Democrat wasteland now. Homicide up 800%. Highest homicide increase in the country.

I’ll see you all up there in a couple weeks to catch some more donkey steelhead. Lmfao.

they are lucky I still go and patronize what is left of their small businesses.
At last I can rest easy knowing my X’s house in that area value is plummeting.

I have a friend living up there right in the middle of it. Totally brainwashed doesn’t see the city collapsing probably get murdered any day now.

people just DO NOT GET IT.
under a trance. They love hate.

05-31-2021, 08:27 PM
The only place I saw the “acab” moniker spraypainted on a wall in Boise is 30 miles back in the woods where antifa has to hide because they’ll be rooted out and have their butt handed to them in Idaho. lots of cowboys and farmers around there. Won’t put up with it. Real men.

05-31-2021, 08:37 PM
To be honest he whole west coast is destabilizing and people be like 53210

they just closed the tenth Walgreens in SF because nobody stops the crime anymore. They’re about to defund the police in Austin Tx by 150 million.. and they’re already having problems.

all these crazy people are ruining the country. Not worth ruining this country for. They must hate their lives or their country for some reason. Only thing I can think of. They got their Biden in, didn’t solve anything.

biden and nadler think Antifa is just an idea. Lol!
that’s criminal negligence. I have thousands of hours of video of them destroying what was my home. They spray paint Antifa everywhee and acab and I have videos of that also I’ll load one day.

06-01-2021, 06:29 AM
to be honest who has been the commander and chief for the last 4 years less 3 months

who was in charge while all the civil unrest your crying about happened last year ?


nope not right answer

it was PINKY

and as far as your home being destroyed by antifa i call bullshit on you and your non existent 1000's of hours of video's
so post them or at least by me be viewed as a stooge and liar as far as loving your country have to call b.s and that also

all your doing is dividing it using lies and phony conspiracy's promoted by the russians to destabilize our country

so post your video's or change your name here from tacklejunky
to just another lying junky

you want to be delusional fine but don't whine about being called out on it

06-01-2021, 07:25 AM
Anyone who doesn’t believe me..

feel free to come for a ride along through Portland with me.
Hahaha. Cowards.

i invite you all, give you my phone numbers and tell you where I’ll be.

06-01-2021, 07:31 AM
The people that can deny this are some of the dumbest people on earth.

let’s go cowards I’ll take you to an Antifa rally.
you think you got some big internet balls? Let’s test them out.

06-01-2021, 07:38 AM

literally thousands and thousands of hours of it. Chaos everywhere.
sit back in California and deny it. Probably never even been to Portland lmfao

06-01-2021, 07:40 AM
I’d Loooooooove yo show you all what happens when you drive through downtown Portland in an f250 waving an American flag. Bahaha. Come on I got five empty seats let’s go! Bring your vest!!

your commie friends would love to get to know you.

06-01-2021, 08:05 AM
sounds great t,j

but anybody with a tv has seen portland and if you have seen it in person you would know what your talking about is only a small part of the city

but that really doesn't interest me old news

i really would have hoped you would have posted your thousand of hours of video's showing your house being destroyed by antifa and instead of bullshit spin

also maybe address
WHO WAS OUR leader then

hillary an bill nope sorry

obama an joe nope no cigar here

could it have been trump an pence WINNER WINNER chicken dinner

so put the blame an responsibility on the real leader

who back then was just to busy to get involved
busy defending his buddy vlad and trying to lower his handicap

back to topic you posting those vids

or am i just going to have to think of you as just another junky liar

06-01-2021, 11:03 AM


sorry, I ignore children who insult me. I’m not doing any more work for the fish in the cali water. Lol

fact is,
slowmo joe hasn’t lifted a finger to do anything about what’s going on in Portland and you’re all a bunch of cowards and won’t accept my invite.

ill take you down into the war zone. Let’s go! Ride with me! I’ll pick you up at the airport. My treat! You think I’m joking, child?

PS that message is from a small business owner in Portland. He would know about Antifa. They smash his windows out all the time.

06-01-2021, 11:49 AM
No. Such. Thing. As. Antifa.

06-01-2021, 11:50 AM
I’ll be waiting for you all at the airport. :Smile::LOL::LOL:
Ps. All. Lives. Matter.

06-01-2021, 12:27 PM
lying junky

you post
you deflect you digress

but you never put up the deal sealer

1000's of hours of antifa video's destroying your house

and you can't post even 30 seconds

you bullshit about portland making a 6 block area into the entire city

and you still refuse to say who was in charge and the commander and chief while the riots were happening
black lives ,portland everything that occurred nationwide during the previous 4 years

your just a psychotic malcontent,
don't and don't really want to know you
so all i can go by is what you post here

and really all i see is a lying bullshit artist that may just be crazy

you never addressed who was in charge and who was pumping out **** like a supercharged honey sucker for the past 4 years

and a busy patriot as yourself can't even put up a 30 second vid of you fighting off antifa

so put up or shut up or just be laughed at for being a clown


06-01-2021, 12:28 PM
You’re nothing but a clown. This is what is coming for the cry baby lefties who want to force vaccinate everyone.

I’ll let you get the last words since I know you csnt **** the f up. Lol

off to Yellowstone! Hahahaha

06-01-2021, 12:51 PM
lying junky

say high to yogi and booboo

and show them your video's and ask them who was in charge when all these egregious and horrifying events that so terrified you happened

and you know what

he will tell you that you don't need to be smarter than the average bear to know it was trump

so lying junky

enjoy trying to convince yogi that your not just some bitter psycho