View Full Version : George gascon

03-31-2021, 08:14 PM
This guy is garbage.

04-08-2021, 10:48 AM

You get your vaccine yet?

05-05-2021, 10:18 PM

You get your vaccine yet?

Nope. On to George gascon. Pico revera even said no to this d bag. He’s garbage

05-06-2021, 06:35 AM
Nope. On to George gascon. Pico revera even said no to this d bag. He’s garbage

I wrote an OP ed in the neighborhood blog about this guy. Apparently a bunch of city's, Pico Rivera and the city I live in are all about getting rid of this guy! (he's the LA county DA) He suppose to be too soft on crime. Here is the rub though. In my city, you want to know what one of the favorite topics that come up all the time, on the local neighborhood blog? The coyote menace going after peoples cat's and dogs! I don't know about you, but most people view their cats and dogs as family members! (my cat is siting 6 inches away from me, as I'm writing this piece) So here you got all these people complaining their being stalked by evil coyotes. (trying to do their family members harm) Yet the city's are only offering their Thoughts and Prayers about the coyote menace. (Gascon is not the real problem that people feel, the coyotes are) We are talking about people who are walking their dogs being stalked. Or coyotes jumping into their back yards to go after their small dogs. (a lot of people have cameras on their houses) So their picking this up on film! Cats are extremely vulnerable, my community cats I look after, sleep on my roofs at night!

So the joke is with these city's, their getting all excited about really nothing their citizens will really feel! (Gascon is soft on crime) Yet they ignore the real menace! (Coyotes) Which their citizens have real issues about! My Zoe cat likes to go out in our yard, just to check things out and eat some grass. I now can only let her out in the middle of the day. (that's the least likely time a coyote will be out lurking) Plus I have to be out there supervising her, whens she's outside. Of course the city is doing nothing about fixing the coyote problem. (yet their all excited about Gascon!) It's not that hard to get rid of the coyotes with Humane live traps. (you could also safely release any by catch) Once the coyotes are caught, you could either euthanize them or safely release them in the desert.


05-06-2021, 07:03 AM
crime levels are up nation wide
more people incarcerated than ever
2,200,000 as of 2021

25% of the worlds total

the current criminal system we use is a total failure

here's pico rivera's current stat's not to safe a place to live

Number of Crimes 235 1,068 1,303
Crime Rate (per 1,000 resident ... 3.79 17.22 21.01

seems the current system doesn't work very well and the amount of tax revenue needed to keep it in place leads the world in spending

more money is spent on prison's than education

maybe it's time to try a new approach dealing with crime and it's causes
because there is no annual decrease in incarcerations' happening now

having guns don't help

more guns than ever out there

maybe it's time to try a new direction dealing with crime
instead of blaming george for crime that already happened under a failed system

05-06-2021, 02:35 PM

You get your vaccine yet?


Cmon Chucksters. No vaccine?

You don't wanna get tracked by Bill Gates?

05-22-2021, 05:53 AM
Cmon Chucksters. No vaccine?

DS, I don't think they offer Distemper vaccinations to humans.

05-22-2021, 10:08 AM

You get your vaccine yet?

CHUCKY, I just talked to my next door neighbor. His son died from Covid 19 and he got it "TWICE!"

05-22-2021, 11:15 PM
Cmon Chucksters. No vaccine?

You don't wanna get tracked by Bill Gates?

Eat a cheeseburger and fries and get a free vaccine . Why? Do they half to sell it

05-22-2021, 11:20 PM
CHUCKY, I just talked to my next door neighbor. His son died from Covid 19 and he got it "TWICE!"

I’m gonna rush right out now! Your neighbors kid died ? Death sucks. We all die. P.S. I’ve had most vaccines. I’m not for this one.

05-22-2021, 11:22 PM
crime levels are up nation wide
more people incarcerated than ever
2,200,000 as of 2021

25% of the worlds total

the current criminal system we use is a total failure

here's pico rivera's current stat's not to safe a place to live

Number of Crimes 235 1,068 1,303
Crime Rate (per 1,000 resident ... 3.79 17.22 21.01

seems the current system doesn't work very well and the amount of tax revenue needed to keep it in place leads the world in spending

more money is spent on prison's than education

maybe it's time to try a new approach dealing with crime and it's causes
because there is no annual decrease in incarcerations' happening now

having guns don't help

more guns than ever out there

maybe it's time to try a new direction dealing with crime
instead of blaming george for crime that already happened under a failed system

Are you for taking guns away from citizens?

05-23-2021, 07:03 AM
certainly from some of them

without a moments hesitation

Natural Lefty
05-23-2021, 10:37 AM
Yes, there are people in the United States who have guns that should not.

Here is an interesting fact. There are only 3 nations in the world which guarantee a citizen's right to own guns. The other two aside from the United States, are Mexico and Guatemala, both plagued with gun violence as well. Should we be trying to emulate their gun policies? I think not.

05-23-2021, 07:02 PM
Eat a cheeseburger and fries and get a free vaccine . Why? Do they half to sell it

trying to attract all of pinkies legions out there that will do anything for a free meal or a ticket to go see the fakers play
and a free cheeseburger , just like the ones fearless leader lives off of is the kicker

can make them forget that anything free from the government is part of the universal plot devised by bill and hillary to help the cabal gain control

05-23-2021, 07:39 PM
I’m gonna rush right out now! Your neighbors kid died ? Death sucks. We all die. P.S. I’ve had most vaccines. I’m not for this one.

Why are you not for this vaccine?

05-24-2021, 07:31 AM
lot's of people have avoided social responsibility in our nations history when it comes to disease

and the government came up with a solution
i'll just give you a quick summary of the last 100 years or so


In the face of future public health emergencies like the Coronavirus, a precedential Supreme Court decision about the government’s power to protect citizens by quarantine and forced vaccinations could receive new interest.

On February 20, 1905, the Supreme Court, by a 7-2 majority, said in Jacobson v. Massachusetts that the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts could fine residents who refused to receive smallpox injections. In 1901, a smallpox epidemic swept through the Northeast and Cambridge, and Massachusetts reacted by requiring all adults receive smallpox inoculations subject to a $5 fine. In 1902, Pastor Henning Jacobson, suggesting that he and his son both were injured by previous vaccines, refused to be vaccinated and to pay the fine. In state court, Jacobson argued the vaccine law violated the Massachusetts and federal constitutions. The state courts, including the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, rejected his claims. Before the Supreme Court, Jacobson argued that, “compulsion to introduce disease into a healthy system is a violation of liberty.”

On February 20, 1905, the Supreme Court rejected Jacobson’s arguments. Justice John Marshall Harlan wrote about the police power of states to regulate for the protection of public health: “The good and welfare of the Commonwealth, of which the legislature is primarily the judge, is the basis on which the police power rests in Massachusetts,” Harlan said “upon the principle of self-defense, of paramount necessity, a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic of disease which threatens the safety of its members.”

Jacobson had argued that the Massachusetts law requiring mandatory vaccination was a violation of due process under the 14th Amendment, particularly the right “to live and work where he will” under the precedent of Allgeyer v. Louisiana (1897), a case that found that a state law preventing certain out-of-state insurance corporations from conducting business in the state was unconstitutional restriction of freedom of contract under the 14th Amendment. Harlan answered that while the Court had protected such liberty, a citizen:

[M]ay be compelled, by force if need be, against his will and without regard to his personal wishes or his pecuniary interests, or even his religious or political convictions, to take his place in the ranks of the army of his country and risk the chance of being shot down in its defense. It is not, therefore, true that the power of the public to guard itself against imminent danger depends in every case involving the control of one's body upon his willingness to submit to reasonable regulations established by the constituted authorities, under the sanction of the State, for the purpose of protecting the public collectively against such danger.”

The Court did not extend the rule beyond the facts of the case before it. Harlan ended his opinion by stating the limitations of the ruling: “We are not inclined to hold that the statute establishes the absolute rule that an adult must be vaccinated if it be apparent or can be shown with reasonable certainty that he is not at the time a fit subject of vaccination or that vaccination, by reason of his then condition, would seriously impair his health or probably cause his death.”

In the years following the case, the anti-vaccine movement mobilized and the Anti-Vaccination League of America was founded three years later in Philadelphia under the principle that “health is nature’s greatest safeguard against disease and that therefore no State has the right to demand of anyone the impairment of his or her health,” and aimed “to abolish oppressive medical laws and counteract the growing tendency to enlarge the scope of state medicine at the expense of the freedom of the individual.” The League warned about what it believed to be the dangers of vaccination and allowing the intrusion of government and science into private life,

When a separate question of vaccinations—state laws requiring children to be vaccinated before attending public school—came up in 1922 in Zucht v. King, Justice Louis Brandeis and a unanimous court held that Jacobson “settled that it is within the police power of a state to provide for compulsory vaccination” and the case and others “also settled that a state may, consistently with the federal Constitution, delegate to a municipality authority to determine under what conditions health regulations shall become operative.” More recently, in 2002, a federal district court declined to find a exemption to mandatory vaccinations laws for “sincerely held religious beliefs” or a fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning medical procedures of their children.

The application of Jacobson to the modern age of vaccinations is a source of scholarly debate, with some arguing that the case no longer applies in an era in which vaccines like HPV are not medically necessary to prevent the spread of disease. But others maintain Jacobson’s importance today in providing ample power to protect the public health, especially with the threat of pandemics.


Check Out the Tex

One Year of COVID-19 and the Constitution
Recapping one year of constitutional debates surrounding the coronavirus—Joshua Matz and Adam White join host Jeffrey Rosen.

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Federalism and States Rights in 2021 and Beyond
Attorney General Phil Weiser of Colorado and Attorney General Mark Brnovich of Arizona discuss the challenges of federalism and…

Jan 26

Blog Post
Constitutional powers and issues during a quarantine situation
The growing concerns about the coronavirus in the United States could lead to government officials considering isolation

so chucky when you can't travel outside the country or attend social events ,sports , music, etc

you will learn that it isn't a denial of your individual rights

but constitutional law with more than 150 years of case law decisions to back

your choice of course

but OUR rights seem to supersede your choice

Althea Hamby
05-24-2021, 07:54 AM
Thank you for this very detailed and informative post. Every person has a choice but at the end of the day, as was mentioned, our rights supersede that of individual choices.

05-24-2021, 03:14 PM
I respect everyone's opinion and I think we are all entitled to one. I just don't appreciate it when people are making fun of serious situations and insisting their opinions on others or if their opinions affect others negatively.

05-24-2021, 03:59 PM
I respect everyone's opinion and I think we are all entitled to one. I just don't appreciate it when people are making fun of serious situations and insisting their opinions on others or if their opinions affect others negatively.

I've been around this website a long time. So I've seen countless threads get derailed! (my Lake Henshaw one is a perfect example) In re reading this one and the comments, I see little Tom Foollery here. However, a nerve most have been struck! Do you care to elaborate on any one or more comments that were made? I could guess maybe which ones you might find objectionable. But I just would be guessing.

05-25-2021, 03:22 PM
I respect everyone's opinion and I think we are all entitled to one. I just don't appreciate it when people are making fun of serious situations and insisting their opinions on others or if their opinions affect others negatively.

I'm all for banter in this arid wasteland.

Can you expand on your post?

Are you concerned we are making 'fun' of Chucky? If so, are you privy to his earlier posts and have you read them?

05-27-2021, 02:06 PM
Oh gaud, I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood it or I was thinking of a different post. I'm sorry you guys. My mind scrambled the other day and I must have poured it here. Well yeah, silent reader here and I always agree with your posts. I was shocked to have seen your replies and I had to read my comment, so stupid. Sorry.