View Full Version : Trump getting the virus is a blessing in disguise.

Althea Hamby
10-15-2020, 12:00 AM
Having been infected by COVID-19, he's more vocal and firm with his statements about the world's approach towards the virus. It seems lockdowns are not helping at all. What are your thought about this?

10-15-2020, 06:24 AM
Having been infected by COVID-19, he's more vocal and firm with his statements about the world's approach towards the virus. It seems lockdowns are not helping at all. What are your thought about this?

Trump apparently is listening to that Idoit he saw on Fox News and hired him to run the Covid 19 task force. (Atlas) Atlas believes in the Herd Immunity theory, where you need 200 Million Americans to get Covid 19. The theory say's when you get to that point the virus has no where to go and dies. Their is 2 problems with that theory.

1. If you get a death rate of 1-3% of the infected people which is what has been occurring. That means you will get between 2-6 Million Dead Americans! Let me repeat that, 2-6 MILLION DEAD AMERICANS!

2. Their not sure if you get Covid 19 once that will give you Lifetime immunity from the Virus! So the Trump administration is willing to bet 2-6 Million American lives on a theory that might not work!

My opinion on that is, "ARE YOU F------- KIDDING ME!!!!!!!"

In answering the OP question directly about the Lock downs. Until we get a working vaccine, we can do only a handful of things.

1. Wear a Mask

2. Wash hands frequently

3. Avoid large crowds

4. Practice Social Distancing

And Yes, if the Virus Ramps up big time!!!!! Go to another Lock Down!

10-15-2020, 07:50 AM
We can only hope that sooner or later something will stop this infection. Until then, you need to be careful not to put yourself at risk. Of course, this is not a guarantee that you will not get sick, but it is also not worth risking again.

Natural Lefty
10-15-2020, 10:34 AM
Upon what information are you claiming that lockdowns do not help at all, Althea? The numerous other nations which have done a much better job of it than the U.S. and consequently have kept their Covid-19 infection rates low? The lockdowns clearly do work. Trump is the world's biggest spreader of misinformation, and most people recognize this by now. He is a misinformation super spreader.

10-16-2020, 01:16 AM
To be honest, I prefer to get information about COVID from the WHO website. Presidents, senators and politicians in general are interested people. However, they are generally not health experts. Therefore, it is best and most reliable to take information from specialists. Because each president in his statements expresses his point of view, his attitude to the situation. But not possessing sufficient knowledge in medicine, he simply cannot predict the development of the situation.

Althea Hamby
10-30-2020, 01:58 AM
To be honest, I prefer to get information about COVID from the WHO website. Presidents, senators and politicians in general are interested people. However, they are generally not health experts. Therefore, it is best and most reliable to take information from specialists. Because each president in his statements expresses his point of view, his attitude to the situation. But not possessing sufficient knowledge in medicine, he simply cannot predict the development of the situation.

I agree. They think differently as they have priorities and duties that are entirely economical, political, or whatnot.

As for us, we just want to be safe and for all of this to be over.

I think this will last for a year or two more or will this be permanent. What do you guys think?

10-30-2020, 07:08 AM
There is a lot to be said for social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing your hands.
How many people do know that have had the common cold in the past 7 months?

10-30-2020, 11:01 AM
I agree. They think differently as they have priorities and duties that are entirely economical, political, or whatnot.

As for us, we just want to be safe and for all of this to be over.

I think this will last for a year or two more or will this be permanent. What do you guys think?

If you believe Doctor Fauci, he said by this time next year their will be a vaccine. That doesn't mean it will be gone overnight, but it will be the start of things getting back to normal!

10-31-2020, 02:00 PM
if a vaccine is released tomorrow it will still be 5 to 10 years for a complete economic recovery

me i see it as being time to bail to kona before the next lockdown because we are not all superman
and the lockdown is coming