View Full Version : Nomad Travel Fishing Rods Approved by TSA For Travel!

Scuba Chris
09-26-2020, 09:20 AM
Travel Rods That Can Be Carried On A Plane For Fresh & Salt Water Usage!

I made this video to answer recent questions regarding TSA travel restrictions on anglers. I've traveled across the Continental US to Canada & the Caribbean. Covered ground in Australia & all over Asia. I was stranded by the US after 911 as they wouldn't allow US citizens abroad to return home so i stayed in Asia for months before i was "allowed" to return home. So i do have some knowledge of travel restrictions.

My reviews are based on current travel restrictions. TSA has the right to "modify" their restrictions. Currently these are the travel type Okuma rods that i myself use so i'm very aware of how good they really are! This day my fur baby didn't want me out of his sight. A common Chihuahua trait. So he accompanied daddy.
