View Full Version : RBG you suck!!!!

09-22-2020, 07:31 AM
I'm sure that catch's a few of you by surprise because I'm critical about the Big Liberal on the court. She sucks because she died with only 3 months to go to the finish line where President Biden would have named her successor. (couldn't the family hid the body for a couple of months?) I know for a fact people in critical dying situations held off dying till a goal was succeeded! (she did not!) I know some of you are saying, "you can't pick when you're going to die." (this is true) But you can pass the torch at just the right time before you die to the next generation to insure your Legacy lives on! Now I know some of you are saying, "who's smart enough to do that?" Try Supreme Court Justice Kennedy did it just 2 years ago and that's how we got Schlitz Kavanagh! He knew (Kennedy) the Republicans controlled the WH and the Senate and his successor will be a young Conservative Judge! (smart man and a team player) I remember during the Obama term when the Dems still controlled the Senate people approached RBG about retiring. (she was the oldest member at the time and had fought Cancer several times already) She said she felt fine and could still do the job! But as we all know, if you die suddenly it's a crap shoot who controls the WH and the Senate at the time! She knows she F uped, because in her dying breath she told her Grand daughter the next President should pick my replacement! It doesn't work that way and she knew that!

I know some of you are thinking, Eric your being too hard on her! No I'm not, because I practice what I preach! If anyone ever fished with me, they would see I'm the biggest team player their ever was. I share everything and even pass hooked fish all the time to everyone in the boat, so everyone get's equal amounts of fish. Also their is too much at stake with these Supreme Court Justices. Look at all the things a Conservative Court can screw up. Abortion Laws for one! People don't realize, 70% of the population wants the Law to stay right where it's at! Trump was right when he said this, "you keep putting enough Conservatives judges on the court" the Law will be abolished! How about Voting rights? The Stupid court a number of years ago watered down the Voting rights laws and immediately the Red States started to suppress the minority voters! What about LGBT rights? I'm betting they put that Religious Bit-- from Indiana on the Court, who will vote to Kill Abortion, LGBT rights and the ACA! Kill the ACA when we have a global Pandemic and take away 20 Million Americans Health Insurance! (smart move!) What about Global warming? Do you think a Conservative court will vote against Fossil Fuel interests? (of course not) The Western United States is burning to death and the courts will just make things worse! These are just some of the issues an Conservative court can screw up!

All is not Lost I believe, no thanks to RBG! I think because of some of the issues I mentioned this will galvanize many more Democrats to vote in the November election! That means Trump is history but more importantly it should give the Dems control of the Senate! People like Lindsay Graham who went on record and said, "they should never confirm a Supreme Court nomination in an election year!" (he totally reversed himself now, should lose his re election bid) The American people at least know what the word Fair means. The Republicans look now like a bunch of lying thugs who are only after power! So hopefully the American people will throw enough of those bums out of office the Dems can put things right again. In the Senate they need to get rid of the filibuster and add 2 more Supreme court seats to at least make it 6 to 5 and let Justice Roberts balance the scales! So people don't lose Faith yet, it still may work out!

Natural Lefty
09-22-2020, 11:34 AM
This has been a topic of discussion on my Facebook group. I think RBG should have retired in 2013 or 2014 and been replaced by Obama. She was already ill then. I think she was diagnosed with cancer in 2014.

But I think you are correct about the political consequences too. The mask is coming off and Republican hypocrisy is plain for all to see. They will pay the price for their heavy handed, power-mad manipulations at the polls.

By the way, I did some research yesterday, and found an article which explained that there has been a consistent bias in Supreme Court, in that Republican presidents have gotten to choose more SCOTUS members per term in office (4 years) than Democrats. Two reasons for this are that Republican appointed judges tend to retire when there is a Republican president, while judges appointed by Democrats tend to stay on as long as they can, like RBG, and secondly, of course, the dirty tricks that Republicans engage in like refusing to consider Merrick Garland. There have been as many as 8 Republican appointed judges on the Supreme Court in recent decades (1992), and usually 7 or at least 6. However, none of the horrible things that liberals fear have happened with these courts, in part because, some Republican appointed judges unexpectedly turn out to be liberal or at least moderates, such as Souter, Stephens and now, Roberts.

09-22-2020, 12:04 PM
This has been a topic of discussion on my Facebook group. I think RBG should have retired in 2013 or 2014 and been replaced by Obama. She was already ill then. I think she was diagnosed with cancer in 2014.

But I think you are correct about the political consequences too. The mask is coming off and Republican hypocrisy is plain for all to see. They will pay the price for their heavy handed, power-mad manipulations at the polls.

By the way, I did some research yesterday, and found an article which explained that there has been a consistent bias in Supreme Court, in that Republican presidents have gotten to choose more SCOTUS members per term in office (4 years) than Democrats. Two reasons for this are that Republican appointed judges tend to retire when there is a Republican president, while judges appointed by Democrats tend to stay on as long as they can, like RBG, and secondly, of course, the dirty tricks that Republicans engage in like refusing to consider Merrick Garland. There have been as many as 8 Republican appointed judges on the Supreme Court in recent decades (1992), and usually 7 or at least 6. However, none of the horrible things that liberals fear have happened with these courts, in part because, some Republican appointed judges unexpectedly turn out to be liberal or at least moderates, such as Souter, Stephens and now, Roberts.

Roberts is a hero to me! Even though he is a Conservatives he is towing a middle leaning stance now. He is doing it for selfish reasons (Lol) he knows if the court leans to much out of the Mainstream. (With a 6 3 Conservative majority, even Roberts might not be able to stop some craziness on the court rulings!) Some people might call it too political and call for it to be dismantled! When it comes to moderate Republicans, I think the Federalist society would have vetted them out by now! So I think the next pick will be a Hard Core Conservative!

09-22-2020, 02:11 PM
it's really going to change the legal dynamics of the court
and if henry kissenger is still breathing she should also be

would have hoped for at least a month long medical induced coma

Natural Lefty
09-22-2020, 03:54 PM
Well, I will tell you a secret, Eric. One of my friends and moderators on Facebook is a cousin of John Roberts. I think he views his cousin much the same way that you do. However, my Facebook friend is much more on the progressive side than his cousin who is on the Supreme Court. Hopefully, John Roberts will continue to move to the left, but I think Capisook is correct. The next nominee is likely to be a hard core conservative, and this needs to be countered.

09-27-2020, 07:12 PM
Yeah, i got called a di(K a few months ago (right around the time when RBG was going through her countless medical procedures) when I surmised that perhaps she should've retired when the legislative branch was in favor for the President years ago.

"SuPrEmE cOuRt JuDgEs ArE eLeCtEd FoR lIfe StUpId!" my female friends chided.

I doubled down and asked them to check out when the last time a Supreme Court judged kicked the bucket during their tenure aside from Scalia. I got silence. Because Supreme Court Justices usually retire, rather than die on the bench.

When THIS (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/25/us/politics/rbg-retirement-obama.html) story came out, apparently I was absolved, since it was St. Obama who advised her AARP card holding self to retire: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/25/us/politics/rbg-retirement-obama.html

Now the Dems have to bite the bullet and take it. Perhaps they'll grow some balls in the future and start playing hard ball like the Republicans when the pendulum swings their way.

As a great political pundit on FNN named TroutOnly used to say back in the day, the Dems are a bunch of ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pu$sies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,"

09-27-2020, 09:44 PM
Yeah, i got called a di(K a few months ago (right around the time when RBG was going through her countless medical procedures) when I surmised that perhaps she should've retired when the legislative branch was in favor for the President years ago.

"SuPrEmE cOuRt JuDgEs ArE eLeCtEd FoR lIfe StUpId!" my female friends chided.

I doubled down and asked them to check out when the last time a Supreme Court judged kicked the bucket during their tenure aside from Scalia. I got silence. Because Supreme Court Justices usually retire, rather than die on the bench.

When THIS (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/25/us/politics/rbg-retirement-obama.html) story came out, apparently I was absolved, since it was St. Obama who advised her AARP card holding self to retire: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/25/us/politics/rbg-retirement-obama.html

Now the Dems have to bite the bullet and take it. Perhaps they'll grow some balls in the future and start playing hard ball like the Republicans when the pendulum swings their way.

As a great political pundit on FNN named TroutOnly used to say back in the day, the Dems are a bunch of ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pu$sies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,"

One of the other semi political website I'm on, questioned why Supreme Court Justice Sandra Dee O'Conor wasn't the first female to lye in State when she died. A bunch of fact checkers pointed out she isn't dead yet! Lol Republicans Justices retire when it's favorable for them to do it. RBG was a selfish little Witch to stay on too long! Now the whole country will have to pay for her selfishness!

Natural Lefty
09-28-2020, 11:24 AM
That is one of the main takeaways of the article that I cited. Republicans usually retire when there is a Republican president so that they can be replaced by a Republican, but RBG didn't do that. She should have retired when Obama was president. I think her pride got in the way of what would have been best for the people when she refused to retire even though she had cancer.

09-28-2020, 06:37 PM
Robert did his best to me, he must be the hero for some here