View Full Version : Unmarked Children Graveyard +100yrs!

Scuba Chris
07-04-2020, 09:57 PM
No Name For This Graveyard That The Elements Are Slowly Reclaiming!

I was extremely humbled when i "stumbled" into this area. Wind & waves working together is causing tombstones to tumble into the ocean. There was no sign, only an open area within the shrubs. Same problem on Maui with Jodo Mission (for awhile human bones were on the shoreline). I was hiking far from my car looking for areas to fish. I examined the writing & stones itself. I noticed 3 indigenous stones used. Then a few of the "grander" tombstones were made from imported marble denoting an obvious higher family hierography.

From the obvious dates used the ones that i can read had dates ranging from the 1910's to the 1920's. Obviously children. I'm not sure if that holds true for the rest of the graves. Some that used porous lava rock were badly weathered. I found myself blessing every grave before moving on. This area played heavily on me as i recently lost my father during these Pandemic times. A reminder on how precious life is.


07-06-2020, 12:09 AM
Interesting post & video. The clock keeps ticking and waits for no one. Sad grave marker and losing one of your children. Thanks for the post.