View Full Version : Modified UW Leader Bridge For SPYDRO Cam!

Scuba Chris
05-20-2020, 01:52 PM
How To Keep The Fish In Front Of The Camera!

I took some ideas off my Water Wolf Video Camera & incorporated some of those functions into my Spydro Camera. One of my re-curing issues is having the baited leader line work it's way in back of the camera's lens. Since i'm casting from shore the combination of current with surge combined with wave action will cause the baited hook to "drift" and sometimes lodge itself on the camera. Maybe 30-40% of my video clips suffer from this reaction. But i think i solved this problem.

I used stiff 325lb test stainless steel wire with 200lb test french clips on each end so i could remove the harness. For the wire wrap i used a haywire twist. Had to go "beefy" as i'm fishing salt water with big fish like sharks, rays & jacks around. Also there's sharp coral to consider. You must remember these units were packaged for trolling & jigging off a boat. But i've found ways to cast them from shore & i'm always trying my best to improve my chances of obtaining great underwater videos to share & learn from.
