View Full Version : Please Gov. Newsom.....please.

04-16-2020, 03:38 PM
President Trump just announced he’s allowing the Governers to decide when and how their respective states can “open” back up. I don’t wish to get into a political debate on whether a Governer “needs” permission from a sitting president during a situation that we’re experiencing, I’m just praying our California Governor allows our state parks to open back up to vehicle and boat traffic.

Fishing.....Social Distancing at its BEST!!

Please Governer Newsom. Help us out!!

04-16-2020, 06:38 PM
President Trump just announced he’s allowing the Governers to decide when and how their respective states can “open” back up. I don’t wish to get into a political debate on whether a Governer “needs” permission from a sitting president during a situation that we’re experiencing, I’m just praying our California Governor allows our state parks to open back up to vehicle and boat traffic.

Fishing.....Social Distancing at its BEST!!

Please Governer Newsom. Help us out!!

I'd be down for this.

As long as the public respects the 'distancing' guidelines, I don't see why we couldn't open up boating, vehicular and shore traffic.

Unfortunately, the ole adage of 'one bad apple spoils the barrel' will mostly likely apply here in a densely populated area. And I use 'dense' in both applicable definitions.

04-16-2020, 08:25 PM
Unfortunately I have to agree with you on this they open lake and the party crowd will be on it. Load the boat up and pick a spot on the shore some where with party crowd sad but true. Idiots should just party at there house with infected friends then they will blame everybody else. I just want to go on my boat and fish but not seeing it happening for a while now.