View Full Version : Life Underwater in a Cove! By SPYDRO!

Scuba Chris
02-16-2020, 10:07 AM
Threadfins! Jacks! Baitfish! Goatfish! Surgeonfish! Mullets! Blennies! Barracuda!And a Monster Samoan Crab!

4th day out fishing & doing vids, 4 different Samoan Crab encounters. Must be the month! Again thanks Charley for loaning me your cam for today. Actually recorded a rare sight before sunrise. A fat shy Pacific Threadfin "Moi" hitting a baited hook while another one tried for it as well.

Moi in ancient Hawaii was the King's Fish, meaning the fish was in demand for it's flavor & only reserved for royalty. Today a school of them were chasing baitfish before sunrise. I had to use filters to bring these images out (Moi have large eyes for hunting prey in the dark).

I tried to bring in my rig because the bell was jingling but that monster Samoan Crab was rooted to that spot. 4 different days of fishing resulted in 4 different Samoan crab encounters. The UW footage showing the Moi striking the baited hook may be the first time this has been seen. Last year i captured the Golden Trevally "Pao'pao" feeding by going vertical over the reef & blowing jet of water to uncover crustaceans. Also manage to capture the recently named Bonefish that occurs only in Hawaii.

At 6:30am i was watching a 4ft Gt Ulua chase everything away. So cool to see that black shadow slam into everything only 6ft in front of me at high tide. I always love cutting my UW videos at the end of the day. On the surface it looks dead down there.
