View Full Version : Black Rockfish Wild Canadian Coast - Tofino Ucluelet

08-26-2019, 08:05 PM
Fishing for Rockfish can be a lot of fun and provide a great meal. While these fish are long lived and susceptible to overfishing there are a few varieties that are more plentiful. One of those is Black rockfish. The DFO has taken a more proactive measure by reducing limits and closing areas to fishing for Rockfish Conservation areas. Fishing for them is all about finding them. Once you have located them they will aggressively hit all sorts of lures and jigs. When salmon fishing gets slow or the tides are not favorable we head to the rocks for some great rockfish fishing. I know one of my previous how to videos on rockfish was a little sparse on actual verbal information. So here is an action packed video that I hope you will find entertaining and educational.
