View Full Version : Okuma Spinning Reel Under $100 For Big Fish! No Need For a Conventional!

Scuba Chris
08-23-2019, 10:13 AM
Okuma's Big Surf 8K Update! Long Distance Line Layering Monster!

It's been 6-months since i started using Okuma's Surf 8K Spinners. I've tried all monofilament to all braid. Now i found the best line configuration at 250yd 65lb braid backing to 120yd 40lb monofilament top shot. Because of the anglers i go with i promised not to show what i've caught on these reels because it will show too much of the locations.

So far brought in sharks up to 7ft, 2 stingrays 40-50lbs, 2 GT's 20 & 40lbs & a mixed bag including Bonefish to Jacks. Let's just say i horsed in everything. The rays fought the hardest i thought.

There are many anglers out there that prefer using spinners over conventionals. Easier to cast. I've even used these reels for sliding off piers. Very easy to cast & powerful enough to handle big fish. Retails for only $99.99. Hard to beat. Soon another surf casting spinner by Okuma will be available. This one will be a high end unit under $180 but with 44lb max drag. It won't have the line capacity of the Surf 8K. Keep that in mind. Match your equipment for your needs.


08-23-2019, 01:48 PM
Thanks Chris,I’ve gotta a couple buddies who aren’t to comfortable with conventional,so I may suggest this Reel!

Cya Tuna Vic

Scuba Chris
08-25-2019, 11:42 AM
I like distance & ease of casting TunaVic. This reel is both for such a large reel. It easily over-powers many sm-med conventionals out there. Here in Hawaii there are many senior & female casters that no longer can handle casting a conventional. I think this is a common problem all over. This reel will solve that. Easy to cast with line capacity for long runs to stopping power. Thanks:)