View Full Version : Oct 20, 2007 - 3/4 day on the Patriot - Newport Landing-Pics

10-24-2007, 02:35 AM
A buddy and I went on the Patriot out of Newport Landing for a 3/4 day open party fishin' trip. We had a blast!

The short review:

No sleep the night before. Left for Catalina at 7:00am. Puked around 9:00am. Dropped first anchor at around 10:00am. My buddy is first to land a fish - Calico.
I was third with a Sheephead. Then no bites so we moved. Next spot metered some Bonito but seals came around real quick and only a couple were caught.
Another spot near the Casino...same thing. Got my first bonito here! I haven't felt such resistance since puberty! But soon, seals were everywhere, so we move a good 20 min south
and it's Bonito WFO. So much so that 5 or 6 boats (including the Freelance) comes over. During this time, I bring over around 5 Bonito, lost 3 to seals (even hooking
one after he took my bonito, sizzled my drag until he jumped out of the water and shook it off like a fish!), had 3 comeoff at the surface and many more extended "thought I hook setted
firmly enough" deals. We then move to one final place (more bonito) and after catching a couple more, I tried bottom fishing for no love. So we head home
around 2:00pm and I actually win the jackpot on a Bonito! haha... I bag 5 bonito (gave my buddy 3) and 1 sheephead. He landed 1 calico and just 1 bonito.
He lost a gang of them to seals.

It was great to get out on a boat as its been over 7 years!

The long version:

The night before I get my gear ready and realized my heaviest line was 20lb. Since it's been so long since I've gone a party boat, I honestly had no idea what line to pack.
So I ask a question here on this board and get lots of answers. Thanks guys!

So I get to repacking lines and various other preparations and before I know it, 3:00am comes around! :bang: Great...so I get to bed and I can't sleep.
So I decide to load up on coffee and stay up (big mistake).

We get to the landing at 6:30am. Chug down some more coffee and think about slayin'.


The moo moos. There were only 19 peeps. :banana:


The Patriot. We will fish on her again soon!


At around 6:50 we get to board and we get 2 spots on the stern. No shoving, no rush!
Didn't really matter as with the light load, people moved around all the time.


Here's the Captain. Didn't get his name but was very cool and at least got us on the Bonito action.


We start to head off on time and it's just a sweet morning.


Bait time! No chovies..just some frozen squid and sardines on steriods!
These sardines were humongous! 7-8" long and about 1.5-2" tall!!




Minutes later, the Freelance from Davey's Locker comes by for some sardines. They had a huge load!


After we load up on 30 scoops, we head out and some kayak-fisher bums some sardines and the deckies
ablige with a 1/4 scoop. Wonder how he did that day? I wanna try kayak fishing one day...


So we leave the harbor and the ride wasn't so bad. "Cool", I thought to myself.


But after 20 mins or so, we run into some choppy, rocky swells! WTF? I thought it's supposed to be calm on the way out and choppy on the way home??
On this trip, it was the direct opposite. It was so easy on the way back! So we head into the galley to sit down and by now, the fact I haven't slept was creeping up.
I lied down and tried to sleep. But I couldn't sleep and I just felt my stomach swish-sloshing around full of liquid!

Uuuuup, dowwwwn, slam, slam slam, uuuuuup, dowwwwn, slam, uuuuup, dowwwwn, slam, slam.... :angry:

After about an hour of this, I sorta fall asleep for a bit ONLY to be waken by a hard "slam". I sit up and instantly feel that urge to puke...as if it's traveling its way up to my mouth. S**T!
I quickly do my best to keep it down and head to the head. As soon as I close the door, urrraaaaagggghhhh...uraaaaagh... then a little more..uuuurrraaagh..urrraaaaagh. urg..urrrg...ug.
After cleaning myself up a bit (and the seat), I head back to my spot and this time really knock out.

My buddy wakes me up a couple times to say "it's time" and on the second "dude, we're here", I get up and see this:


(I don't have very many pics from this point on since I was so busy fishing. Sorry!)

Sweet, it's time to fish! I get my c-rig ready and put on a small 1/2 oz egg with a #1 hook. The cappy was telling us to use very small weights or flyline the sardines.
When we're about to drop anchor, I notice we're all around some huge kelp beds. So I'm thinking I'm going to get wrapped up in this stuff and switch back to a 2oz'er.
After 10 mins of nothing for the entire boat, we moved to slightly less kelpy area about 5 min away. I grab a huge sardine and cast that badboy.
On the sink, I feel a tap (not a tug) so I reel it in to find half a 'dine. "What?" I'm thinking to myself. So I look around and sure enough...a seal.

I rebait and cast again. This time with a slightly smaller, huge sardine. Upto this time, no one's pulling up 'nuttin. My buddy, who's fishin starboard side, pulls up a nice calico.
And then another guy behind me port side pulls up a Sheephead about 14" or so. A few mins go by and wham, fish on! I crank and crank my coffee grinder and pull up a
Sheephead too! First time ever.


We stayed for only about 45min total there and from that point on for 2.5 hours, the captain only searched out Bonito. Another guy caught a YFC, which he kept and off we went.

When we got to our next spot, the cappy's yelling "bonito, starboard side!!", so I cast out my Kroc, make it dance and WHAM! Fish on! I tighten my drag and as I'm winding in
as fast as I could, I realized that my $30 spinning reel was going to have a hard time with these bonito. haha.. Anyway, I get it near the top and view a NICE looking bonito.
When all of a sudden, I see a big brown seal go after my fish!! Nooooooo..crank, crank,..oooooo! MUNCH! Cleanly removed it from the hook. %$^#@@#&$ Dang!
A couple minutes later my buddy brings over the head of a bonito! haha... There were soo many seals, it was unreal. Deckhands flinging sardines and scales everywhere,
people swearing here and there and pretty soon, it was time to move.

We get to the next spot near the Casino and drop anchor.


I chuck out the Kroc and wham! Fish on! This time, it was a wee bit easier to crank in and over comes my first and largest Bonito of the trip.

I take a quick pic and cast again. On the drop, wham! Fish on again! I crank and crank until I pulled up #2 bonito! I cast again and this time I get one on the way in.
But it get's underneath the boat and I hear a "snap". :bang:

Great, there goes a Kroc. I quickly tie another one on and continue. As I'm casting out, I notice the Freelance coming over as well as bunch of PB'ers. Word got out I guess.
Anyway, I hook up another one and as I'm reeling it in, I notice a seal going it near it! It gulps the fish and takes my line for a ride! I loosen the drag, look over at the deckie
and he says, "f-it, reel him in!" haha..yeah right! But I figure, wtf and slowly tighten the drag when the seal jumps up out of the water and shakes off the Kroc!! The Kroc flings
all the way back to the boat and whizzes by the watching anglers n crew and onto the bait tank! I can't believe it flung all the way back to the boat! Glad no one got nailed.

The next 30 min or so was spent catching some more bonito, losing a couple more to seals, catching some macs and listening to my buddy ***** about all the fish he lost to the seals. lol
And he's the one with the conventional reels too. Perhaps cranking them in too fast attacts the dogs? Also some perch and dink calicos were being pulled up.

Too many seals and too many boats later, cappy says "ok guys, reel em in". I had just cast out so I let it sink a bit and start the retrieve when FISH ON! After setting the hook,
I start cranking in and then I hear a "SNAP". Crap. There goes another Kroc. I'm guessing I should have cut off some line and retied the lure after a few fish. Next time...

We get to our last spot and since I have no more Krocs, I tried a 5" Rapala. After catching some macs and a bonito, I switched up and tried some bottom fishing.
I put on a 2oz egg w/ a sardine and casted far out. Open bail, I wait for it to hit bottom (Cap said around 100-130ft) when FISH ON! I reel it in only to see another bonito!

I tied on some more weight and tried again but this time by the boat. I drop it close and wait only to get hit again by a bonito. So I retied a new rig with a 6 oz weight and cast out.
I look at my watch and see that we have about 10 min left. (sux) I waited a few minutes, reeled in my 'dine and cast out a bit farther. Waited a few mins and I hear,
"ok guys, reel em up".

Total tally for me was 8 bonito (never more than 4 in my bag until the last one :D) and 1 sheephead. Buddy got 1 bonito and 1 calico. Don't know why he couldn't get the bonito in.

As soon as we start leaving, a deckie yells "ok guys, jackpot time". He's right next to me so I reach in my bag and pull out my largest bonito. He puts it on the balance and one by one
weighs the other fish. One after another, the other fish are just too light. haha..! And before you know it he says "Going once, going twice.....we have a winner!". Pretty cool. :cool:

Then it was fileting time!


The ride home was a breeze! Much more smoother than in the morning. On the way, the deckhands talled peoples galley tabs, scrubbed the decks very thoroughly
and rinsed everything off. My hats off to the captain and crew.

Almost home:

Crew decides to have a little fun and bite a bonito eyeball. haha..

Official count was:
95 bonito
3 calico
2 sheephead
4 perch
1 yfc

Until next time,

Fish on!

ghetto dad
10-24-2007, 07:31 AM

10-24-2007, 08:47 AM
nice report looks like you all had fun. good job

10-24-2007, 10:37 AM
Nice report & pics!

I think this is the 3rd report or so in a few weeks that I read where someone got sick and later wins the jackpot! Ha ha!!

Good job on the JP!!!

mcfadden fishers
10-24-2007, 04:03 PM
thats a huge bonito wat weren u guys using and where did u guys fish at

10-24-2007, 04:21 PM
great report! thanks for posting. seems like theres more bonito showing up lately i want some!

10-24-2007, 08:12 PM
Hi fishmaniac,

Great report and pics. Most extensive effort. Thanks for taking the time building a fine read!!

On the Catalina trip ............... why on earth didn't you whip out the plastics ?????? Didn't see anything on the rubber!! Catalina is one of the most productive places for plastics on a day to day basis fishing the shallows............. be it Calicos, cuda, or Bonito!!

When you go again, you've got to have some red/metalflake blams for the bonies and some cheaper model swimbaits in green or pearlescent for the sportcoats and cuda!!

Still .......... congrats on a great trip!!


10-24-2007, 11:12 PM
GREAT REPORT BRO!! THANKS ALOT, NICE PICS TOO!!Thanks ghetto dad! I wish I had taken more pics of the crew, my buddy's fish, and other peoples catches as well. Heck, I didn't even have a "bendo" pic.

nice report looks like you all had fun. good jobThanks CMH! We haven't had this much fishin' action in quite a while so it was a blast!

Nice report & pics!
I think this is the 3rd report or so in a few weeks that I read where someone got sick and later wins the jackpot! Ha ha!!
Good job on the JP!!!Sansou, I hate puking cuz I always have side affects days after with breathing probs. It's like I can only take in half my "normal" amount of air when I breathe. (??) But the jackpot did help a bit! lol Thanks bro!

thats a huge bonito wat weren u guys using and where did u guys fish atMcfadden, the pic makes the bonito look much bigger than it really was. We were fishing both east and west sides of Catalina. It was WFO in front of Avalon.

great report! thanks for posting. seems like theres more bonito showing up lately i want some!BoxLobster, get 'er done then bro! This is the first time I actually ate the bonito too. Bloodline removed..they taste pretty good! Fish tacos anyone??

Hi fishmaniac,
Great report and pics. Most extensive effort. Thanks for taking the time building a fine read!!
On the Catalina trip ............... why on earth didn't you whip out the plastics ?????? Didn't see anything on the rubber!! Catalina is one of the most productive places for plastics on a day to day basis fishing the shallows............. be it Calicos, cuda, or Bonito!!
When you go again, you've got to have some red/metalflake blams for the bonies and some cheaper model swimbaits in green or pearlescent for the sportcoats and cuda!!
Still .......... congrats on a great trip!!
tsurikichiRon, thanks for comments! Coming from you, the most thorough fish reporter I've seen, it means a bunch!

I had some plastics and in hind sight, I should have used them instead of the sardines on steroids the first couple shallow spots. Would have been nice to land a nice calico or some more sheephead.

Next time I'll make it a point to fish plastics at least 25% of the time!

10-24-2007, 11:22 PM
Nice jackpot winning report!!!


10-24-2007, 11:34 PM
Nice jackpot winning report!!!
One_LegThank you kindly Mr. One_Leg!

Mr Bendo
10-25-2007, 06:54 PM
Bonito are sure fun!!!!!!! Nice report and pics :thumb: ! Looks like my friend Tyler was one of your deckhands!!!

10-25-2007, 07:55 PM
Excellent report!! nice to see newport landing, wanted to go all summer, followed their reports, but got hooked on San Diego's "Seaforth Landing" for tuna :) Need to try Newport later in summer,nothing but good reports about that landing! Can't help but just love that island picture, could just stare at that and remember the coronados, nicolas, back side of santa cruz, MAN ! I miss going out allready and it's only oct. GOD Bless!! Thanks for the post!! :thumb:

Greg Madrigal
10-27-2007, 07:16 AM
No sleep the night before. Left for Catalina at 7:00am. Puked around 9:00am. !

:lol: LOVED this line!!!!!

Got my first bonito here! I haven't felt such resistance since puberty! !
This one 2! :rofl:

Minutes later, the Freelance from Davey's Locker comes by for some sardines. They had a huge load!


Typical of the damn Freelance...I don't get it. You can't fit 10gallons of :censored: into a 5 gallon bucket! Funny thing is, Newport Landing now OWNS Davies....Go figure. Either way, SWEET Deal on only 19 peeps!

Uuuuup, dowwwwn, slam, slam slam, uuuuuup, dowwwwn, slam, uuuuup, dowwwwn, slam, slam.... :angry:

I feel your pain... :bawl:

EXCELLENT report my friend....Gets my vote for "REPORT OF THE WEEK!"

Thanks for posting and for taking the time to share all the great pics.


11-02-2007, 02:18 PM
Bonito are sure fun!!!!!!! Nice report and pics :thumb: ! Looks like my friend Tyler was one of your deckhands!!!Thanks bro!
Is Tyler the one who tried to eat an eyeball?

Excellent report!! nice to see newport landing, wanted to go all summer, followed their reports, but got hooked on San Diego's "Seaforth Landing" for tuna :) Need to try Newport later in summer,nothing but good reports about that landing! Can't help but just love that island picture, could just stare at that and remember the coronados, nicolas, back side of santa cruz, MAN ! I miss going out allready and it's only oct. GOD Bless!! Thanks for the post!! :thumb:Definitely head on out to Newport Landing soon! They're a great bunch of guys trying to get you on fish!

EXCELLENT report my friend....Gets my vote for "REPORT OF THE WEEK!"
Thanks for posting and for taking the time to share all the great pics.
GMThanks Greg for that nice review of my report!! Let's fish sometime! :twisted: