View Full Version : Two Gay Guys stage an attack

04-01-2019, 07:50 PM
Another Fake News Attack, staged by a gay guy and his BF. What do you all think?


04-02-2019, 10:15 AM
Another Fake News Attack, staged by a gay guy and his BF. What do you all think?


Hey Plate, this article does not confirm that:

1. The men are actually gay (because who would care about that, except homophobes like yourself), or

2. The attack was actually staged.

Is there another article that you meant to post that confirms that attack was fake and the guys were gay?

What do you all think about Steelhead thinking that EVERY man that lives in San Francisco is gay and if they get attacked they are staging it? His reputation here continues to grow! Keep it going Plate!



QUINCY, MASS. (WHDH) - Quincy police are searching for a man who violently assaulted and robbed a woman at a popular park on Monday.
Officers responding to a reported assault at Russell Park at 11:12 a.m. spoke with the 49-year-old victim who had visible injuries, according to police.

The woman said that 15 minutes before they arrived, a man threw her to the ground while she was walking on a dirt path behind the tennis courts, stole money from her purse, and fled toward Faxon Field.



QUINCY — A 49-year-old white woman who initially told police a black man attacked and robbed her in Russell Park last week has now admitted she lied to detectives, according to police.

The woman, a Quincy resident, will be summonsed to Quincy District Court for allegedly filing a false police report, Quincy police announced Monday. They’re not releasing her name at this time.

What do you all think about Steelplate not posting this particular fake attack (that is actually confirmed)?

04-04-2019, 09:48 PM
And this is what you call TDS, a lot of inflicted btt hurt liberals . I cannot recall one incident of anyone getting assaulted for wearing an Obama Tshirt or a I'm with her shirt or a feel the bern shirt. What happened to liberal tolerance, I guess they require it of everyone except themself.


04-05-2019, 01:04 PM
And this is what you call TDS, a lot of inflicted btt hurt liberals . I cannot recall one incident of anyone getting assaulted for wearing an Obama Tshirt or a I'm with her shirt or a feel the bern shirt. What happened to liberal tolerance, I guess they require it of everyone except themself.


And this takes away from you being a bigoted homophobe how?

04-07-2019, 12:11 PM

Or in this case Pan #$ will you marry DS or is it the new toad charming John Herpes?
