View Full Version : (Speakers corner) What will Trump run on in 2020?

02-10-2019, 10:00 PM
The 2 most obvious are the economy and the famous tax cuts. Let's take a look at these individually so we can analyze them more closely.

The Economy.

There is no doubt the economy is going very strong. But it is going just slightly better then it was in the last 2 years of the Obama administration. So you would have thought Hillary could have rode that into the White House herself. (it didn't work out that way did it?) Trump could say look at the stock market since I've been President! It has gone up quite a bit, but since 50% of the population doesn't own any stocks that doesn't help them at all. The big in your face the Dems can throw at Trump when he shouts at the top of his lungs about how great the economy is doing. What about wage growth? It's pretty flat and barely keeping up with inflation. The economy will be a sorta nice thing he can talk about, but it's not a 1 shot world beater he would hope it would be.

The famous tax cut.

I think he will go totally silent on this one. Everybody knows it was for the Millionaire & Billionaires and Corporations. If anything it may hurt him pretty badly with the working and middle class. I just read an article that said, tax refunds are down 8.25% from this time last year! That's even before the true middle class starts filing! (remember the middle class tax cut sunsets in 8 years) So he's not going to run on that!

What's left be those tried and true social issues. Immigration, Gun control and Abortion!

I think Gun control or the lack of it won't be played this time. It works better for an Republican to claim a Democratic President in his 2nd term will go after your guns. So that's probably out. But the next 2 issues look prime!

The wall and the womb will be perfect for this President to rally his base behind!

Build the wall! Build the wall! Build the wall! Will be a perfect rallying cry for his base!

Abortion also looks prime! Did you see how much Trump talked about it in his State of the Union address? (no President ever did that before!)

They already put 2 Catholics on the Bench under Trump. Trump is right about you put enough Conservatives on the bench and legalized Abortion is history! Judge Roberts is holding the fort for now on keeping Roe vs Wade the law of the land! But Ginsburg is the key! She will be lucky to last 2 more years. Give Trump 4 more years and he will replace her for sure and there goes the neighborhood on legalized Abortion! I think that has the possibility of being the single most important issue in the next Presidential election followed by the wall! The Democrats changeling for the Presidency better get a strategy working on Abortion or their going to get caught flat footed!

Let's see if I'm right!

Natural Lefty
02-10-2019, 10:53 PM
Do you mean what will his "platform" be?

Probably his soapbox in the federal penitentiary. LOL

02-11-2019, 03:03 PM
He'll be running in orange jump suits, along with "the best" he hired that got indicted and tossed in prison.


But in reality, he'll be running on "the economy," and how well his tax cuts helped the middle class.

Oh, and his "wall."

02-12-2019, 08:53 PM
The 2 most obvious are the economy and the famous tax cuts. Let's take a look at these individually so we can analyze them more closely.

The Economy.

There is no doubt the economy is going very strong. But it is going just slightly better then it was in the last 2 years of the Obama administration. So you would have thought Hillary could have rode that into the White House herself. (it didn't work out that way did it?) Trump could say look at the stock market since I've been President! It has gone up quite a bit, but since 50% of the population doesn't own any stocks that doesn't help them at all. The big in your face the Dems can throw at Trump when he shouts at the top of his lungs about how great the economy is doing. What about wage growth? It's pretty flat and barely keeping up with inflation. The economy will be a sorta nice thing he can talk about, but it's not a 1 shot world beater he would hope it would be.

The famous tax cut.

I think he will go totally silent on this one. Everybody knows it was for the Millionaire & Billionaires and Corporations. If anything it may hurt him pretty badly with the working and middle class. I just read an article that said, tax refunds are down 8.25% from this time last year! That's even before the true middle class starts filing! (remember the middle class tax cut sunsets in 8 years) So he's not going to run on that!

What's left be those tried and true social issues. Immigration, Gun control and Abortion!

I think Gun control or the lack of it won't be played this time. It works better for an Republican to claim a Democratic President in his 2nd term will go after your guns. So that's probably out. But the next 2 issues look prime!

The wall and the womb will be perfect for this President to rally his base behind!

Build the wall! Build the wall! Build the wall! Will be a perfect rallying cry for his base!

Abortion also looks prime! Did you see how much Trump talked about it in his State of the Union address? (no President ever did that before!)

They already put 2 Catholics on the Bench under Trump. Trump is right about you put enough Conservatives on the bench and legalized Abortion is history! Judge Roberts is holding the fort for now on keeping Roe vs Wade the law of the land! But Ginsburg is the key! She will be lucky to last 2 more years. Give Trump 4 more years and he will replace her for sure and there goes the neighborhood on legalized Abortion! I think that has the possibility of being the single most important issue in the next Presidential election followed by the wall! The Democrats changeling for the Presidency better get a strategy working on Abortion or their going to get caught flat footed!

Let's see if I'm right!

Bingo! But..the dems have no strategy. So far it looks like their strategy is open Borders and killing baby’s. Not looking good for you or them. Oh! And the green dream deal? That’s not gonna work

02-13-2019, 11:29 AM
...and killing baby’s.

Killing baby's what?

Natural Lefty
02-13-2019, 11:54 AM
Chucky, you won't learn what the Democratic Party's platform is by watching Fox Noise.

02-15-2019, 08:37 PM
Chucky, you won't learn what the Democratic Party's platform is by watching Fox Noise.

Seriously. What is the Democratic Party running on for 2020?

Natural Lefty
02-15-2019, 09:23 PM
Chucky, we won't know exactly until the nominee has been selected. It's always that way. But one thing I know is that it will be far saner than what the Republicans are running on.

You can look at the proposals of the declared Democratic candidates in order to get an idea of what they want to run on. Popular themes include medicare for all, raising the minimum wage, taxing the rich more, and the green new deal.

02-15-2019, 09:38 PM
Chucky, we won't know exactly until the nominee has been selected. It's always that way. But one thing I know is that it will be far saner than what the Republicans are running on.

You can look at the proposals of the declared Democratic candidates in order to get an idea of what they want to run on. Popular themes include medicare for all, raising the minimum wage, taxing the rich more, and the green new deal.

That’s a tuff sell bro and I’m not buying

Natural Lefty
02-15-2019, 10:36 PM
Tough sell huh? http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/10/poll-a-majority-of-republicans-support-medicare-for-all.html




02-15-2019, 10:49 PM
Tough sell huh? http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/10/poll-a-majority-of-republicans-support-medicare-for-all.html



So you are showing me polls? We all know how the polls worked in 2016. The government has no business in healthcare. Free open market is the best way and the way it was before Obamacare ruined it.

02-16-2019, 09:04 AM
So you are showing me polls? We all know how the polls worked in 2016. The government has no business in healthcare. Free open market is the best way and the way it was before Obamacare ruined it.

A couple of quick fact checks!

The polls in 2016 for President were accurate! They were all within the margin of error and Hillary did win the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. Also how can you have predicted what Comey did? He opened an investigation on Hillary 12 days before the election and then say's the day before he "found nothing new!" (people already did early voting) Trump won the election by 70,000 votes in 3 key states. You don't think the Russian's could have influenced 70,000 people in their Social Media campaigns. (or the Comey factor?) It's kind of hard to factor all those wild cards things into the equation, that's why they have a margin of error of a few points in each of their polls. I hope I made that a little clearer for you CHUCKY! I know Fox News will never tell you that!

The Government and Health Care.

Let me give you both facts and the common sense test.

If a 100 people say the sky is blue and 1 person say's it isn't. Who is going to be right more of the time? Answer: The 100 of course! Every single advanced Nation on the face of the Earth but 1 has Universal Health Care. Can you guess what country doesn't have Universal Health Care. Answer" The United States of America!

The United States has wonderful Health Care except for 1 factor. Can you guess CHUCKY what that 1 factor is? Answer: The price! Because of the price it excludes 10 of millions of thy fellow Americans. The way to get the price down for everyone and give access to everyone is take out the profit in Health Care.

Insurance company's that deal in Health Care are some of the Richest company's in the country. Here in the United States as compared to the rest of the world, we pay twice as much for Health Care as everyone else. Why???? Answer: Because of the profits generated by Health Care Insurance company's. I know you know this CHUCKY! How do you reduce the price of any product? Answer: Take out the middle man!

That's how CHUCKY, a working single payer plan should function! Unfortunately because it's just in the idea faze, I haven't seen any working models that I would support yet. So in the mean time, let's work on improving Obama Care because it is a good stop gap measure, till they work out the bugs on a good single payer plan!

Natural Lefty
02-16-2019, 12:53 PM
And I bet you thought that Republicans would maintain their majority in the House of Representatives last year, Chucky, despite polls suggesting the contrary.

02-16-2019, 07:56 PM
A couple of quick fact checks!

The polls in 2016 for President were accurate! They were all within the margin of error and Hillary did win the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. Also how can you have predicted what Comey did? He opened an investigation on Hillary 12 days before the election and then say's the day before he "found nothing new!" (people already did early voting) Trump won the election by 70,000 votes in 3 key states. You don't think the Russian's could have influenced 70,000 people in their Social Media campaigns. (or the Comey factor?) It's kind of hard to factor all those wild cards things into the equation, that's why they have a margin of error of a few points in each of their polls. I hope I made that a little clearer for you CHUCKY! I know Fox News will never tell you that!

The Government and Health Care.

Let me give you both facts and the common sense test.

If a 100 people say the sky is blue and 1 person say's it isn't. Who is going to be right more of the time? Answer: The 100 of course! Every single advanced Nation on the face of the Earth but 1 has Universal Health Care. Can you guess what country doesn't have Universal Health Care. Answer" The United States of America!

The United States has wonderful Health Care except for 1 factor. Can you guess CHUCKY what that 1 factor is? Answer: The price! Because of the price it excludes 10 of millions of thy fellow Americans. The way to get the price down for everyone and give access to everyone is take out the profit in Health Care.

Insurance company's that deal in Health Care are some of the Richest company's in the country. Here in the United States as compared to the rest of the world, we pay twice as much for Health Care as everyone else. Why???? Answer: Because of the profits generated by Health Care Insurance company's. I know you know this CHUCKY! How do you reduce the price of any product? Answer: Take out the middle man!

That's how CHUCKY, a working single payer plan should function! Unfortunately because it's just in the idea faze, I haven't seen any working models that I would support yet. So in the mean time, let's work on improving Obama Care because it is a good stop gap measure, till they work out the bugs on a good single payer plan!
You would make a great snake oil salesman. But I’m not buying.

02-17-2019, 05:24 AM
You would make a great snake oil salesman. But I’m not buying.

That's funny because you don't believe me! What incentive do I have to lie to you? My Silver plan through Kaiser Permanete doubled in my out of pocket expenses after Trump became President. (yes I use Covered California) I'm so afraid this year when I do my tax's, my refund will be considerably less because of Trump's Tax cut for the Rich. CHUCKY, I have no incentive to lie to you but other people do!

In the Bible as the story goes, Judeas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Sean Hannity of Fox News get's paid $30 million dollars a year. The guy never even graduated from college! I watch his show all the time, he's part used car salesman and sleazy Lawyer! He lies continuously or ignores the truth on every single program he does. He even to protect himself say's, "I'm just an opinion person" not a journalist! He say's, if there was a big fire or an Hurricane we report that as News but other then that, I'm just giving my opinion's! (what a cheap cover for lying) What do they say about opinion's, there like you know what and everybody has one? Ted Koppel a real Newsman (no you can't call him part of the Fake News hate Trump group) Do you know why CHUCKY you can't call Ted Koppel Fake News? Because he was around probably before you were born. I remember him in 1979 doing the Night Line news program at 11:30 pm at night. The first story that got me to remember him was the Iranian Hostage crisis. He said he was going to give them coverage everyday till they were released. (it lasted 400 and some odd day's) Fox News didn't even come into existence till 1996, so you can't call him part of the Hate Trump News.

Well I wanted to give you some background on the guy before I go into my punch line. Last year a pretty old Ted Koppel did a "News story" on Sean Hannity. He asked him some pretty tough questions about his show. He got Sean so befuddled that he incriminated himself right on the air! There was so many good lines that came out of that interview but my favorite one was this, what are you saying Ted, "I'm bad for America?" (that's Sean hanging himself right there!) Yea I do!!!

After the show aired and Sean saw himself look so stupid! The only defense this Snake oil salesman (Sean Hannity) could come up with was, it was a 2 hour interview and they only showed a few minutes of it on Ted's program. Where did all those other minutes go when I said Bla Bla Bla? He (Sean) spent many day's on his show trying to walk back all the things Ted caught Sean doing!

Now in closing, you accuse me of being the Snake Oil salesman who has nothing to gain but everything to loose. While Fox News who has hundreds of Millions of Dollars to gain every year by telling people what they want to hear. Are they not the real Snake Oil salesman among us? If you don't believe that, (Fox News is the one telling the truth) that once again Flunks the common sense test!

Do you ever wonder CHUCKY, why Myself and Natural Lefty are sometimes in a race to write the same response, to a question poised in a thread? Because there is no denying the truth!

02-17-2019, 06:35 AM
You would make a great snake oil salesman. But I’m not buying.

I do sell Real Estate does that count? lol lol lol

02-17-2019, 02:40 PM
That's funny because you don't believe me! What incentive do I have to lie to you? My Silver plan through Kaiser Permanete doubled in my out of pocket expenses after Trump became President. (yes I use Covered California) I'm so afraid this year when I do my tax's, my refund will be considerably less because of Trump's Tax cut for the Rich. CHUCKY, I have no incentive to lie to you but other people do!

In the Bible as the story goes, Judeas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Sean Hannity of Fox News get's paid $30 million dollars a year. The guy never even graduated from college! I watch his show all the time, he's part used car salesman and sleazy Lawyer! He lies continuously or ignores the truth on every single program he does. He even to protect himself say's, "I'm just an opinion person" not a journalist! He say's, if there was a big fire or an Hurricane we report that as News but other then that, I'm just giving my opinion's! (what a cheap cover for lying) What do they say about opinion's, there like you know what and everybody has one? Ted Koppel a real Newsman (no you can't call him part of the Fake News hate Trump group) Do you know why CHUCKY you can't call Ted Koppel Fake News? Because he was around probably before you were born. I remember him in 1979 doing the Night Line news program at 11:30 pm at night. The first story that got me to remember him was the Iranian Hostage crisis. He said he was going to give them coverage everyday till they were released. (it lasted 400 and some odd day's) Fox News didn't even come into existence till 1996, so you can't call him part of the Hate Trump News.

Well I wanted to give you some background on the guy before I go into my punch line. Last year a pretty old Ted Koppel did a "News story" on Sean Hannity. He asked him some pretty tough questions about his show. He got Sean so befuddled that he incriminated himself right on the air! There was so many good lines that came out of that interview but my favorite one was this, what are you saying Ted, "I'm bad for America?" (that's Sean hanging himself right there!) Yea I do!!!

After the show aired and Sean saw himself look so stupid! The only defense this Snake oil salesman (Sean Hannity) could come up with was, it was a 2 hour interview and they only showed a few minutes of it on Ted's program. Where did all those other minutes go when I said Bla Bla Bla? He (Sean) spent many day's on his show trying to walk back all the things Ted caught Sean doing!

Now in closing, you accuse me of being the Snake Oil salesman who has nothing to gain but everything to loose. While Fox News who has hundreds of Millions of Dollars to gain every year by telling people what they want to hear. Are they not the real Snake Oil salesman among us? If you don't believe that, (Fox News is the one telling the truth) that once again Flunks the common sense test!

Do you ever wonder CHUCKY, why Myself and Natural Lefty are sometimes in a race to write the same response, to a question poised in a thread? Because there is no denying the truth!
You just made my point. Do you know why you are paying more? Because you are paying for everyone else that can’t afford it. Now you are seeing you’re socialist ways. People that can pay will pay more so the people Thant can’t pay get everything for free. Get it now?

Natural Lefty
02-17-2019, 02:41 PM
It is "funny" how we sometimes are saying the same things at the same time as we write replies, Eric (only in our own styles). LOL

You must be brave to listen to Sean Hannity. He is the hardest to listen to of all the pundits out there, for me personally. I have listened to him before, but the 5 minute rule applies to him. I can only stand listening to his nonsense for about 5 minutes at a time. People like him are the real snake oil salesmen.

Natural Lefty
02-17-2019, 02:45 PM
You have that backwards, Chucky. Eric is paying more for his personal health insurance and expenses, not more in taxes. That money is only going to insurance companies and medical personnel, not to pay for other peoples' healthcare. And so what if he was paying for other peoples' healthcare? Isn't that what a good citizen should do if he or she can afford to?

02-17-2019, 05:06 PM
You have that backwards, Chucky. Eric is paying more for his personal health insurance and expenses, not more in taxes. That money is only going to insurance companies and medical personnel, not to pay for other peoples' healthcare. And so what if he was paying for other peoples' healthcare? Isn't that what a good citizen should do if he or she can afford to?

Yes it is. Do some research. Say I am working for a company with a group health plan. If say 1 or2 people get really sick or have some serious problems within the health plan the rates will go up for EVERYONE in the group plan. So why should I have to pay more for that then? Before Obamacare or ACA you could shop around and find some really great policies till the government stuck their nose in it. Healthcare should be like car insurance. No accidents= low rate. If your a dummy= high rates and good luck.

02-17-2019, 06:44 PM
Yes it is. Do some research. Say I am working for a company with a group health plan. If say 1 or2 people get really sick or have some serious problems within the health plan the rates will go up for EVERYONE in the group plan. So why should I have to pay more for that then? Before Obamacare or ACA you could shop around and find some really great policies till the government stuck their nose in it. Healthcare should be like car insurance. No accidents= low rate. If your a dummy= high rates and good luck.

CHUCKY CHUCKY CHUCKY, I can't ever get really mad at you or Steelhead because you give us the flip side of an argument. (then we can take it apart and show others the correct answer) lol Let me start by sharing my own personal experience. I had excellent Health all my life till I was about 55 years old. I owned my own business, so I didn't have an company Health Plan. I carried only catastrophic insurance on myself. (asset protection) Then along comes Obama Care and to follow the law, I bought Health Insurance I could actually use. Then it was 1 dumb Health thing after another. Instead of not seeing a doctor for 30 years, I was seeing one 4 or 5 times a year now. Guess why CHUCKY? Because that's when the body starts to break down! (that's very typical for most people around 55 years old)

The idea behind Obama Care is, the younger more healthier people pay into insurance to help pay for the older sicker ones. Here's the rub where most people miss it and you proved it perfectly! Everyone eventually "GET"S OLD" and needs Health insurance to cover their ailing bodies. What are you saying CHUCKY, you never plan to get old and have a failing body like everyone else!

Oh please CHUCKY, give the world your formula that makes you young and healthy all your life!

I'm being sarcastic because their is no such formula! This is how Health Insurance works, everybody young, middle age and old all pool their money together. The younger ones who are healthier help subside the old that are not so healthy. But here's that big point again! YOU CHUCKY, "WILL ONE DAY GET OLD TOO!!!" Then the younger healthier people will help pay for your failing Health!

Your comparison of driving insurance and Health insurance is like comparing apples to oranges! A bad driving record for most part is because of bad driving habits. You speed and take risky maneuvers on the Freeway's! (you see that kind of driving every day on the Freeway's) But a body that is failing for the most part, just happens! (no one chooses to have bad health, it just happens to people with no fault of their own)

I hope this is a little clearer to everyone! I can tell by the way you talk CHUCKY, you are probably under 40 and in good health. But CHUCKY that's not going to last forever!

02-17-2019, 08:58 PM
CHUCKY CHUCKY CHUCKY, I can't ever get really mad at you or Steelhead because you give us the flip side of an argument. (then we can take it apart and show others the correct answer) lol Let me start by sharing my own personal experience. I had excellent Health all my life till I was about 55 years old. I owned my own business, so I didn't have an company Health Plan. I carried only catastrophic insurance on myself. (asset protection) Then along comes Obama Care and to follow the law, I bought Health Insurance I could actually use. Then it was 1 dumb Health thing after another. Instead of not seeing a doctor for 30 years, I was seeing one 4 or 5 times a year now. Guess why CHUCKY? Because that's when the body starts to break down! (that's very typical for most people around 55 years old)

The idea behind Obama Care is, the younger more healthier people pay into insurance to help pay for the older sicker ones. Here's the rub where most people miss it and you proved it perfectly! Everyone eventually "GET"S OLD" and needs Health insurance to cover their ailing bodies. What are you saying CHUCKY, you never plan to get old and have a failing body like everyone else!

Oh please CHUCKY, give the world your formula that makes you young and healthy all your life!

I'm being sarcastic because their is no such formula! This is how Health Insurance works, everybody young, middle age and old all pool their money together. The younger ones who are healthier help subside the old that are not so healthy. But here's that big point again! YOU CHUCKY, "WILL ONE DAY GET OLD TOO!!!" Then the younger healthier people will help pay for your failing Health!

Your comparison of driving insurance and Health insurance is like comparing apples to oranges! A bad driving record for most part is because of bad driving habits. You speed and take risky maneuvers on the Freeway's! (you see that kind of driving every day on the Freeway's) But a body that is failing for the most part, just happens! (no one chooses to have bad health, it just happens to people with no fault of their own)

I hope this is a little clearer to everyone! I can tell by the way you talk CHUCKY, you are probably under 40 and in good health. But CHUCKY that's not going to last forever!

Duh! The problem with you’re Obamacare is it includes people that can’t pay or won’t pay or are to lazy to pay. That’s why your rates are so high now. So everybody has to suffer that takes care of themselves and WORKS ? To provide for everyone else? Sounds socialist to me.

02-17-2019, 09:03 PM
Chucky, you won't learn what the Democratic Party's platform is by watching Fox Noise.

Can you do push-ups ? Seriously Can you or dark shadow and tucker combined do 10 of them

02-17-2019, 09:35 PM
Duh! The problem with you’re Obamacare is it includes people that can’t pay or won’t pay or are to lazy to pay. That’s why your rates are so high now. So everybody has to suffer that takes care of themselves and WORKS ? To provide for everyone else? Sounds socialist to me.

I think we beat the Health Care thing to death, so let's table that for now!

Let's now talk about this socialist stuff a little bit. You are a total victim of Fox News half truths! When they use the term Socialism they make you think it's all bad bad bad!!!

In reality the United States already has a combination of Capitalism and Socialism working together! (I'll bet you Fox News didn't tell you that!) I'll name several very popular Socialist programs the good ole USA is already doing.

1. Social Security

2. Medicare

3. The public school system

4. The police force

5. The Fire department

When ever you retire CHUCKY, are you going to refuse to accept your Social Security check?

Now CHUCKY, when you turn 65 and your employer kicks you off their Health Insurance program are you going to turn down Medicare?

I'm sure you have children CHUCKY, do you have them in private school or did you send them to public school?

If you're a victim of a crime do you call the police or try to solve the crime yourself?

How about if your house catches on fire, are you going to call the Fire department or fight the fire yourself? In some Conservative states they the home owner has an option to join in the local fire community and they put it on your property tax as an additional fee. If you don't join, they charge you less. Some cheap Ideological Fox News viewers don't join because it's a socialist program. Do you know what happens if your house catches on fire and you didn't join the local fire community. The fire department comes out and watches your house burn to the ground. They are only there to save lives and make sure your house fire, doesn't catch someone else's house on fire who joined the local fire community. Talk about tough love!

Now CHUCKY, am I right and you didn't know you already are participating in Socialist programs? (I only named a few, but there is many more)

This is what you get when you only watch Fox News! You can thank me later for telling you the truth! lol

02-17-2019, 11:39 PM
So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
Since according to you we all benefit from these benefits how about everyone pays an equal percentage of their income to these programs? I don't think your liberal brain trust would like that very much. Medicare for aka single payer would also drastically change our entire country, how many tens of millions of people tied to the healthcare industry would be impacted? Now how about personal accountability as an individual? You guys love to cite statistics, trends and research (i.e. climate change) but with national health care every one is on a level playing field. Do you miss out on your liver transplant because the guy that drinks 7 days a week was a week in front of you? Why does he get it when he didn't live a healthy life or how about the guy that ate cheeseburgers 7 days a week and weighs 600 lbs, does he get a first crack at surgery? Not too different from someone making $15/hr wanting higher income earners to pay a higher tax bracket so that everyone can be on the same level playing field and be able to afford the same thing right? You're conflating public service with personal paid for service. People should get what they pay for. Should we nationalize car insurance too?? After all I'm getting s@#$# coverage but you're getting way better protection but hey maybe you paid more than me. How about private schools, if someone pays $10K a year for their child and they're getting better instructions than public should we make that available to everyone? How would you go about doing that?

I think we beat the Health Care thing to death, so let's table that for now!

Let's now talk about this socialist stuff a little bit. You are a total victim of Fox News half truths! When they use the term Socialism they make you think it's all bad bad bad!!!

In reality the United States already has a combination of Capitalism and Socialism working together! (I'll bet you Fox News didn't tell you that!) I'll name several very popular Socialist programs the good ole USA is already doing.

1. Social Security

2. Medicare

3. The public school system

4. The police force

5. The Fire department

When ever you retire CHUCKY, are you going to refuse to accept your Social Security check?

Now CHUCKY, when you turn 65 and your employer kicks you off their Health Insurance program are you going to turn down Medicare?

I'm sure you have children CHUCKY, do you have them in private school or did you send them to public school?

If you're a victim of a crime do you call the police or try to solve the crime yourself?

How about if your house catches on fire, are you going to call the Fire department or fight the fire yourself? In some Conservative states they the home owner has an option to join in the local fire community and they put it on your property tax as an additional fee. If you don't join, they charge you less. Some cheap Ideological Fox News viewers don't join because it's a socialist program. Do you know what happens if your house catches on fire and you didn't join the local fire community. The fire department comes out and watches your house burn to the ground. They are only there to save lives and make sure your house fire, doesn't catch someone else's house on fire who joined the local fire community. Talk about tough love!

Now CHUCKY, am I right and you didn't know you already are participating in Socialist programs? (I only named a few, but there is many more)

This is what you get when you only watch Fox News! You can thank me later for telling you the truth! lol

02-18-2019, 05:24 AM
So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
Since according to you we all benefit from these benefits how about everyone pays an equal percentage of their income to these programs? I don't think your liberal brain trust would like that very much. Medicare for aka single payer would also drastically change our entire country, how many tens of millions of people tied to the healthcare industry would be impacted? Now how about personal accountability as an individual? You guys love to cite statistics, trends and research (i.e. climate change) but with national health care every one is on a level playing field. Do you miss out on your liver transplant because the guy that drinks 7 days a week was a week in front of you? Why does he get it when he didn't live a healthy life or how about the guy that ate cheeseburgers 7 days a week and weighs 600 lbs, does he get a first crack at surgery? Not too different from someone making $15/hr wanting higher income earners to pay a higher tax bracket so that everyone can be on the same level playing field and be able to afford the same thing right? You're conflating public service with personal paid for service. People should get what they pay for. Should we nationalize car insurance too?? After all I'm getting s@#$# coverage but you're getting way better protection but hey maybe you paid more than me. How about private schools, if someone pays $10K a year for their child and they're getting better instructions than public should we make that available to everyone? How would you go about doing that?

You know Steelhead you gave me 3 or 4 points to make the counterpoints in your last response. (But I'm only going to take them 1 at a time)

Let's start with your first line.

You said to lean more toward Capitalism. Let's stop right there!

Why does it have to be Capitalism only? Did God come down from heaven and hand Adam Smith (founder of Capitalism) in front of thousands of witnesses, a system of economic values? No he didn't! So why be stuck on Capitalism only? (unless your an ideologue)

I'm a pragmatist, I believe in doing what works Best!!!

I believe the economy works best in combination of Capitalism, Socialism and in some degree Mercantilism! (The President is using Mercantilism in his tariffs)

So you or CHUCKY tell me in your own words, why Capitalism only? CHUCKY is going, did I miss that part on Fox News? lol

02-18-2019, 05:58 AM
So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
Since according to you we all benefit from these benefits how about everyone pays an equal percentage of their income to these programs? I don't think your liberal brain trust would like that very much. Medicare for aka single payer would also drastically change our entire country, how many tens of millions of people tied to the healthcare industry would be impacted? Now how about personal accountability as an individual? You guys love to cite statistics, trends and research (i.e. climate change) but with national health care every one is on a level playing field. Do you miss out on your liver transplant because the guy that drinks 7 days a week was a week in front of you? Why does he get it when he didn't live a healthy life or how about the guy that ate cheeseburgers 7 days a week and weighs 600 lbs, does he get a first crack at surgery? Not too different from someone making $15/hr wanting higher income earners to pay a higher tax bracket so that everyone can be on the same level playing field and be able to afford the same thing right? You're conflating public service with personal paid for service. People should get what they pay for. Should we nationalize car insurance too?? After all I'm getting s@#$# coverage but you're getting way better protection but hey maybe you paid more than me. How about private schools, if someone pays $10K a year for their child and they're getting better instructions than public should we make that available to everyone? How would you go about doing that?

Next point!

You said, how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income? (once again you sound like an ideologue)

02-18-2019, 05:59 AM
So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
Since according to you we all benefit from these benefits how about everyone pays an equal percentage of their income to these programs? I don't think your liberal brain trust would like that very much. Medicare for aka single payer would also drastically change our entire country, how many tens of millions of people tied to the healthcare industry would be impacted? Now how about personal accountability as an individual? You guys love to cite statistics, trends and research (i.e. climate change) but with national health care every one is on a level playing field. Do you miss out on your liver transplant because the guy that drinks 7 days a week was a week in front of you? Why does he get it when he didn't live a healthy life or how about the guy that ate cheeseburgers 7 days a week and weighs 600 lbs, does he get a first crack at surgery? Not too different from someone making $15/hr wanting higher income earners to pay a higher tax bracket so that everyone can be on the same level playing field and be able to afford the same thing right? You're conflating public service with personal paid for service. People should get what they pay for. Should we nationalize car insurance too?? After all I'm getting s@#$# coverage but you're getting way better protection but hey maybe you paid more than me. How about private schools, if someone pays $10K a year for their child and they're getting better instructions than public should we make that available to everyone? How would you go about doing that?

Next point!

You said, how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income? (once again you sound like an ideologue)

Let's go back to the beginning of mankind when they first started to form groups. (hunter gathers) They all worked together and shared equally to help each other survive. In one of my favorite movies Dance with Wolves, the Indian tribe who the hero befriended was about to be attacked by another tribe. Not for ideology reasons but because the resources weren't big enough for both tribes to survive. That's kinda the same thing we face today in our country. We have plenty of resources but more and more of it is going to 1% of the population.

Instead of doing something radical like turning to Communism, they came up with a great equalizer in taxation. The graduated Income Tax based on the ability to pay! (it's totally practical if you think about it) The people at the bottom of the income scale pay very little in tax's. Why do they get away with that? Because they are barely surviving and it would be mean and heartless, to take the little bit of money they have, only because you think that's fair!

On the other hand those rich dudes who have more money then they know what to do with, get taxed hard! Seems fair to me!!!

Those 1% dudes that have all the money can't hire a private army to protect their cash! (they are only 1% of the population and we can rough them up any time we want) But they do spend their money on buying politicians, and funding Fox News to confuse you the average Joe, so they can keep more of their cash with dumb ideas. (like a Flat tax that everyone pay's equally, regardless of how much money you make)

02-18-2019, 07:51 AM
So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
Since according to you we all benefit from these benefits how about everyone pays an equal percentage of their income to these programs? I don't think your liberal brain trust would like that very much. Medicare for aka single payer would also drastically change our entire country, how many tens of millions of people tied to the healthcare industry would be impacted? Now how about personal accountability as an individual? You guys love to cite statistics, trends and research (i.e. climate change) but with national health care every one is on a level playing field. Do you miss out on your liver transplant because the guy that drinks 7 days a week was a week in front of you? Why does he get it when he didn't live a healthy life or how about the guy that ate cheeseburgers 7 days a week and weighs 600 lbs, does he get a first crack at surgery? Not too different from someone making $15/hr wanting higher income earners to pay a higher tax bracket so that everyone can be on the same level playing field and be able to afford the same thing right? You're conflating public service with personal paid for service. People should get what they pay for. Should we nationalize car insurance too?? After all I'm getting s@#$# coverage but you're getting way better protection but hey maybe you paid more than me. How about private schools, if someone pays $10K a year for their child and they're getting better instructions than public should we make that available to everyone? How would you go about doing that?

Just for information sake and not trying to get a heated debate on these topics. (but let's kick them around anyway)

Car insurance.

There isn't that much of a difference going around. Either you just have PLP or Full coverage. (not much middle ground there) If you have a good driving record, there is not that much of a difference!

Private Schools.

There is a few elite schools like where Schlitz Kavanaugh went! (but that's the exception in the private school arena)

Most of the time it's private Christian schools that people send their kids too. Here's the catch that most parents don't realize when they send their kids there. Yes they get to hear about Jesus everyday, but their education isn't any better then what the other children receive in the public school system. Hear is the big rub they will never tell them about private school teachers. In the private schools the teachers are less educated and qualified and way under paid as compared to the Public schools. So unless their an ideologue for private schools, the best teacher's always choose to work in the public schools system. (for no other reason then better pay)

02-18-2019, 08:53 AM
So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
Since according to you we all benefit from these benefits how about everyone pays an equal percentage of their income to these programs? I don't think your liberal brain trust would like that very much. Medicare for aka single payer would also drastically change our entire country, how many tens of millions of people tied to the healthcare industry would be impacted? Now how about personal accountability as an individual? You guys love to cite statistics, trends and research (i.e. climate change) but with national health care every one is on a level playing field. Do you miss out on your liver transplant because the guy that drinks 7 days a week was a week in front of you? Why does he get it when he didn't live a healthy life or how about the guy that ate cheeseburgers 7 days a week and weighs 600 lbs, does he get a first crack at surgery? Not too different from someone making $15/hr wanting higher income earners to pay a higher tax bracket so that everyone can be on the same level playing field and be able to afford the same thing right? You're conflating public service with personal paid for service. People should get what they pay for. Should we nationalize car insurance too?? After all I'm getting s@#$# coverage but you're getting way better protection but hey maybe you paid more than me. How about private schools, if someone pays $10K a year for their child and they're getting better instructions than public should we make that available to everyone? How would you go about doing that?

Let me agree with you on 1 point! You are right, a single payer system would effect hundreds of millions of people and dollars and we are not sure what kind of effect that would have on us.

02-18-2019, 09:14 AM
So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
Since according to you we all benefit from these benefits how about everyone pays an equal percentage of their income to these programs? I don't think your liberal brain trust would like that very much. Medicare for aka single payer would also drastically change our entire country, how many tens of millions of people tied to the healthcare industry would be impacted? Now how about personal accountability as an individual? You guys love to cite statistics, trends and research (i.e. climate change) but with national health care every one is on a level playing field. Do you miss out on your liver transplant because the guy that drinks 7 days a week was a week in front of you? Why does he get it when he didn't live a healthy life or how about the guy that ate cheeseburgers 7 days a week and weighs 600 lbs, does he get a first crack at surgery? Not too different from someone making $15/hr wanting higher income earners to pay a higher tax bracket so that everyone can be on the same level playing field and be able to afford the same thing right? You're conflating public service with personal paid for service. People should get what they pay for. Should we nationalize car insurance too?? After all I'm getting s@#$# coverage but you're getting way better protection but hey maybe you paid more than me. How about private schools, if someone pays $10K a year for their child and they're getting better instructions than public should we make that available to everyone? How would you go about doing that?

I don't ever want to be accused of just cherry picking other peoples question. (so I'm going to respond to your last thought) What about making people accountable for their own life choices and health needs. That's a tough question because it's a sensitive question. (I don't really have much of a response to that)

However, it was brought up one other time on this board. A long time member was moving out of state to spend his last day's in the land of cotton. (he cited Health reasons as one of his motivations to move) Your favorite nemesis the Quaga witch, brought up your points. Was your Health issues caused by poor life choices or crappy genes was the witches question! That's a little too sensitive for most people, so it will probably never factored into any health dissensions regarding who needs it the most!

Natural Lefty
02-18-2019, 12:15 PM
Here is one of my favorite takes on the socialist policies that we all benefit from:


02-18-2019, 02:08 PM
So according to the story you feel we are all beholden to the unions now I see why unions and democrats are tied at the hip in a mutually beneficial partnership. A lot of embellishment on the impacts of union there but those who have an iota of critical thinking instead won't buy it for a second. I don't believe in unions, I buy my own water, I don't have a union pension and I'm not protected by a union and can be fired due to at will employment and I guess I'm crazy for not believing your socialist propagandas but then again there's lots of people in my shoes.

Here is one of my favorite takes on the socialist policies that we all benefit from:


02-19-2019, 07:41 PM
So according to the story you feel we are all beholden to the unions now I see why unions and democrats are tied at the hip in a mutually beneficial partnership. A lot of embellishment on the impacts of union there but those who have an iota of critical thinking instead won't buy it for a second. I don't believe in unions, I buy my own water, I don't have a union pension and I'm not protected by a union and can be fired due to at will employment and I guess I'm crazy for not believing your socialist propagandas but then again there's lots of people in my shoes.

The essay was not a union diatribe -- in it's 626 words, it uses the word "union" four times, which is two times less than your 110-word rant --but it's interesting to see what triggers you.

02-19-2019, 08:01 PM
You said, how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income? (once again you sound like an ideologue)

Not to belabor the point, but the exact quote was:

So in order to lean more towards capitalism how about everyone pay an equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.

Ah yes, and largest nation in the world to use a flat tax? Mother Russia.

Welcome into the fray, Comrade Steelhead.

Natural Lefty
02-19-2019, 09:44 PM
Not only that, Panshot, but apparently, Steelhead prefers to be underpaid and subject to abuse by employers. If he didn't, he would want to join a union.

Oh, yeah, but that would impinge upon his "freedom." Yeah, right. How free can a "wage slave" be?

Natural Lefty
02-19-2019, 09:47 PM
I guess the flat tax in Russia explains the soaring wealth inequality there, and the rise of oligarchic rule in Russia, as exemplified by the Putin regime.

02-19-2019, 11:16 PM
It was a homage to all things the unions but apparently you didn't catch that and indicated it wasn't a diatribe! NO @#$# Sherlock it's not a diatribe because it's compliment to the union. Captain obvious while pointing out a technicality you missed the entire gist of the article which is that YOU, yes YOU are beholden to the union. I'm of the opinion we are NOT because there are more at will employment in this country than there are union workers. It was an opinion piece full of embellishments but I wouldn't expect you to see through it with that stellar intellect of yours. You must be triggered you because you're up to a full .....30 words now? Good going keep it up and multisyllabic too, impressive!

The essay was not a union diatribe -- in it's 626 words, it uses the word "union" four times, which is two times less than your 110-word rant --but it's interesting to see what triggers you.

02-20-2019, 07:02 AM
Well, if we're talking about 70% taxes on the uber wealthy and rainbow ponies that are powered by wind, hydrogen and solar than it's not a far fetched idea is it? Now I'm no where near wealthy but I don't think these wholesale pie in the sky concepts are going to fly. What makes you think people who are non union prefer to be underpaid and abused? You must be a part of a union. Lots of specialized fields that are NOT unionized and no complaints here.

I guess the flat tax in Russia explains the soaring wealth inequality there, and the rise of oligarchic rule in Russia, as exemplified by the Putin regime.

02-20-2019, 04:59 PM
It was a homage to all things the unions but apparently you didn't catch that and indicated it wasn't a diatribe!

Actually, what I said was that it wasn't a union diatribe, which is quite different from saying it was a diatribe against unions.

It was a homage to all things the unions but apparently you didn't catch that and indicated it wasn't a diatribe! NO @#$# Sherlock it's not a diatribe because it's compliment to the union.

Actually, it is a diatribe. Just not a union diatribe, nor a diatribe against unions.

Captain obvious while pointing out a technicality you missed the entire gist of the article which is that YOU, yes YOU are beholden to the union.

The "entire gist" you speak of is your interpretation of the essay - that it is a union diatribe, which it is not, and that you are easily triggered by references to unions, which you are.

I'm of the opinion we are NOT because there are more at will employment in this country than there are union workers.

The current percentage of unionized labor in the U.S. does not diminish it's impact, be it historical, present, or future.

It was an opinion piece full of embellishments but I wouldn't expect you to see through it with that stellar intellect of yours.

Your abysmal lack of intellect prevents you from acknowledging anything outside your own limited (and limiting) paradigm.

02-20-2019, 05:11 PM
I guess the flat tax in Russia explains the soaring wealth inequality there, and the rise of oligarchic rule in Russia, as exemplified by the Putin regime.

Got to love how Comrade Steelhead dodged your comment by referring to scenarios which do not even exist:

Well, if we're talking about 70% taxes on the uber wealthy and rainbow ponies that are powered by wind, hydrogen and solar than it's not a far fetched idea is it? Now I'm no where near wealthy but I don't think these wholesale pie in the sky concepts are going to fly.

And then tries to tack with more triggered talk of unions?

What makes you think people who are non union prefer to be underpaid and abused? You must be a part of a union. Lots of specialized fields that are NOT unionized and no complaints here.

Seems you put the zap on the critical-thinking areas of what passes for his brain with that essay.

Natural Lefty
02-20-2019, 09:44 PM
I feel honored to know that you are taking notes regarding my use of critical thinking, Mr. Panshot.

02-21-2019, 11:08 PM
Your democrat braintrust is pushing these policies so if anything I'm responding to the topic du jour of liberal ideologues.
Scenarios that do not exist? Yeah because a few years ago who would have thought that there would be a left wing nutjob that would propose a soda pop tax. The mere consideration of such outrageous proposals is proof that anything can happen when you have liberal nutjobs in power.

Got to love how Comrade Steelhead dodged your comment by referring to scenarios which do not even exist:

And then tries to tack with more triggered talk of unions?

Seems you put the zap on the critical-thinking areas of what passes for his brain with that essay.

02-22-2019, 05:36 AM
Your democrat braintrust is pushing these policies so if anything I'm responding to the topic du jour of liberal ideologues.
Scenarios that do not exist? Yeah because a few years ago who would have thought that there would be a left wing nutjob that would propose a soda pop tax. The mere consideration of such outrageous proposals is proof that anything can happen when you have liberal nutjobs in power.

But look what happens when you have a Republican President and a Republican Congress! Zero oversight from Congress and the worst 2 trillion dollars every spent on that famous tax cut. I just talked to my friend at work who had her tax's done. She went from a refund of $1500 in 2018 to a mesely $400 this year! Wait till that hits the Trumptards! The worst part for them is, they can't blame the Democrats or call it Fake News or lie about it! Their going to "OWN" that one!!!!!

Mitch McConell, is going to go down as the worst Senate majority leader in history! He is changing the rules or going where no man as gone before in the Senate. He really is going against the Constitution! He is so short sighted, so when the Dems get control of everything again. (they will) They can have free reign on getting their agenda passed thanks to Mitch McConell, taking down the checks and balances of the minority party that's not in power!

02-22-2019, 10:08 AM
Wait till that hits the Trumptards! The worst part for them is, they can't blame the Democrats or call it Fake News or lie about it! Their going to "OWN" that one!!!!!

Yeah, anybody else do their taxes yet?


02-22-2019, 04:59 PM
Scenarios that do not exist?

Correct, scenarios which do not exist.

Yeah because a few years ago who would have thought that there would be a left wing nutjob that would propose a soda pop tax. The mere consideration of such outrageous proposals is proof that anything can happen when you have liberal nutjobs in power.

Outraged by soda taxes, triggered by the mere mention of unions. You're the reason the adults put out the kids' table at Thanksgiving.

And no, "rainbow ponies that are powered by wind, hydrogen and solar" can't happen, I don't care how liberal you are.

02-22-2019, 06:33 PM
We interrupt this thread to bring you an important message from Stevie Wonder:


02-22-2019, 09:36 PM
So now the UNION hack gets offended because I put down his union. Wahhh!! idiots like you can't think about more than one issue at a time and do not understand complex concepts. It's so implausible that the leading cheerleaders are the ones favorite to lead the party in a presidential election.
Correct, scenarios which do not exist.

Outraged by soda taxes, triggered by the mere mention of unions. You're the reason the adults put out the kids' table at Thanksgiving.

And no, "rainbow ponies that are powered by wind, hydrogen and solar" can't happen, I don't care how liberal you are.

02-23-2019, 08:47 AM
So now the UNION hack gets offended because I put down his union. Wahhh!!

I've worked in union and non-union shops, and have experienced and appreciate the advantages and disadvantages to both.

I don't see the need unionize the entire American labor force. But I do see it's value in certain industries, and I recognize it's historical impact.

idiots like you can't think about more than one issue at a time and do not understand complex concepts. It's so implausible that the leading cheerleaders are the ones favorite to lead the party in a presidential election.

You might want to consider applying basic punctuation and vocabulary to your sentences, particularly when you're assessing the understanding of others.

02-23-2019, 08:50 AM
And now for this public service message from Marvin Gaye:


Natural Lefty
02-23-2019, 11:05 AM
Studies show that unions help all workers, even non union members, but especially union members and "people of color."


02-23-2019, 11:05 AM
What is it with you alt left cherry picking certain words and pointing out minor typographical errors but missing the point entirely??
Remember it wasn't "wiretapping' but we found out it was surveillance! Or picking one word out of a question and deflecting with "what you mean with a cloth"? This is a fishing site and you're pointing out grammatical mistakes?! GTFOH. Here's a real beauty... I wonder if this is the same Eric Tucker writing a hit piece on Trump. Probably not but who knows? Oh the desperation is strong now because the report which was thought to be bombshell might be a big turd.


I've worked in union and non-union shops, and have experienced and appreciate the advantages and disadvantages to both.

I don't see the need unionize the entire American labor force. But I do see it's value in certain industries, and I recognize it's historical impact.

You might want to consider applying basic punctuation and vocabulary to your sentences, particularly when you're assessing the understanding of others.

Natural Lefty
02-23-2019, 11:10 AM
Good article, Steelhead. I think that's the best thing you have ever posted on this site.

02-23-2019, 01:31 PM
It's not hard to draw flies to a patty in this forum and that's exactly what I just did. I've already pointed out hypocrisy of the left wing media and how you all pile on when every story isa subjective hit piece by a liberal pretending to be purveyors of truthful journalism.
Good article, Steelhead. I think that's the best thing you have ever posted on this site.

Natural Lefty
02-23-2019, 01:41 PM
Oh dear, and here I thought you had done such a good job of presenting Eric Tucker's fine article about the Mueller investigation.

02-23-2019, 03:28 PM
What is it with you alt left cherry picking certain words and pointing out minor typographical errors but missing the point entirely??


This is a fishing site and you're pointing out grammatical mistakes?!

There was no cherry-picking - your words are your words. And are as poorly thought-out as your random, triggered, narrow logic.

You maintain a selective standard for those you disagree with, whilst being dismissive when your own faulty words & logic are pointed out. Oh the irony.

It's not hard to draw flies to a patty in this forum and that's exactly what I just did. I've already pointed out hypocrisy of the left wing media and how you all pile on when every story isa subjective hit piece by a liberal pretending to be purveyors of truthful journalism.

And yet no one else here seems to have made mention of the supposed "hit piece" until you.

Which would make you the fly who brought the patty to the party.

02-24-2019, 10:33 PM
Perhaps a course in reading comprehension would do you some good, you obviously miss out on my comments about the union and got triggered and misinterpreted the whole piece by labeling it NOT a diatribe and then tell me I made some grammatical mistakes, typical liberal misses whole point and points out a missing umlaut... to score some points Ha! Every fake news story that's been posted on here by the other 3 resident liberal is a hit piece pretending to be journalism. Of course they're not going to point out their own ignorance, that's why I'm here to point it out for
you! That is the definition of piling on to a fake news story that reinforces their own bias. Man oh man are you dense. Your boy Darksh@#Doo not gonna like giving up his Tiara but you earned it!

There was no cherry-picking - your words are your words. And are as poorly thought-out as your random, triggered, narrow logic.

You maintain a selective standard for those you disagree with, whilst being dismissive when your own faulty words & logic are pointed out. Oh the irony.

And yet no one else here seems to have made mention of the supposed "hit piece" until you.

Which would make you the fly who brought the patty to the party.

02-25-2019, 06:29 AM
Perhaps a course in reading comprehension would do you some good, you obviously miss out on my comments about the union and got triggered and misinterpreted the whole piece by labeling it NOT a diatribe and then tell me I made some grammatical mistakes, typical liberal misses whole point and points out a missing umlaut... to score some points Ha! Every fake news story that's been posted on here by the other 3 resident liberal is a hit piece pretending to be journalism. Of course they're not going to point out their own ignorance, that's why I'm here to point it out for
you! That is the definition of piling on to a fake news story that reinforces their own bias. Man oh man are you dense. Your boy Darksh@#Doo not gonna like giving up his Tiara but you earned it!

As one of the resident Liberals on here, (I don't find that as an insult at all) I do want to address the Fake News claim that Republicans claim mostly done by CNN News. (some newspaper too)

Getting a story wrong is a lot different then down right lying! The President lies all the time! (6,000 times last year alone) I watch Fox News all the time and they lie their faces off all the time! There is the common sense test on why Republicans lie all the time. The Truth makes them look bad and their on the wrong side of most issues! (So they lie!)

In the 2018 Mid term elections, what was the Republican candidates biggest lie? Answer: They favored protecting pre existing conditions for people with Health Insurance. The truth was they voted to Kill Obama Care, which did protect pre existing conditions. While then offering up no new legislation of their own, to protect pre existing conditions! The Republican Governors even lied that they favored protecting pre existing conditions, when many of them signed onto that law suit to kill Obama Care!

That was just 1 issue! I could write a dissertation about Republicans lying their faces off all the time! But why is it, the Republicans are the ones accusing the Libs about Fake News???? (they are the ones who do most of the Fake News reporting!)

I'll end with a quote from the Bible. (modified a little) The Republicans see the speck in the eyes of the Democratic's but ignore the Log that is in their own eyes!

02-25-2019, 09:14 AM
Every fake news story that's been posted on here by the other 3 resident liberal is a hit piece pretending to be journalism. ...That is the definition of piling on to a fake news story that reinforces their own bias. Man oh man are you dense. Your boy Darksh@#Doo not gonna like giving up his Tiara but you earned it!

I love the 'hit piece' you're referring comes from the Associated Press.


That alone right there gives you a good indication that trying to discuss any topics with the ole Platehead will lead him to use this flow chart, that he probably has printed out.


But, for entertainment purposes, I'm going to post the "hit piece" again, and we'll ask the Headplate what facts he thinks are incorrect. (Mind you, the article's title begins with "COURT RECORDS REVEAL..." the same court records that sent his cronies to prison, I may add.)

But court records are fake news, I'm sure.


Will he be able to respond, without deflecting to Fake News, Witch Hunt, Libtards, or Hillary? Or will he be able to stick with the facts that are inculcated in court records and simply revisited in the Associated Press article.

Stay tuned....

Natural Lefty
02-25-2019, 10:57 AM
Do you want to know why conservatives hypocritically accuse liberals of lying and fake news?

1. They wish to distract other people from their own faults.

2. They wish to distract themselves from confronting their own faults and the cognitive dissonance that would entail.

Natural Lefty
02-25-2019, 10:57 AM
By the way, did something happen to Brent?

02-25-2019, 11:11 AM
Do you want to know why conservatives hypocritically accuse liberals of lying and fake news?

1. They wish to distract other people from their own faults.

2. They wish to distract themselves from confronting their own faults and the cognitive dissonance that would entail.

The Sad part is, "it works on their base!" Just look at CHUCKY, he honestly believes in the Fox News talking points! I watch Fox News, so I see where he get's his information. I do think I have a solution for that, without violating everyone's 1st amendment rights.

02-25-2019, 02:35 PM
I love the 'hit piece' you're referring comes from the Associated Press.


That alone right there gives you a good indication that trying to discuss any topics with the ole Platehead will lead him to use this flow chart, that he probably has printed out.


But, for entertainment purposes, I'm going to post the "hit piece" again, and we'll ask the Headplate what facts he thinks are incorrect. (Mind you, the article's title begins with "COURT RECORDS REVEAL..." the same court records that sent his cronies to prison, I may add.)

But court records are fake news, I'm sure.


Will he be able to respond, without deflecting to Fake News, Witch Hunt, Libtards, or Hillary? Or will he be able to stick with the facts that are inculcated in court records and simply revisited in the Associated Press article.

Stay tuned....


No cherry picking.

Answer my post.

Natural Lefty
02-25-2019, 03:07 PM
I was going to say that these people are like kids who get caught with their hands in the cookie jar and make excuses, but it's not even that.

Even when caught, they deny the reality that they face. They claim that their rival stole all the cookies and they had nothing to do with it.

Natural Lefty
02-25-2019, 03:09 PM
I sometimes listen to people like Hannity on local radio, but I have a 5 minute rule. Five minutes is about all I can stand of their nonsense, before I change the station. At least that is long enough to get a general idea of current GOP talking points.

02-25-2019, 03:45 PM
The Sad part is, "it works on their base!" Just look at CHUCKY, he honestly believes in the Fox News talking points! I watch Fox News, so I see where he get's his information. I do think I have a solution for that, without violating everyone's 1st amendment rights.

Why do you think I base all my information from Fox News? I can’t form an opinion from all news outlets? I mean you have to admit cnn is leaning left.

02-25-2019, 03:46 PM
I sometimes listen to people like Hannity on local radio, but I have a 5 minute rule. Five minutes is about all I can stand of their nonsense, before I change the station. At least that is long enough to get a general idea of current GOP talking points.
Seriously, can you do 5 push-ups.

02-25-2019, 03:51 PM
Why do you think I base all my information from Fox News? I can’t form an opinion from all news outlets? I mean you have to admit cnn is leaning left.

It would appear CNN and MSNBC and all other news outlets besides Fox News appear to be leaning left. (But that's not the case!) It's not that there leaning Left, it's because their telling the truth! The truth is the truth, except if your a Republican! Remember who said that? Trump's personal attorney!

02-25-2019, 03:57 PM
It would appear CNN and MSNBC and all other news outlets besides Fox News appear to be leaning left. (But that's not the case!) It's not that there leaning Left, it's because their telling the truth! The truth is the truth, except if your a Republican! Remember who said that? Trump's personal attorney!

I read and listen to everything. Can you do 5 push-ups ?or at least 1. Serious.

02-25-2019, 04:01 PM
I read and listen to everything. Can you do 5 push-ups ?or at least 1. Serious.

I don't know I haven't tried in years! I did 5 miles today (seriously) does that count for anything????????

02-25-2019, 04:38 PM
I don't know I haven't tried in years! I did 5 miles today (seriously) does that count for anything????????

Five miles of what? Lol. Seriously dude you seem cool. We just have different views.

02-25-2019, 04:57 PM
Perhaps a course in reading comprehension would do you some good, you obviously miss out on my comments about the union

No one missed your comments about unions. Your triggered, knee-jerk response was made plain for all.

and misinterpreted the whole piece by labeling it NOT a diatribe

It most certainly was a diatribe. Just not a) a union diatribe, nor b) a diatribe against unions. But a diatribe nonetheless.

and then tell me I made some grammatical mistakes, typical liberal misses whole point and points out a missing umlaut... to score some points

Your poor grammar and vocabulary are but a mere reflection of your lack of logic and reason, not the cause of them.

And a missing umlaut would be a spelling issue, not a grammatical one.

Every fake news story that's been posted on here by the other 3 resident liberal is a hit piece pretending to be journalism.

This is a meaningless statement, as easily dismissed as it is dismissive.

Of course they're not going to point out their own ignorance, that's why I'm here to point it out for
you! That is the definition of piling on to a fake news story that reinforces their own bias.

Once again:

It's not hard to draw flies to a patty in this forum and that's exactly what I just did. I've already pointed out hypocrisy of the left wing media and how you all pile on when every story isa subjective hit piece by a liberal pretending to be purveyors of truthful journalism.

And yet no one else here seems to have made mention of the supposed "hit piece" until you.

Which would make you the fly who brought the patty to the party.

02-25-2019, 05:12 PM
We interrupt this thread to bring you this music video commemorating the upcoming farce in Hanoi:


02-25-2019, 07:12 PM
Five miles of what? Lol. Seriously dude you seem cool. We just have different views.

I hiked to my local pond (from my house) to see if they put the catfish in they said they were going to do! Nope trout only!!! But my spidey senses think they might do it at the end of the week! (we will see) I do hike the horse trails in my area quite a bite. (for health reasons) I'm going to be 60 this October and I believe in use it or lose it! I normally do 3 miles a day, but my fishing curiosity got the best of me today! lol

p.s. I truly don't won't to be a jerk to you and Steelhead. I admire you two for sticking around when all those other people bailed when Trump got elected! It's much easier to attack those in power then it is to defend them. When Obama was President, he was fair game to criticize his actions. (which many did) But when their boy got elected and was time to defend him. Those other people jumped ship faster then I could ever have imagined. (it actually caught me by surprise!) So when Uncle Joe becomes President in 2020, (lol) it will be your guy's turn to point out all the dumb things he will do as President. (it will then be our job to defend his actions) You two will definitely earned the right to be called the leaders of the opposition party! lol

02-25-2019, 08:21 PM
I hiked to my local pond (from my house) to see if they put the catfish in they said they were going to do! Nope trout only!!! But my spidey senses think they might do it at the end of the week! (we will see) I do hike the horse trails in my area quite a bite. (for health reasons) I'm going to be 60 this October and I believe in use it or lose it! I normally do 3 miles a day, but my fishing curiosity got the best of me today! lol

p.s. I truly don't won't to be a jerk to you and Steelhead. I admire you two for sticking around when all those other people bailed when Trump got elected! It's much easier to attack those in power then it is to defend them. When Obama was President, he was fair game to criticize his actions. (which many did) But when their boy got elected and was time to defend him. Those other people jumped ship faster then I could ever have imagined. (it actually caught me by surprise!) So when Uncle Joe becomes President in 2020, (lol) it will be your guy's turn to point out all the dumb things he will do as President. (it will then be our job to defend his actions) You two will definitely earned the right to be called the leaders of the opposition party! lol

You got it man. You got to stay active and you are doing it. That’s awesome. I ride dirt bikes and when it’s warm I will mountain bike. TRUMP 2020!

02-25-2019, 10:09 PM
There she goes again, taking things literally instead of figuratively when it comes to typos and grammatical, the point is you miss out on what the meaning of a diatribe is. A diatribe is NEGATIVE in connotation, your "union members are GOD's gift" to the modern workforce piece was a compliment so of course it wasn't a diatribe and yet you claimed it wasn't... DUHH reading comprehension much?? Now a comment that is dismissed is dismissive.. LOL. Sorry but you trying to fill the void of Quaggles and trying to sound professorial is a big failure. My poor grammar is not the cause of my logic and reason? Huh?

The fact that you think that you can pick and choose which policies your left wing government will have control over your life is the JOKE. You go ahead and bend over and take it because it sounds like you're okay with it and even complicit. There's such a thing as a slippery slope and it's already taking place here in California with laws being passed without any public vote.

Let's see the mouthpiece for DEMS now is suggesting a moratorium on child birth, limiting what you can eat, and oh why stop there at what point will they draw a correlation between suggested single payer health care and individual health choices when it comes to every aspect of your life. But... you're an ostrich with your head in the sand and you think BIG government is good, typical demorat union hack. Long live the SCAB!

Let's see
No one missed your comments about unions. Your triggered, knee-jerk response was made plain for all.

It most certainly was a diatribe. Just not a) a union diatribe, nor b) a diatribe against unions. But a diatribe nonetheless.

Your poor grammar and vocabulary are but a mere reflection of your lack of logic and reason, not the cause of them.

And a missing umlaut would be a spelling issue, not a grammatical one.

This is a meaningless statement, as easily dismissed as it is dismissive.

Once again:

And yet no one else here seems to have made mention of the supposed "hit piece" until you.

Which would make you the fly who brought the patty to the party.

02-26-2019, 09:56 AM
There she goes again, taking things literally instead of figuratively when it comes to typos and grammatical, the point is you miss out on what the meaning of a diatribe is. A diatribe is NEGATIVE in connotation, your "union members are GOD's gift" to the modern workforce piece was a compliment so of course it wasn't a diatribe and yet you claimed it wasn't... DUHH reading comprehension much?? Now a comment that is dismissed is dismissive.. LOL. Sorry but you trying to fill the void of Quaggles and trying to sound professorial is a big failure. My poor grammar is not the cause of my logic and reason? Huh?

The fact that you think that you can pick and choose which policies your left wing government will have control over your life is the JOKE. You go ahead and bend over and take it because it sounds like you're okay with it and even complicit. There's such a thing as a slippery slope and it's already taking place here in California with laws being passed without any public vote.

Let's see the mouthpiece for DEMS now is suggesting a moratorium on child birth, limiting what you can eat, and oh why stop there at what point will they draw a correlation between suggested single payer health care and individual health choices when it comes to every aspect of your life. But... you're an ostrich with your head in the sand and you think BIG government is good, typical demorat union hack. Long live the SCAB!

Let's see

Oh Steelhead, you read my mind!

Instead of defending the far left idea's happening overnight, I'm thinking they must be slowly phased in or we are going to have 4 more years of Trump!

The Child birth thing is it's own animal! (they missed the target and hit the tree) If productivity and outsourcing increases at an faster pace then it is now. We really will have more people then jobs. (then what???) Let them starve? Have a bigger homeless population then we have now?

Tough choices for a really big problem!

I could do a whole tread on that one. (to be continued!)

02-26-2019, 02:31 PM
By the way, did something happen to Brent?

Hi Lefty
Still around. I just don’t feel like beating the dead horse anymore. I’d be posting fishing reports if I had time to fish

02-26-2019, 03:08 PM
I'm still waiting for the SocraPlate to let me know why he thinks the AP article i posted was a 'hit piece.'

Apparently he has other shinier items to bat at.


Need the link again, SteelBrain?

Or are you gonna conveniently ignore it, since it's a long read and there's much to not argue against?

He's probably running for cover since Cohen is slated to testify tomorrow.

But remember kids, "Fake news!"

02-26-2019, 05:28 PM
There she goes again, taking things literally instead of figuratively when it comes to typos and grammatical, the point is you miss out on what the meaning of a diatribe is. A diatribe is NEGATIVE in connotation, your "union members are GOD's gift" to the modern workforce piece was a compliment so of course it wasn't a diatribe and yet you claimed it wasn't... DUHH reading comprehension much??

As I said, your poor writing is merely a reflection of your poor logic and reasoning skills.

And once again, the essay was a diatribe. Just not a) a union diatribe, nor b) a diatribe against unions.

And nowhere does it say (or even suggest) that "union members are GOD's gift".

The fact that you think that you can pick and choose which policies your left wing government will have control over your life is the JOKE. You go ahead and bend over and take it because it sounds like you're okay with it and even complicit. There's such a thing as a slippery slope and it's already taking place here in California with laws being passed without any public vote.

And once again your poor logic shines through. I've not itemized any real or imaginary list of policies - be they left, center, or right - let alone given a line-by-line approval or disapproval of said policies (though I have no problem touching on a few below). Furthermore, your suggestion of complicity is asinine on it's face - no one here is arguing for illegal or illicit acts. Finally, there is no "slippery slope" in regards to the passage of state laws. The legislature is elected (i.e., a public vote), and is just as valid a mechanism for passing laws as the ballot initiative (which wasn't even enacted until 62 years after the creation of our Constitution). Now, if you're going to argue that the direct vote is a more preferable democratic mechanism to legislation, I'd be amused to hear such an argument.

a moratorium on child birth

I generally am opposed to laws which limit reproductive rights, with a few rare exceptions.

limiting what you can eat

I don't believe in legislating dietary habits. As far as taxing certain foods is concerned, I don't have a problem with it, especially considering the history behind our worst consumption habits as a nation.

single payer health care and individual health choices

Our healthcare system is flawed, and has been for decades. However, single-payer healthcare is a real and working concept, and one which has existed in this country for over 50 years. What's amusing is that most people truly don't understand what "single-payer" means, and there has been no shortage or politicians and pundits who have played on the ignorance of the general public in light of that. At any rate, individual heathcare choices are limited, regardless of the system you advocate, unless you are rich AND unfettered by ANY healthcare plan.

Natural Lefty
02-26-2019, 05:38 PM
Hello Brent. I am glad to hear from you. I am in a similar situation, and I just agreed to teach more classes. Oh well.

Natural Lefty
02-26-2019, 05:40 PM
Panshot, I think Steelhead is just throwing basically irrelevant talking points out there and seeing if anything sticks, but I suppose that Eric will find some way to compliment him on his efforts. LOL

And Chucky on his dirt bike riding and pushup skills.

Natural Lefty
02-26-2019, 05:51 PM
On the public vote issue, I would be fine with having a public vote on everything, though. I like the ballot initiative process. We could have regular public votes for all sorts of issues, maybe with verifiable voter IDs so that we could do that online. I have discussed this elsewhere on other forums. If Steelhead thinks that will result in promoting a conservative agenda more so than the current system, I think he will be in for a big surprise. Of course it could lead to problems if the public was no good at balancing competing interests, but at least there would be more direct accountability in government. Elected Representatives should be able accountable in theory, but that is easier said than done.

02-26-2019, 07:07 PM
Panshot, I think Steelhead is just throwing basically irrelevant talking points out there and seeing if anything sticks, but I suppose that Eric will find some way to compliment him on his efforts. LOL

And Chucky on his dirt bike riding and pushup skills.

Cool man. Thanks. Can you do a push up.

02-26-2019, 07:09 PM
On the public vote issue, I would be fine with having a public vote on everything, though. I like the ballot initiative process. We could have regular public votes for all sorts of issues, maybe with verifiable voter IDs so that we could do that online. I have discussed this elsewhere on other forums. If Steelhead thinks that will result in promoting a conservative agenda more so than the current system, I think he will be in for a big surprise. Of course it could lead to problems if the public was no good at balancing competing interests, but at least there would be more direct accountability in government. Elected Representatives should be able accountable in theory, but that is easier said than done.

Verifiable voter I.D ? Democrats would never vote for that. Lol

02-26-2019, 08:29 PM
Verifiable voter I.D ? Democrats would never vote for that. Lol

Chucks, what do you think about moving election days to the weekend?

02-26-2019, 08:41 PM
Chucks, what do you think about moving election days to the weekend?

Why would it matter? Neither my or you’re you are opinion matters anyways.

02-26-2019, 08:57 PM
Panshot, I think Steelhead is just throwing basically irrelevant talking points out there and seeing if anything sticks, but I suppose that Eric will find some way to compliment him on his efforts. LOL

And Chucky on his dirt bike riding and pushup skills.

I can't stand cowards!!! You hear that Hawgy, Deve and DockRat to name a few!!!! If I knew they would cut and run the day Trump won the election. My 5 years of defending Democratic positions would not have been very civil!!!! I would have told them they were so full of horse manure, because the moment they would get their chance to prove an Republican utopia is now upon us!!! Their lies would have be painfully obvious!!! Where is that, "I'm a Fiscal Conservative crap now!!" (they know who I'm talking about!!) You can't brag about a great economy and a tax cut and have a trillion dollar a year budget deficit and thinks that's OK!!!!

Rant over!!!!

02-26-2019, 09:25 PM
Why would it matter? Neither my or you’re you are opinion matters anyways.

CHUCKY, everyone's opinion does matter! If nothing else, someone might learn something from reading yours or mine.

02-26-2019, 09:28 PM
BWAHAHAHA, so this was the major "clap back" you had for me. Whoaa!! that is what is wrong with sheeple like you, you refer to SME's and those that are in the same bed determine how you think. This is sort of like some FBI hack taking the steele dossier doc and running it to Yahoo and then letting Yahoo run a story on it's salacious nature and then using that very same yahoo story to use as proof that there's some smoking element in applying for a FISA warrant because the press in this case fake news yahoo was running a story based on an anonymous source... This is nothing but a circle jerk yah?? NBC reports it, AP grabs it,, ABC refers to AP story and then flirts with Huffington Post and who needs a woman... You got all you need... Now for the newly indoctrinated pinhead this is figurative but please point out the typographic mistake! LOL AP is now the final arbiter on real news??? Which rock have you been under??

I love the 'hit piece' you're referring comes from the Associated Press.


That alone right there gives you a good indication that trying to discuss any topics with the ole Platehead will lead him to use this flow chart, that he probably has printed out.


But, for entertainment purposes, I'm going to post the "hit piece" again, and we'll ask the Headplate what facts he thinks are incorrect. (Mind you, the article's title begins with "COURT RECORDS REVEAL..." the same court records that sent his cronies to prison, I may add.)

But court records are fake news, I'm sure.


Will he be able to respond, without deflecting to Fake News, Witch Hunt, Libtards, or Hillary? Or will he be able to stick with the facts that are inculcated in court records and simply revisited in the Associated Press article.

Stay tuned....

02-26-2019, 09:32 PM
Please you're embarassing yourself, first it was and t hen it wasn't and then just stop. Wahhh!

The essay was not a union diatribe -- in it's 626 words, it uses the word "union" four times, which is two times less than your 110-word rant --but it's interesting to see what triggers you.

02-26-2019, 09:47 PM
Please you're embarassing yourself, first it was and t hen it wasn't and then just stop. Wahhh!

There's no embarrassment here, nor any wavering. Only amusement from your complete and utter inability to regurgitate anything other than the same tired (not to mention false) monologue that's been rattling around the cavern between your ears.

And so:

There she goes again, taking things literally instead of figuratively when it comes to typos and grammatical, the point is you miss out on what the meaning of a diatribe is. A diatribe is NEGATIVE in connotation, your "union members are GOD's gift" to the modern workforce piece was a compliment so of course it wasn't a diatribe and yet you claimed it wasn't... DUHH reading comprehension much??

As I said, your poor writing is merely a reflection of your poor logic and reasoning skills.

And once again, the essay was a diatribe. Just not a) a union diatribe, nor b) a diatribe against unions.

And nowhere does it say (or even suggest) that "union members are GOD's gift".

The fact that you think that you can pick and choose which policies your left wing government will have control over your life is the JOKE. You go ahead and bend over and take it because it sounds like you're okay with it and even complicit. There's such a thing as a slippery slope and it's already taking place here in California with laws being passed without any public vote.

And once again your poor logic shines through. I've not itemized any real or imaginary list of policies - be they left, center, or right - let alone given a line-by-line approval or disapproval of said policies (though I have no problem touching on a few below). Furthermore, your suggestion of complicity is asinine on it's face - no one here is arguing for illegal or illicit acts. Finally, there is no "slippery slope" in regards to the passage of state laws. The legislature is elected (i.e., a public vote), and is just as valid a mechanism for passing laws as the ballot initiative (which wasn't even enacted until 62 years after the creation of our Constitution). Now, if you're going to argue that the direct vote is a more preferable democratic mechanism to legislation, I'd be amused to hear such an argument.

a moratorium on child birth

I generally am opposed to laws which limit reproductive rights, with a few rare exceptions.

limiting what you can eat

I don't believe in legislating dietary habits. As far as taxing certain foods is concerned, I don't have a problem with it, especially considering the history behind our worst consumption habits as a nation.

single payer health care and individual health choices

Our healthcare system is flawed, and has been for decades. However, single-payer healthcare is a real and working concept, and one which has existed in this country for over 50 years. What's amusing is that most people truly don't understand what "single-payer" means, and there has been no shortage or politicians and pundits who have played on the ignorance of the general public in light of that. At any rate, individual heathcare choices are limited, regardless of the system you advocate, unless you are rich AND unfettered by ANY healthcare plan.

02-27-2019, 08:51 AM
BWAHAHAHA, so this was the major "clap back" you had for me. Whoaa!! that is what is wrong with sheeple like you, you refer to SME's and those that are in the same bed determine how you think. This is sort of like some FBI hack taking the steele dossier doc and running it to Yahoo and then letting Yahoo run a story on it's salacious nature and then using that very same yahoo story to use as proof that there's some smoking element in applying for a FISA warrant because the press in this case fake news yahoo was running a story based on an anonymous source... This is nothing but a circle jerk yah?? NBC reports it, AP grabs it,, ABC refers to AP story and then flirts with Huffington Post and who needs a woman... You got all you need... Now for the newly indoctrinated pinhead this is figurative but please point out the typographic mistake! LOL AP is now the final arbiter on real news??? Which rock have you been under??

So you're saying that the Associated Press is fake news, essentially? Let's add that to your growing list.

I see you followed the flowchart to the T.

Now, here's an interesting question. What do you consider legitimate news sources?

This should be good.

Natural Lefty
02-27-2019, 10:03 AM
Eric, I had run-ins with all of those now absent people over the years. In fact, the 3 that you mentioned as the same 3 who came to my mind as the worst offenders. They never were anything but insulting to me, and yes, they skedaddled when wutzizname slithered into the White House. Of course there is something good to be said for people like Steelhead and Chucky who have the courage to speak out even when they meet heavy opposition. People such as us did the same during the Obama administration. Steelhead continues to be insulting, but Chucky is not insulting, so I guess that's something.

By the way, I am about Eric's age, also go for walks, and also have not tried to do push-ups in many years. I think I could do them. I do all the heavy work that my wife needs done. LOL

I think the Cohen testimony will be very damaging. Republicans are trying to question his credibility, but what about their credibility?

02-27-2019, 12:01 PM
I think the Cohen testimony will be very damaging.



I'll save the apologists having to log in and post, "Well, he was just paying Michael Cohen for his legal services."

Watching the Repubs circle the wagons is pretty hilarious. The same people who are mad at this charade were the same ones masturbating during the Clinton impeachment hearings.

Natural Lefty
02-27-2019, 01:25 PM
I was thinking the same thing, DS. I hope Cohen has proof that this check was hush money to pay Stormy Daniels.

02-27-2019, 03:39 PM
I was thinking the same thing, DS. I hope Cohen has proof that this check was hush money to pay Stormy Daniels.

Nothing was more hilarious than Mark Meadows getting punked by Rashida Tlaib (I know somewhere Chucky is triggered), when she called him out for insisting that because Trump had hired a person of color to his staff, meant that he wasn't racist.


Wasn't Mark Meadows the same person who once told a crowd, "'We're going to send Obama home to Kenya...?"

Oh yeah, it was.

It was reminiscent of a fellow FNN member that is no longer here once saying that they didn't hate Mexicans because he loved tacos and Corona beer, yet the xenophobia was wafting through their pores.

02-27-2019, 04:23 PM
They all have have components of propaganda and bias built into the story but you're an institutionalized sheeple so you wouldn't be able to decipher it.

So you're saying that the Associated Press is fake news, essentially? Let's add that to your growing list.

I see you followed the flowchart to the T.

Now, here's an interesting question. What do you consider legitimate news sources?

This should be good.

02-27-2019, 05:17 PM


I'll save the apologists having to log in and post, "Well, he was just paying Michael Cohen for his legal services."

Watching the Repubs circle the wagons is pretty hilarious. The same people who are mad at this charade were the same ones masturbating during the Clinton impeachment hearings.

I couldn't help but notice the bank the check was drafted on.


02-28-2019, 08:52 AM
They all have have components of propaganda and bias built into the story but you're an institutionalized sheeple so you wouldn't be able to decipher it.

So, please share to us sheeple the news outlets that you utilize to inform yourself of the happenings of the country and the world, so that we may join the ranks of individuals like yourself.

You've shared what you believe to be "Fake News" outlets, now share with us the outlets that you use.

02-28-2019, 09:59 AM
There is no one go to news source. You evaluate every story and process it with an objective mind and you come to your own conclusion. Obviously you don't do that because you have a go to outlet like AP!! PFFFTTTT.. you haven't been around long enough to know that the media today is vastly different than the media landscape from 30 yrs ago or even 15 years ago. It has been a gradual process and taken this long but the bias and propaganda within the story is so blatant now and if you are going into it with a foregone conclusion already you will not see it. Next time I come across an AP story I will break it down for you and point out the bias.

So, please share to us sheeple the news outlets that you utilize to inform yourself of the happenings of the country and the world, so that we may join the ranks of individuals like yourself.

You've shared what you believe to be "Fake News" outlets, now share with us the outlets that you use.

02-28-2019, 04:32 PM
There is no one go to news source. You evaluate every story and process it with an objective mind and you come to your own conclusion.
Obviously you don't do that because you have a go to outlet like AP!! PFFFTTTT.. you haven't been around long enough to know that the media today is vastly different than the media landscape from 30 yrs ago or even 15 years ago. It has been a gradual process and taken this long but the bias and propaganda within the story is so blatant now and if you are going into it with a foregone conclusion already you will not see it.

So, still not giving us any sources where you get your news from.

The Sarah Sanders Hour and The President's Twitter Account do not count as sources, btw.

Alex Jones, maybe?


Next time I come across an AP story I will break it down for you and point out the bias.

Next time?!


I JUST gave you a story that you can break down. Here it is again, just in cased you missed it, Steelplate:


Please break down the bias for all us sheeple, unless you want to deflect, again, until you cherry pick an AP story that is more suitable to your analysis.

(But then, you'd look like a hypocrite:)

What is it with you alt left cherry picking....

Oh, and again, if you've missed it, please provide us the sources you get your news from, Platelet. We're still waiting to get elucidation so we stop following Fake News and start following the non-fake sources.

02-28-2019, 09:23 PM
You just proved my point if you're saying I'm able to cherry pick stories that show bias from AP.
If they are unbias they should always be unbias and down the middle, see that logic? So are you cherry picking now to show your point? You are a dumb sheeple and that is an insult to sheeple all over the world. One who assigns absolute truth to your media gods. Who's Alex Jones? Is that who you get your news from? Hey that's a black guy what is he doing?? You're a @#$ racist!!

So, still not giving us any sources where you get your news from.

The Sarah Sanders Hour and The President's Twitter Account do not count as sources, btw.

Alex Jones, maybe?


Next time?!


I JUST gave you a story that you can break down. Here it is again, just in cased you missed it, Steelplate:


Please break down the bias for all us sheeple, unless you want to deflect, again, until you cherry pick an AP story that is more suitable to your analysis.

(But then, you'd look like a hypocrite:)

Oh, and again, if you've missed it, please provide us the sources you get your news from, Platelet. We're still waiting to get elucidation so we stop following Fake News and start following the non-fake sources.

03-01-2019, 08:19 AM
Here ya go! Is this factual reporting or an opinion from the AP..."So who's telling the truth? In this case it seems that the north koreans are"?!! Yeah because some north korean official is 100% telling the truth?!! Pffttt is that easy to sell you a ##it sandwich and tell you it's Philippe's beef sandwich? You apparently won't be able to tell the difference.

Hmmm I love this one "According to a senior official who briefed the media on condition he not be named because he was not authorized to discuss the negotiations publicly, the North Koreans "basically asked for the lifting of all sanctions." Bwahhahahaha. Take another bite of that prime Hereford USDA choice Tulare @#$# sandwich!! Oh I mean it's Philippe's famous number one what did I say.? Sorry it's Philippe's.

Nothing more than a disparaging article to paint the president in a bad light even if it meant heaping praise on a dictator and foreign enemy. NOOO there's no media bias. How's that sandwich coming along?

Pfffttt AP?? Almost POO!


03-01-2019, 11:09 AM
Here ya go! Is this factual reporting or an opinion from the AP..."So who's telling the truth? In this case it seems that the north koreans are"?!! Yeah because some north korean official is 100% telling the truth?!! Pffttt is that easy to sell you a ##it sandwich and tell you it's Philippe's beef sandwich? You apparently won't be able to tell the difference.

Hmmm I love this one "According to a senior official who briefed the media on condition he not be named because he was not authorized to discuss the negotiations publicly, the North Koreans "basically asked for the lifting of all sanctions." Bwahhahahaha. Take another bite of that prime Hereford USDA choice Tulare @#$# sandwich!! Oh I mean it's Philippe's famous number one what did I say.? Sorry it's Philippe's.


Hey dotard, did you continue reading? LITERALLY, the next sentence after the sentence you quoted in the article is:

But he acknowledged the North's demand was only for Washington to back the lifting of United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed since March 2016 and didn't include the other resolutions going back a decade more. What Pyongyang was seeking, he said, was the lifting of sanctions that impede the civilian economy and the people's livelihood — as Ri had claimed.

Surely, you can't be THAT dumb, right? Reading comprehension isn't your forte apparently. I bet when you did your book report on Romeo and Juliet, you wrote that they lived happily ever after.

And oh, speaking of reading:

So, still not giving us any sources where you get your news from.

Has anybody noticed that The Plate has STILL not given us where he gets his news from, and his posts are off the rails now?

It's almost like he's embarrassed to list them off.

Pretty simple question, I wonder why he's spending so much time NOT answering it?


03-01-2019, 11:37 AM
How's that $hitsandwich that DS made you eat taste, Mr. Head?


03-01-2019, 04:51 PM
If it's a FAKE source then whether they corroborate with a north korean officials statement or not it's still fake, got it d$#bs#it?
It's like you saying today I 233mb#$it woke up and went to my six figure job and when I got home I had a supermodel wife waiting for me to feed me peeled grapes and then afterwards I showed her who was the man....and then I went into the toilet and took a big dump. The only truth out of that was that you took a dump...and it was an ordeal at that. . but the other stuff makes it sound good huh? too stupid to see that?? How many times do I have to tell you there's no one news outlet that has absolute truth, you gather it from different sources and you come to your own conclusions, but of course youre a sheeple and you think just because it's on AP or Roiters it's got to be fact! Pfffftt eat another bite of that Almost Poo AP @#$ sandwich!


Hey dotard, did you continue reading? LITERALLY, the next sentence after the sentence you quoted in the article is:

Surely, you can't be THAT dumb, right? Reading comprehension isn't your forte apparently. I bet when you did your book report on Romeo and Juliet, you wrote that they lived happily ever after.

And oh, speaking of reading:

Has anybody noticed that The Plate has STILL not given us where he gets his news from, and his posts are off the rails now?

It's almost like he's embarrassed to list them off.

Pretty simple question, I wonder why he's spending so much time NOT answering it?


03-01-2019, 05:04 PM
Bwahhahaha, what's it with you left nuts banding together and piling on? The only @#$ sandwich being served is the one I served him so if you can't come up with an original "clap back" get out pinhead! You don't know how the world works, you're educamated by the system but not a lick of common sense between all of you. The real world doesn't work that way now matter how you wish it to.

03-01-2019, 08:22 PM
Bwahhahaha, what's it with you left nuts banding together and piling on? The only @#$ sandwich being served is the one I served him so if you can't come up with an original "clap back" get out pinhead! You don't know how the world works, you're educamated by the system but not a lick of common sense between all of you. The real world doesn't work that way now matter how you wish it to.

There's a slight problem with your logic (or lack thereof).

With regard to the summit article: in your lambasting of the Associated Press, you establish as your baseline of veracity......wait for it folks......Donald Trump.

Yeah, right.

Someone who has repeatedly embellished or outright lied about virtually every aspect of his administration, who enabled Kim Jong-un to lie about the torture and murder of an American citizen.

But yeah, let's take his word when it comes to the truth of his Hopeless in Hanoi Tour.

03-01-2019, 08:32 PM
Like I said bias propaganda instead of reporting the news, stating opinion and saying.... we think trump lied and the north koreans were truthful is in fact propaganda opinion... capishe?? If this is an objective news source like you and your fanboy states then the they could have said... there have been different accounts coming out of the meeting.. NOT state which side they believed....Gawd you guys are dense. In this case the story established baseline veracity as a North Korean official who works for a dictator regime.. yeah they have been known to be truthful and trustworthy over the years... pffftt blown up again. LOL

There's a slight problem with your logic (or lack thereof).

With regard to the summit article: in your lambasting of the Associated Press, you establish as your baseline of veracity......wait for it folks......Donald Trump.

Yeah, right.

Someone who has repeatedly embellished or outright lied about virtually every aspect of his administration, who enabled Kim Jong-un to lie about the torture and murder of an American citizen.

But yeah, let's take his word when it comes to the truth of his Hopeless in Hanoi Tour.

03-01-2019, 09:23 PM
Like I said bias propaganda instead of reporting the news

By definition, this was not propaganda. It was, however, reporting on something newsworthy.

we think trump lied and the north koreans were truthful is in fact propaganda opinion... capishe??

Actually, this was not an editorial expressing an opinion. I defy you to find a single quote in the article, directly attributable to the author, in which he expresses his own opinion as fact. (Here's a clue - none exist.)

If this is an objective news source like you and your fanboy states then the they could have said... there have been different accounts coming out of the meeting..

Newsflash: That's exactly what he did.

NOT state which side they believed....

Newsflash: That's exactly what he didn't do.

In this case the story established baseline veracity as a North Korean official who works for a dictator regime

Actually, they did no such thing. But it's amusing you tried to incorporate the phrase I used to describe you to make your false argument.

At any rate you might want to consider picking up your night school classes again. And pick the peanuts out of your teeth while you're at it.

03-01-2019, 09:49 PM
In case you're wondering about the credibility of Eric Talmadge, the respects he commands from various news outlets (both left- and right-leaning), or the fact that he has NOT injected partisan politics into his coverage as Pyongyang bureau chief, here's his interview on......wait for it......FoxNews:


(Edit: his interview begins at the 7:00 mark.)

03-02-2019, 12:37 AM
In case you're wondering about the credibility of Eric Talmadge, the respects he commands from various news outlets (both left- and right-leaning), or the fact that he has NOT injected partisan politics into his coverage as Pyongyang bureau chief, here's his interview on......wait for it......FoxNews:


(Edit: his interview begins at the 7:00 mark.)

I've finally realized it's hard to reach someone who cant even read.

At this point, I'm treating The Plate like the fly shop dog at Fisherman's Spot.

03-02-2019, 10:36 AM
Oh here we go, by it's definition but how about achieving the same end point or results???

When this liberal writes this
"So who's telling the truth? In this case, it seems that the North Koreans are." Guess what it seems that's an opinion or is it that easy to fool you sheeple? A commie official who considers the US an enemy has no reason to misrepresent and lie at all right?? Whoa and no let's make up a fictitious source to corroborate the Commie officials remark by wrapping it up in a bowtie at the end and quoting him by showing that his last comments corroborate the commie's version of the talks so all the rest of it is true!! Pfffttt. Wow Eric Talmadge huh he can't do no wrong. I remember when Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw were good journalist too and respected the world over until they showed their yella belly and started making @#$# up and injected bias into their story at the behest of the media owners. So what if he's on Fox News, what's your point?

03-02-2019, 05:05 PM
With spring training in full swing I'm just wondering between you and pinhead who's doing the catching and who's doing the pitching?? Also is FN's own "The Natural lefty" Bobby Blueford part of the team and what position will he be playing? Tucks I see him being the manager. I think you got afree agent in John Herpes who wants to sign but for someone playing American legion ball wanting to to get up to the big leagues it might be a stretch for him...Pffftttpffrrrt...

I've finally realized it's hard to reach someone who cant even read.

At this point, I'm treating The Plate like the fly shop dog at Fisherman's Spot.

03-02-2019, 06:24 PM
On a more somber note, Steelhead do you think there was any success gained out of the 2 summits Trump had with North Korea? (I'll let you go first but my opinion might surprise you!) lol

03-03-2019, 11:31 AM
So to review,

1. Steelplate has a list of all sources that he doesn't read because they are "Fake News." But doesn't have a list of sources that he does read to get his "Real News."

2. Steelplate STILL doesn't understand that in his previous assertion in regards to the North Korea summit, he laid down the rake and stepped on it himself, simply because he didn't read the next sentence after the sentence he quoted; that, or he doesn't have a strong grasp of the English language.


3. Is now resorting to recycled 'jokes,' that are not funny whatsoever.



03-03-2019, 11:46 AM
Oh here we go, by it's definition but how about achieving the same end point or results???

When this liberal writes this
"So who's telling the truth? In this case, it seems that the North Koreans are." Guess what it seems that's an opinion or is it that easy to fool you sheeple?

I know it's hard for you to grasp the nuances of the English language, so I'm sure you missed that the statement you quoted qualifies itself - twice! -and clearly doesn't present itself as a fact in absolute terms, but an observation based on the reports and information provided. It goes on to support that statement - but AH HA! You conveniently disregard a key piece of reporting:

A commie official who considers the US an enemy has no reason to misrepresent and lie at all right?? Whoa and no let's make up a fictitious source to corroborate the Commie officials remark by wrapping it up in a bowtie at the end and quoting him by showing that his last comments corroborate the commie's version of the talks so all the rest of it is true!!

And we've come full circle. Once again, we see you using Trump as your baseline of veracity. :Rolls Eyes:

Neither Minister (there are two in question) proclaimed himself to be an enemy of the U.S. before, during, or after their press conference.

And you have no evidence to suggest that the AP bureau chief fabricated any part of his reporting.

Truth be told, Talmadge has repeatedly stated that, while disappointed in the outcome, the North Koreans had been asking for a lot to begin with, but that there was reason for optimism for future work:

“The North Koreans came out with a really 'big ask' right from the beginning, and so it’s not really surprising that it didn’t work out,” Talmadge said about North Korea’s desire to have all sanctions lifted. “We should keep in mind that Kim also vowed to maintain his moratorium on missile launches and nuclear tests and that’s a really big deal. So we don’t need to go right back into crisis mode. We can continue talks and I think the door was left open for that. So that’s an important outcome.”


So what if he's on Fox News, what's your point?

That his credibility and reputation among news agencies across the political spectrum is a damn sight better than yours. Or Trump's.

03-03-2019, 11:47 AM
You are one slow cookie, refer to my example of you being a big "balla" and coming home to your model wife....#@$# you guys are dense. Using the old, anonymous source to corroborate a commie officials remarks and then you liberals assuming that it must be true because of the anonymous source "not authorized to speak on the matter"... LOL hey I got an anonymous source that says you're a @$#kin genius but somehow I don't tend to believe.

03-03-2019, 11:55 AM
Yeah the professa that tries to teach me about nuances but "it seems" is a real factual statement huh professuh? That is an opinion. So Eric Talmadge is now the final arbiter of all objective news reporting and ohhh he's the AP bureau chief who the @#$ cares does that make him your media god and he's now the final say on truth? The commie official never said he was an enemy of the US? Well aren't you a smart one, yeah he's gonna on record and say I'm an enemy of the US and these are my comments. Again you said I used Trump as my baseline for veracity, did I point that out in responding... nope I said if this was an objective article without bias and personal opinions it would have been titled... "Conflicting accounts come out of the talks" not it "seems" north koreans were telling the truth. Anything else besides your circular argument?

03-03-2019, 01:04 PM
Using the old, anonymous source to corroborate a commie officials remarks and then you liberals assuming that it must be true because of the anonymous source "not authorized to speak on the matter"

Anonymous sources are not a new occurrence in journalism, and the ethical standards employed by agencies like the AP are quite clear:

Under AP's rules, material from anonymous sources may be used only if:

The material is information and not opinion or speculation, and is vital to the news report.

The information is not available except under the conditions of anonymity imposed by the source.

The source is reliable, and in a position to have accurate information.

As a litmus test, I find these standards well within the realm of acceptable journalism.

Yeah the professa that tries to teach me about nuances but "it seems" is a real factual statement huh professuh? That is an opinion.

My challenge to you was to cite a single line in the article in which Talmadge presented any opinion as fact.

As stated, he qualified the statement in question - twice. But thanks for repeating what I already pointed out.

So Eric Talmadge is now the final arbiter of all objective news reporting and ohhh he's the AP bureau chief who the @#$ cares does that make him your media god and he's now the final say on truth?

I didn't say he was a media god, or that he was the final say on anything.

What I said was that when it comes to North Korea, as the AP's Pyongyang bureau chief (for the past six years), and someone who has covered Asia for decades, Talmadge has a great deal more insight and access, not to mention a better reputation and significantly more credibility, than you or Trump do.

The commie official never said he was an enemy of the US? Well aren't you a smart one, yeah he's gonna on record and say I'm an enemy of the US and these are my comments.

And so you admit you lied. Fair enough.

Again you said I used Trump as my baseline for veracity, did I point that out in responding... nope I said if this was an objective article without bias and personal opinions it would have been titled... "Conflicting accounts come out of the talks" not it "seems" north koreans were telling the truth. Anything else besides your circular argument?

You really should stop trying to incorporate other's phrases in your responses - you're just not very good at it.

And yes, you are using Trump - a demonstrated liar and embellisher of the truth - as your baseline of veracity.

You've not demonstrated that Talmadge, the anonymous official or the two ministers made any false statements with regard to the failed summit.

And yes, the article does point out that their were conflicting accounts. So much for all your ballyhoo about reading comprehension.

03-03-2019, 01:48 PM
When you preface the entire article at the very beginning on "it seems" that is now opinion, and then throw in an anonymous source like so many other anonymous stories in the past two years and yes you have FAKE NEWS. He based his opinion on what you consider to be factual in this case (anonymous). How many anonymous sources, pretty much in every other story now huh?

I lied? From this statement?

"The commie official never said he was an enemy of the US? Well aren't you a smart one, yeah he's gonna on record and say I'm an enemy of the US and these are my comments."

Wow, this is kinda like Your fake news printing in the past few years after an attack...ISIS claimed credit for the terrorist attack but didn't offer proof...remember seeing those remarks in the stories whoa! Who's side are you on? Are you a communist sympathizer?
What so now commie official has to come out and say "I AM AN ENEMY OF THE US WHILE MAKING THESE STATEMENTS!" Because then and only then will you know that he's an enemy right? Oh yeah you take things literally so it must spelled out as clear as day because you're that ignorant?

Semantics again.. blah blah more garbage said the professa.. I didn't say he was the final say I said he was trusted and across media spectrum yada yada... well within the spectrum of acceptable journalism.... so now you're a journalism expert..what a joke. What else are you an expert on besides B@#$ iT ?

Anonymous sources are not a new occurrence in journalism, and the ethical standards employed by agencies like the AP are quite clear:

As a litmus test, I find these standards well within the realm of acceptable journalism.

My challenge to you was to cite a single line in the article in which Talmadge presented any opinion as fact.

As stated, he qualified the statement in question - twice. But thanks for repeating what I already pointed out.

I didn't say he was a media god, or that he was the final say on anything.

What I said was that when it comes to North Korea, as the AP's Pyongyang bureau chief (for the past six years), and someone who has covered Asia for decades, Talmadge has a great deal more insight and access, not to mention a better reputation and significantly more credibility, than you or Trump do.

And so you admit you lied. Fair enough.

You really should stop trying to incorporate other's phrases in your responses - you're just not very good at it.

And yes, you are using Trump - a demonstrated liar and embellisher of the truth - as your baseline of veracity.

You've not demonstrated that Talmadge, the anonymous official or the two ministers made any false statements with regard to the failed summit.

And yes, the article does point out that their were conflicting accounts. So much for all your ballyhoo about reading comprehension.

03-03-2019, 02:13 PM
When you preface the entire article at the very beginning on "it seems" that is now opinion, and then throw in an anonymous source like so many other anonymous stories in the past two years and yes you have FAKE NEWS. He based his opinion on what you consider to be factual in this case (anonymous). How many anonymous sources, pretty much in every other story now huh?

The article is not prefaced with "it seems". Yet another fabrication by you.

And yes, as I pointed out: considering the AP's standards, their use of the anonymous source, in combination with other facts in the article and the reputation of the reporter, makes him a lot more credible than you or your primary source of "truth" in this case.

I lied?


Wow, this is kinda like Your fake news printing in the past few years after an attack...ISIS claimed credit for the terrorist attack but didn't offer proof...remember seeing those remarks in the stories whoa! Who's side are you on? Are you a communist sympathizer?

I haven't mentioned or endorsed any news items regarding terrorist attacks of ISIS claims. Nor have I claimed to champion any "side" or espoused sympathy for communists.

What so now commie official has to come out and say "I AM AN ENEMY OF THE US WHILE MAKING THESE STATEMENTS!" Because then and only then will you know that he's an enemy right? Oh yeah you take things literally so it must spelled out as clear as day because you're that ignorant?

I didn't offer an opinion of whether the ministers in question considered themselves enemies or not. You are the one who fabricated that narrative to support your faulty logic.

I didn't say he was the final say I said he was trusted and across media spectrum yada yada... well within the spectrum of acceptable journalism.... so now you're a journalism expert..what a joke.

And now you've made another false claim in order to defend a previous false claim you made, based on words which were not spoken. And applying a double standard - by presenting your own assumptions as truth - to boot.

03-03-2019, 04:34 PM
2nd paragraph of story....

"So who's telling the truth? In this case, it seems that the North Koreans are." Pfftt.. More poo sandwich.. coming up!

"I didn't offer an opinion of whether the ministers in question considered themselves enemies or not. You are the one who fabricated that narrative to support your faulty logic."

Fabricated?? I don't need a commie official to go on record to know that NKorea and the US are not allies duhh!! So when I hear you crow the credibility of some guy who YOU 100% guaranteed didn't know until the release of this article I'd say you're deep in the @#$#T. I didnt need to fabricate it, a commie official does not have the interest of the U.S. in mind... pfffftt, too easy professuh come up with some better Almost POO to sell

You're having trouble understanding.... these are in a nutshell what you're saying...You're mincing words and pulling a webster dictionary defense when you mean the same thing... hence SEMANTICS AGAIN... but of course you're a literal guy and a one process at a time thinker so next time I'll break it down for you

Semantics again..

blah blah more garbage said the professa.. I didn't say he was the final say I said he was trusted and across media spectrum yada yada... well within the spectrum of acceptable journalism.
so now you're a journalism expert..what a joke. What else are you an expert on besides B@#$ iT

03-03-2019, 06:04 PM
"I didn't offer an opinion of whether the ministers in question considered themselves enemies or not. You are the one who fabricated that narrative to support your faulty logic."



I don't need a commie official to go on record to know that NKorea and the US are not allies duhh!!

No one has suggested or even implied they are allies.

So when I hear you crow the credibility of some guy who YOU 100% guaranteed didn't know until the release of this article

No, you much prefer your crowing of Trump, a demonstrated liar and embellisher. :Rolls Eyes:

You're having trouble understanding.... these are in a nutshell what you're saying...You're mincing words and pulling a webster dictionary defense when you mean the same thing... hence SEMANTICS AGAIN... but of course you're a literal guy and a one process at a time thinker so next time I'll break it down for you

No need to break it down, your simplistic (and false) logic is actually quite easy to understand.

And actually, I am not mincing words - I've made it quite clear that you've made up false statements and presented them as the facts or opinions of others.

03-04-2019, 07:40 PM

Meanwhile Steelplate was rooting from the couch.

Although it looks like he's been taking classes and writing his posts like Trump does his speeches as of late.

03-07-2019, 08:22 PM
He'll be running in orange jump suits, along with "the best" he hired that got indicted and tossed in prison.


But in reality, he'll be running on "the economy," and how well his tax cuts helped the middle class.

Oh, and his "wall."
Legislate not investigate. Time is ticking

03-07-2019, 08:31 PM
Legislate not investigate. Time is ticking

Chucky! They gave u your crayons back.

03-07-2019, 09:25 PM
Chucky! They gave u your crayons back.

Who is they? Democrats ran on getting things done. Not investigating what the people voted for.

03-20-2019, 02:25 PM
Who is they?

The people that change your diapers Chucky.

Cmon, catch up!

03-20-2019, 10:21 PM
Yeah, anybody else do their taxes yet?


Yeah. I got back close to the same amount last year and more money on my check thru out the year. So it’s pretty nice. Thanks POTUS.

03-20-2019, 10:22 PM
The people that change your diapers Chucky.

Cmon, catch up!

You should eat some BETO dirt. It could help you.

03-21-2019, 09:29 AM
Yeah. I got back close to the same amount last year and more money on my check thru out the year. So it’s pretty nice. Thanks POTUS.

Remember your tax cut has an expiration date! (so you will eventually pay more) While the Rich and the corporations tax cut are for "FOREVER!" That doesn't seem fair to me, which is always the Republican theme to everything. (for example) Why should I go to work everyday and pay tax's. While the Free loaders who don't work or illegal aliens get money and the same Health Care as my self! It is a 2 way street! You can't claim because something isn't fair it should be eliminated. With the exception of if it's in, "My interest, my party's interest or my donors interest." Fairness shouldn't count then!

Natural Lefty
03-21-2019, 09:59 AM
Chucky, you will be paying for it big time when your government can no longer afford to fix the roads, give you clean water, have adequate policing, and your health care costs skyrocket, etc.

03-24-2019, 09:30 PM
The 2 most obvious are the economy and the famous tax cuts. Let's take a look at these individually so we can analyze them more closely.

The Economy.

There is no doubt the economy is going very strong. But it is going just slightly better then it was in the last 2 years of the Obama administration. So you would have thought Hillary could have rode that into the White House herself. (it didn't work out that way did it?) Trump could say look at the stock market since I've been President! It has gone up quite a bit, but since 50% of the population doesn't own any stocks that doesn't help them at all. The big in your face the Dems can throw at Trump when he shouts at the top of his lungs about how great the economy is doing. What about wage growth? It's pretty flat and barely keeping up with inflation. The economy will be a sorta nice thing he can talk about, but it's not a 1 shot world beater he would hope it would be.

The famous tax cut.

I think he will go totally silent on this one. Everybody knows it was for the Millionaire & Billionaires and Corporations. If anything it may hurt him pretty badly with the working and middle class. I just read an article that said, tax refunds are down 8.25% from this time last year! That's even before the true middle class starts filing! (remember the middle class tax cut sunsets in 8 years) So he's not going to run on that!

What's left be those tried and true social issues. Immigration, Gun control and Abortion!

I think Gun control or the lack of it won't be played this time. It works better for an Republican to claim a Democratic President in his 2nd term will go after your guns. So that's probably out. But the next 2 issues look prime!

The wall and the womb will be perfect for this President to rally his base behind!

Build the wall! Build the wall! Build the wall! Will be a perfect rallying cry for his base!

Abortion also looks prime! Did you see how much Trump talked about it in his State of the Union address? (no President ever did that before!)

They already put 2 Catholics on the Bench under Trump. Trump is right about you put enough Conservatives on the bench and legalized Abortion is history! Judge Roberts is holding the fort for now on keeping Roe vs Wade the law of the land! But Ginsburg is the key! She will be lucky to last 2 more years. Give Trump 4 more years and he will replace her for sure and there goes the neighborhood on legalized Abortion! I think that has the possibility of being the single most important issue in the next Presidential election followed by the wall! The Democrats changeling for the Presidency better get a strategy working on Abortion or their going to get caught flat footed!

Let's see if I'm right!

No collusion