View Full Version : Kamala? Foe or Fraud?

02-04-2019, 06:15 PM
I'll start with these few articles.

Unlike some, I trust reporting to make sure they divulge facts. I trust our brains to interpret those facts.





Let's have a civil discussion, so no mom's involved.


Natural Lefty
02-05-2019, 11:58 AM
There are definitely some problems with Kamala's record as AG. However, I find that there are several other factors to take into account regarding her candidacy for president.

1. Being president is very different from being AG. I have to wonder if any state AGs would qualify as "progressive" according to the standards applied in these articles. Remember too, that Kamala Harris became AG in a period of a dominant "get tough on crime" theme, which surely influenced her judgment.

2. She is now a Senator, where different sides of her are being evidenced. She appears to be moving to the left, and has always had progressive tendencies as she has said.

3. She was the first Senator to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' medicare for all proposal, and she is backing the Green New Deal and a bunch of other proposals which should make progressives happy. I think she seems receptive to the views of citizens. I would encourage more people to contact her office with suggestions, as I did a couple of years ago.

02-05-2019, 01:44 PM
Starts with a C. Ends with a T.

02-05-2019, 04:11 PM
Starts with a C. Ends with a T.

The first time I've ever agreed with you.

She is a Centrist.

Webster Dictionary defines a Centrist as a person with moderate political opinions!

Natural Lefty
02-05-2019, 05:14 PM
I don't think that's what tpfishnfool meant, Erik. And I would not characterize Kamala Harris as a centrist, either. Do you realize that she has one of the most liberal records of any Senator? People keep calling her a centrist with zero evidence. She might be more to the center than some of the candidates, but not all of them and that doesn't make her a centrist. Centrists don't want to enact medicare for all and take insurance companies out of the picture, raise taxes on wealthy people and corporations, overhaul our economy to make it "Green," or raise the minimum wage to approximately twice its current level.

02-05-2019, 07:43 PM
I don't think that's what tpfishnfool meant, Erik. And I would not characterize Kamala Harris as a centrist, either. Do you realize that she has one of the most liberal records of any Senator? People keep calling her a centrist with zero evidence. She might be more to the center than some of the candidates, but not all of them and that doesn't make her a centrist. Centrists don't want to enact medicare for all and take insurance companies out of the picture, raise taxes on wealthy people and corporations, overhaul our economy to make it "Green," or raise the minimum wage to approximately twice its current level.

I was trying to throw toilet paper dude a curve ball. I wanted to see if he could or would react in any fashion other then giving crude insults! I'm sure he has no idea what an Centrist is, let alone respond in any kind of an intellectual response.

Natural Lefty
02-05-2019, 07:54 PM
Toilet Paper Dude probably thinks that Donald Trump is a centrist. LOL Actually, a lot of people portrayed him that way during the campaign in 2016. They said he was all over the political map. I remember occasionally listening to Glenn Beck for a few minutes at a time (about all I can stand), and he was talking about how Trump was a secret leftist. Yeah, right. LOL Trump clearly sides consistently with the Republicans and his conservative, rural white base, which he caters to. How deep his convictions are to the views that he espouses, is another question.

02-06-2019, 10:08 AM
I was trying to throw toilet paper dude a curve ball.

Curve ball? You could've put it on a tee and dude would still miss.


In any case, it's funny that her 'tough on crime' stance is harsher than many of her right-wing opponents, so the tag 'centrist' is quite fitting.

Natural Lefty
02-06-2019, 11:10 AM
This article talks about her AG record. She did a lot of things that were liberal, so her record wasn't that centrist if centrist at all. https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-senate-harris-milestones-20160706-snap-htmlstory.html

More importantly, as I mentioned, law enforcement is only a small part of being president, and prosecutors are encouraged to be "tough on crime"in general.

02-06-2019, 02:38 PM
This article talks about her AG record. She did a lot of things that were liberal, so her record wasn't that centrist if centrist at all. https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-senate-harris-milestones-20160706-snap-htmlstory.html

More importantly, as I mentioned, law enforcement is only a small part of being president, and prosecutors are encouraged to be "tough on crime"in general.

"8 things to know about Senate candidate Kamala Harris' career gold stars and demerits."

I was waiting for the 'demerits' in that article and they never showed up.

Here's a good one:


And, again, I'd vote for Kamala in any election if it came down to her and the Orange Cheeto.

I just want to be informed in her policies since she's the New Obama.

02-07-2019, 11:06 PM
There are definitely some problems with Kamala's record as AG. However, I find that there are several other factors to take into account regarding her candidacy for president.

1. Being president is very different from being AG. I have to wonder if any state AGs would qualify as "progressive" according to the standards applied in these articles. Remember too, that Kamala Harris became AG in a period of a dominant "get tough on crime" theme, which surely influenced her judgment.

2. She is now a Senator, where different sides of her are being evidenced. She appears to be moving to the left, and has always had progressive tendencies as she has said.

3. She was the first Senator to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' medicare for all proposal, and she is backing the Green New Deal and a bunch of other proposals which should make progressives happy. I think she seems receptive to the views of citizens. I would encourage more people to contact her office with suggestions, as I did a couple of years ago.

The new green deal? Wow!! Do you guys love rainbows and unicorns too? Oh. Yeah hoping Kamala gets in.that will make it for sure trump gets re-elected in 2020. Free everything for everybody. Tax the rich. Ask Cuomo how that’s working out. It looks like you don’t even have to work to get free stuff with the new green deal.

02-08-2019, 07:00 AM
The new green deal? Wow!! Do you guys love rainbows and unicorns too? Oh. Yeah hoping Kamala gets in.that will make it for sure trump gets re-elected in 2020. Free everything for everybody. Tax the rich. Ask Cuomo how that’s working out. It looks like you don’t even have to work to get free stuff with the new green deal.

I haven't study the details about the Green detail in any great depth yet to form an accurate opinion. However, when the Republicans were laughing about the price tag of 2 trillion dollars to help save the planet. It got me thinking, let's see if you had 2 trillion dollars to spend, what is a more worthy cause? Save the planet and in the long run save money by paying less to mediate these Natural disasters we are having caused by climate change? Or give a tax cut to Millionaires and Billionaires? I think only Idiots and Fools would pick making the super rich "Richer!!!"

02-08-2019, 09:09 AM
Or give a tax cut to Millionaires and Billionaires? I think only Idiots and Fools would pick making the super rich "Richer!!!"

Speaking of which, I CANNOT wait until the MAGAtards file their 2018 taxes and find out they are winding up having to pay more because Trump's "tax cuts" bill eliminated multiple deductions that middle-class families use to lower their annual tax payments.

Natural Lefty
02-09-2019, 10:49 AM
For that comment, Chucky, you get a unicorn riding on a rainbow to it's castle in the sky.

The Green New Deal not only makes economic sense and will greatly help the economy; it is a virtual necessity in order for us to avoid ecological calamity. But I doubt you have any idea what the Green New Deal really is. It's basically an economic stimulus for building solar and wind energy, for environmental protections and various other investments in giving us a better environment in a way that will help our planet's future, and our long term economy at the same time. An economy isn't worth much if the environment is lousy.

02-09-2019, 11:13 AM
Hmmmm. Anyone who has done some world travel, or at least watched what is happening in the world outside our bubble, knows that if our country completely eliminated our carbon footprint it would have little effect on the planet. The 85% of the world producing way more pollution than we do would still keep chugging along. India, China, Southeast Asia and much of Latin America are more worried about today than the future. Cleaner is better, but let's not exaggerate our place in all this.

02-09-2019, 11:56 AM
Hmmmm. Anyone who has done some world travel, or at least watched what is happening in the world outside our bubble, knows that if our country completely eliminated our carbon footprint it would have little effect on the planet. The 85% of the world producing way more pollution than we do would still keep chugging along. India, China, Southeast Asia and much of Latin America are more worried about today than the future. Cleaner is better, but let's not exaggerate our place in all this.

Let's hope more of the World tries to follow India's example on cars. They want in their country in the next 15 years, all new cars sold to be electric.

Natural Lefty
02-09-2019, 07:38 PM
The United States is still among the leaders in CO2 emissions per capita. Saving our environment is a global issue that all nations need to participate in, but being a good example to other nations is a good place to start. Can we put aside international rivalries and have all of humanity band together in dealing with the climate change that our activities are creating? We must do so for our own good.


02-10-2019, 09:49 PM
Anyone who has done some world travel, or at least watched what is happening in the world outside our bubble, knows that if our country completely eliminated our carbon footprint it would have little effect on the planet.

You do realize you just made the argument for climate change?

02-12-2019, 09:04 PM
For that comment, Chucky, you get a unicorn riding on a rainbow to it's castle in the sky.

The Green New Deal not only makes economic sense and will greatly help the economy; it is a virtual necessity in order for us to avoid ecological calamity. But I doubt you have any idea what the Green New Deal really is. It's basically an economic stimulus for building solar and wind energy, for environmental protections and various other investments in giving us a better environment in a way that will help our planet's future, and our long term economy at the same time. An economy isn't worth much if the environment is lousy.
Got it. So kill the economy to save the planet. Let’s put people out of work to save the planet ? Makes sense. Economic stimulus taxing the rich trickles down to the middle class. Wind and solar cannot and will not save the planet. Still need nuclear power and coal to provide the power. Good luck with your dem pipe dream buddy.

02-13-2019, 07:07 AM
GND, DOA more like it. A lot of pie in the sky platitudes in it without any details and you guys were having a field day with the whole N Korea nuclear deal not providing any specifics remember that? This pipe dream is exponentially more unlikely, maybe possible with a company's energy action plan but to scale it up for the whole country and let's not forget the buy in needed globally. Not gonna happen. Most obvious being flight travel, certain things you still need combustion of fossil fuel and without agreement to do this together from the international community the U.S. can put one foot forward while the world takes two steps back with 3rd world countries and industrial countries like China giving a big FU to our climate change policies by polluting theirs so bad that people can't even go outside without putting on mask. If this were forced through by the DEMS it would be a complete takeover of every single aspect of American life, small businesses would either go out of business or be so beholden to government because of all the money they would need to pay back in order to bring their business into compliance. Companies would flee to other countries to do business without any repercussions how would the democrats recoup any of that money to pay for the GND? The past two years has been trying to rebalance the books but what happens under DEM control and it goes back to Obama free for all again, remember his blessing for businesses to go overseas and the warning that those jobs were never coming back? So before you all hail it as the great Ocasio Cortez hope that all demo hopefuls are now clamoring to endorse try thinking it through first instead of letting your wishful thinking and hopes and dreams get in the way of reality.

For that comment, Chucky, you get a unicorn riding on a rainbow to it's castle in the sky.

The Green New Deal not only makes economic sense and will greatly help the economy; it is a virtual necessity in order for us to avoid ecological calamity. But I doubt you have any idea what the Green New Deal really is. It's basically an economic stimulus for building solar and wind energy, for environmental protections and various other investments in giving us a better environment in a way that will help our planet's future, and our long term economy at the same time. An economy isn't worth much if the environment is lousy.

Natural Lefty
02-13-2019, 11:16 AM
I guess you guys (Chucky and Steelhead) think that anything which involves new technologies is bad for the economy. Maybe the only thing you can relate to is digging a hole to get something from the ground that we can use?

Yeah, cars were really bad for the economy when they came along. So were radio and television. Then came computers, which wrecked what was left of our economy. Maybe we should go back to horse and buggy days. Note: Sarcasm here.

The Green New Deal mostly involves the implementation of newer and better technologies.

02-13-2019, 11:16 AM
Got it. So kill the economy to save the planet. Let’s put people out of work to save the planet ? Makes sense. Economic stimulus taxing the rich trickles down to the middle class. Wind and solar cannot and will not save the planet. Still need nuclear power and coal to provide the power. Good luck with your dem pipe dream buddy.

If the planet is dead or dying a very painful death. Do you really think a strong economy matters then? lol

Natural Lefty
02-13-2019, 11:18 AM
Erik, your last comment just appeared while I was typing mine. LOL Yes, what you just said is another one of my earlier points.

02-13-2019, 11:31 AM

GND, DOA more like it. A lot of pie in the sky platitudes in it without any details and you guys were having a field day with the whole N Korea nuclear deal not providing any specifics remember that? This pipe dream is exponentially more unlikely, maybe possible with a company's energy action plan but to scale it up for the whole country and let's not forget the buy in needed globally. Not gonna happen. Most obvious being flight travel, certain things you still need combustion of fossil fuel and without agreement to do this together from the international community the U.S. can put one foot forward while the world takes two steps back with 3rd world countries and industrial countries like China giving a big FU to our climate change policies by polluting theirs so bad that people can't even go outside without putting on mask. If this were forced through by the DEMS it would be a complete takeover of every single aspect of American life, small businesses would either go out of business or be so beholden to government because of all the money they would need to pay back in order to bring their business into compliance. Companies would flee to other countries to do business without any repercussions how would the democrats recoup any of that money to pay for the GND? The past two years has been trying to rebalance the books but what happens under DEM control and it goes back to Obama free for all again, remember his blessing for businesses to go overseas and the warning that those jobs were never coming back? So before you all hail it as the great Ocasio Cortez hope that all demo hopefuls are now clamoring to endorse try thinking it through first instead of letting your wishful thinking and hopes and dreams get in the way of reality.

02-13-2019, 12:38 PM

You're new here.

Whenever reading Steelplate's dissertations, keep this image in mind.


When reading Chucky's, uh, retorts, think of this:


See? Now you're all caught up.

02-13-2019, 05:26 PM
You're IQ is up to a score of 8. Good job junior! And I see you've got a new fan boy in Dip@#$! who wants to be your boyfriend, or maybe he wants to be the husband. Ummm, raite??


02-15-2019, 09:27 PM
If the planet is dead or dying a very painful death. Do you really think a strong economy matters then? lol

The planet is dead? Fill me in on this. Is it an ice age, global warming or climate change? Which one fits you’re agenda.

Natural Lefty
02-15-2019, 09:33 PM
No, the planet isn't dead, but it has a fever.

02-15-2019, 09:39 PM
No, the planet isn't dead, but it has a fever.

Who says it has a fever?

Natural Lefty
02-15-2019, 10:46 PM
Climatologists who say that it's getting too hot.

02-16-2019, 11:20 AM
How do we somehow meld this to the "Bwhahahhaha" post I started last year?

The first time I've ever agreed with you.

She is a Centrist.

Webster Dictionary defines a Centrist as a person with moderate political opinions!

02-16-2019, 08:03 PM
Climatologists who say that it's getting too hot.

What is the temperature supposed to be? At all climates? And regions? You’re agenda doesn’t make any sense.

Natural Lefty
02-16-2019, 09:31 PM
It's not about temperature per se. It's about climate, which includes seasonal variations and apparently random fluctuations too. Climatologists average out large numbers of temperature and other readings like CO2 levels, to get rid of the "noise" and see trends, which show year to year increases in general. What would be optimal would be if the climate were relatively stable, so ecosystems could function as they have evolved in various climates. Your response is a typical straw man argument, Chucky. Nobody says that the temperature is "supposed to be" a certain one in any particular place. It's about trends toward temperature increase and its many effects which are increasingly disrupting the lives of animals, plants and people all over the world.

02-17-2019, 08:50 AM
What is the temperature supposed to be? At all climates? And regions? You’re agenda doesn’t make any sense.

Read today's LA Times front page section. (Feb 17 2019) It say's by 2080 the temperature in LA will be very similar to Cabo San Lucas is today!

02-17-2019, 02:37 PM
Read today's LA Times front page section. (Feb 17 2019) It say's by 2080 the temperature in LA will be very similar to Cabo San Lucas is today!

Oh man! Can’t wait. Should be awesome! Al gore said we would be underwater by now.

02-28-2019, 10:45 PM
Let's revive this thread and add this story into the mix as its another freshman legislator who's getting attention for all the wrong reasons. This one sure does have a face for radio and oh but that mouth. Are you liberals "woke" yet? Because this wacko sure is!


I think she's the racist no?? A direct attack only to reverse course when someone called her out? Hmm maybe she'll throw her hat in the ring, I think she's of age which makes her qualify.

03-01-2019, 07:05 AM
Let's revive this thread and add this story into the mix as its another freshman legislator who's getting attention for all the wrong reasons. This one sure does have a face for radio and oh but that mouth. Are you liberals "woke" yet? Because this wacko sure is!


I think she's the racist no?? A direct attack only to reverse course when someone called her out? Hmm maybe she'll throw her hat in the ring, I think she's of age which makes her qualify.

Steelhead, I took a little jab from a member on the same aisle as myself for doing a little praising of you and CHUCKY. (it's good because I do want to see all sides) But I want to do it again. "THANK YOU STEELHEAD!" You really read my mind and brought up the exact thought I wanted to comment on! But didn't know how to bring it up and you did it for me!

I'll even quote my source, "the Lawrence McDonell" show on conspiracy TV. (MSNBC)

A little background information first. (you know how I have to write a dissertation on all my thoughts!) lol I did not know this, but the Chairmen of the committee (who is black) is best friends with Mark Meadows the one who we are talking about. (so the guy isn't a secret Klans men)

However, this is the story told by Lawerence McDonell on his show. Lawerence said, he and Mark are about the same age and both grew up at a time of major racism going on. They were in different locations but the sediment was the same. Back then when you wanted to disparage a Black. The best insult you could give him or her was to tell them to go back to Africa where they came from!

When Mark Meadows was running for the first time for Congress, he was asked on camera multiply times. If he thought President Obama was a legal citizen to be able to hold the office of the Presidency. (Birther movement) He repeatedly said, "No and should go back to Africa!" (specifically Kenya) That was playing racism to a tee to get elected! So if your playing racism to get elected, that makes you a racist!

Those crocodile tears he shed on camera look a little compromised now don't they Steelhead????? I still encourage you and CHUCKY to watch some of the best MSNBC programs some times. I think you would learn something you wouldn't see on the right wing news outlets! (don't watch CNN) They only get the left over talent after MSNBC hires the best!

03-01-2019, 09:49 AM
When Mark Meadows was running for the first time for Congress, he was asked on camera multiply times. If he thought President Obama was a legal citizen to be able to hold the office of the Presidency. (Birther movement) He repeatedly said, "No and should go back to Africa!" (specifically Kenya) That was playing racism to a tee to get elected! So if your playing racism to get elected, that makes you a racist!

And when asked about it, his response?

"I don't even remember that quote," said Meadows then. "Obviously I distance myself from that."

"That doesn't apply to anything I'm doing now," he added.

The ole, "I don't know what I'm supposed to be sorry about, but 'my bad.'"

I miss the racists of my day. They owned up to it and didn't cry when confronted about it.

Those crocodile tears he shed on camera look a little compromised now don't they Steelhead?????

How can I be racist!? I have a black person in my family!

(As if that was your choice.)

At least he didn't pull out any of the other, 'get-out-of-being-called-a-racist-cards' that include:

9. Your past proximity to people of color.

"My caterer at my wedding was Arabic!"

8. That one time you did something for a person of color.

"I once let a Chinese person get in front of me in the grocery store line."

7. You dated or married someone who is not white.

"Remember the time I dated that Jewish girl? I can't be anti-Semitic."

6. You’re “woke.”

"Hey, I listen to Beyonce."

5. You’re also a person of color.

"How can I be racist? I'm 19th generation Italian."

4. You’ve been discriminated against, too.

"I didn't get into UCLA because you know, Affirmative Action. So i know how it feels to be discriminated against."

3. You have black people in your family.

"How could I be racist? My son in law is black."

2. You've started a sentence with: "How could I be racist if ..." or "Not to sound racist, but..."

and the big one

1. One of your best friends is black.

03-01-2019, 10:42 AM
You know other people then the Big 6 (us who are making the comments) are reading these threads! Hopefully, their learning something from seeing both sides of an argument. When I watch Hannity every night, I wish there was someone there on his show, going BS to many of his thoughts! Our little discussion here, really are more informative then say just watching the Sean Hannity show.

03-07-2019, 08:20 PM
And when asked about it, his response?

"I don't even remember that quote," said Meadows then. "Obviously I distance myself from that."

"That doesn't apply to anything I'm doing now," he added.

The ole, "I don't know what I'm supposed to be sorry about, but 'my bad.'"

I miss the racists of my day. They owned up to it and didn't cry when confronted about it.

How can I be racist!? I have a black person in my family!

(As if that was your choice.)

At least he didn't pull out any of the other, 'get-out-of-being-called-a-racist-cards' that include:

9. Your past proximity to people of color.

"My caterer at my wedding was Arabic!"

8. That one time you did something for a person of color.

"I once let a Chinese person get in front of me in the grocery store line."

7. You dated or married someone who is not white.

"Remember the time I dated that Jewish girl? I can't be anti-Semitic."

6. You’re “woke.”

"Hey, I listen to Beyonce."

5. You’re also a person of color.

"How can I be racist? I'm 19th generation Italian."

4. You’ve been discriminated against, too.

"I didn't get into UCLA because you know, Affirmative Action. So i know how it feels to be discriminated against."

3. You have black people in your family.

"How could I be racist? My son in law is black."

2. You've started a sentence with: "How could I be racist if ..." or "Not to sound racist, but..."

and the big one

1. One of your best friends is black.
Hey panshot or lady quagga. Define racist or better yet what is a racist.

03-07-2019, 08:33 PM
Hey panshot or lady quagga. Define racist or better yet what is a racist.


Thought they took ur crayons away.

03-07-2019, 09:52 PM
It's not racism you hypocrites.. it's culturally insensitive TROPES... copy and paste from somewhere again? Kinda like that extremist palestinian sympathizer Tlaib going around and around without apologizing huh? According to liberal logic the only way in which you cannot be a racist is if you take the first shot and accuse SOMEONE else of being a racist, fire the first shot..You're a @$#m racist for posting all of these tropes.

And when asked about it, his response?

"I don't even remember that quote," said Meadows then. "Obviously I distance myself from that."

"That doesn't apply to anything I'm doing now," he added.

The ole, "I don't know what I'm supposed to be sorry about, but 'my bad.'"

I miss the racists of my day. They owned up to it and didn't cry when confronted about it.

How can I be racist!? I have a black person in my family!

(As if that was your choice.)

At least he didn't pull out any of the other, 'get-out-of-being-called-a-racist-cards' that include:

9. Your past proximity to people of color.

"My caterer at my wedding was Arabic!"

8. That one time you did something for a person of color.

"I once let a Chinese person get in front of me in the grocery store line."

7. You dated or married someone who is not white.

"Remember the time I dated that Jewish girl? I can't be anti-Semitic."

6. You’re “woke.”

"Hey, I listen to Beyonce."

5. You’re also a person of color.

"How can I be racist? I'm 19th generation Italian."

4. You’ve been discriminated against, too.

"I didn't get into UCLA because you know, Affirmative Action. So i know how it feels to be discriminated against."

3. You have black people in your family.

"How could I be racist? My son in law is black."

2. You've started a sentence with: "How could I be racist if ..." or "Not to sound racist, but..."

and the big one

1. One of your best friends is black.

03-07-2019, 10:42 PM
It's not racism you hypocrites

No, in the case of Meadows, it's racism. In the case of the examples provided, they're but a sampling of the phrases uttered by some racists trying to rationalize their racist behavior, past or present.

According to liberal logic the only way in which you cannot be a racist is if you take the first shot and accuse SOMEONE else of being a racist, fire the first shot

And you would be wrong. But having perused your past posts, it's no surprise that your response carries the tone of an apologist.

03-20-2019, 11:51 AM
https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-jamal-trulove-20190320-story.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-jamal-trulove-20190320-story.html?utm_source%3Ddlvr.it%26utm_medium%3Dtwi tter&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1553188789611000&usg=AFQjCNE6hl860HnOiRpYB3fXiWN6BsJdsw)

Gee, I wonder who the DA was at this time.