View Full Version : (Speakers Corner) Surfing the Blue wave! (Mid term results)

11-09-2018, 01:51 PM
I could write so much on this subject, but I want to try to educate some people about how our elections work.

Yes it was a Blue wave, regardless what Fox News said and the President! It wasn't an earthquake of a 10 magnitude off of Catalina, where half of California sunk into the Ocean! But the Democrats did just fine!

I'm going to get real basic here, so I won't lose anyone. The House of Representatives is measured by population. So the bigger states do get more seats. However, because of Gerrymandering and voter suppression by the Republicans they have cheated their way to have an advantage. So the Democratic majority looks a little funny.

In 2010 after the Democrats passed Obama Care, they got creamed at the Mid terms. (the stupid Republicans didn't know what was good for them) They took 60 seats away (in the House) from the Democrats with a net winning of 6.5% of the total vote.

Now in 2018 it looks like the Democrats will win about 37 seats from the Republicans. Now this is where Fox News and company starts to spin the story, so it doesn't look so bad for the Republicans. The Democrats had a net winning of 8% of the total vote in the House. (Much more then the Republicans did in 2010) Because of Gerrymandering and voter suppression, the Democrats didn't pick up has many seats. But more of the population said, "screw those Republicans" I'm voting for the Democrats! Didn't hear that on Fox News did you?

Oh it even keeps getting better for the Democrats!

In the Senate they had the worst map in 50 years to defend seats. Every 2 years 1/3 of the Senate comes up for reelection. (they get 6 year terms) So in this 2 year cycle, they had (Democrats) a terrible map and lost a seat or two. (Next 2 cycles look real good for the Democrats) But if you look at the total amounts of votes cast for Senators. The Democrats got 12 Million more votes!!!! Let me say that again! The Democrats got 12 Million more votes total then the Republicans did!

It keeps going!

On the State wide level the Democrats flipped 7 Governors! That's 7 less states that won't be able to try voter suppression!

There is a lot more!

In 8 years of the Obama administration, the Democrats lost 1,000 Legislative seats in the states. Guess what??? They got back 400 of them on Tuesday night!

I could go on, but I need to hang 10, off of that beautiful "Blue wave" that just came in!

Natural Lefty
11-09-2018, 04:01 PM
I couldn't have said it better, Erik. However, I did read that it was the worst map in over 100 years for Democrats in the Senate. I am not sure about that, as it could use some fact checking, but the fact is that Republicans only needed to win 9 out of 35 Senate races in order to maintain their majority, and that's pretty close to what they got, with a few races still to be determined.

11-12-2018, 03:26 PM

What are some of the items that are on the cross hairs for the House?

I'd love for this thread to keep track of all the drownings that the Blue Wave will hopefully cause.


Like you know, subpoenaing Trump's tax returns. I'm SURE that with our House majority, this will be possible, right?

11-12-2018, 04:01 PM

What are some of the items that are on the cross hairs for the House?

I'd love for this thread to keep track of all the drownings that the Blue Wave will hopefully cause.


Like you know, subpoenaing Trump's tax returns. I'm SURE that with our House majority, this will be possible, right?

The House has a target rich environment! Trump's tax return is one, but with Adam Schifty Schiff becoming the chairmen of the Intelligence Committee. They can drag in all sorts of people. I hope they go after Trumps cabinet personnel. Number 1 candidate might be his new Attorney General, but there is a lot of other ones need to be in there too! (I despise Wilbur Ross) Time will tell what will happen, but it's certainly not good for Trump or other Republicans.

The Democrats do need besides going after the corrupt Republicans. Propose good legislation prior to the 2020 Presidential election. Otherwise they will look like the party that just opposes Trump. But doesn't have any ideas of their own!

Natural Lefty
11-12-2018, 06:03 PM
Yes, Democrats need to propose good legislation even if they know it won't pass, just to show what they stand for.

11-13-2018, 07:17 AM
Yes, Democrats need to propose good legislation even if they know it won't pass, just to show what they stand for.

They absolutely have to try and let the people see what the republicans really stand for.
They CANNOT become the ‘revenge’ party or all is for nothing in 2020.

11-13-2018, 02:24 PM
Yes, Democrats need to propose good legislation even if they know it won't pass, just to show what they stand for.

That kinda sounds like my buddy at the bar the other night, trying to hit on the 10 that just walked in.


"Dude, hit on her. What's the worse that can happen? You know she'll say no anyway. But at least you can say you tried."

"Yeah man, I'ma show her how good of a guy I am and what I stand for, and she'll definitely give me her number."

Again, while I appreciate the change in the House, a lot of people suddenly forgot how American politics actually work.

Hopefully we'll use this thread to see the changes that come about in the next 2 years.

I know eTucks will man the helm.

Natural Lefty
11-13-2018, 03:25 PM
We are not talking about a private conversation in a bar here. We are talking about matters which are in view of the public, which effect the public, and are part of the public record. There is a huge difference between these two situations.

11-13-2018, 04:38 PM
We are not talking about a private conversation in a bar here. We are talking about matters which are in view of the public, which effect the public, and are part of the public record. There is a huge difference between these two situations.

So in your opinion, both people striking out is different because

1. One happened at a bar.
2. One happened for everyone else to see.

My point is, the end game.

Both people (my friend, and the American public in general) go home empty handed.

But as long as the effort was there, I guess, right?

Again, let's see if people grow spines. I won't hold my breath.

Although you are right, there is a difference. In this case, someone will definitely get fuct. And it's not my friend. ;-)

Natural Lefty
11-13-2018, 05:22 PM
It's because if people see what Democrats want, it will convince more people to vote for them next time, which will result in them having a better opportunity after that to actually pass such legislation. It's one step at a time. We can't come out of nowhere and expect a transformation of our politics to occur overnight.

11-13-2018, 07:20 PM
Let pelosi have the gavel