View Full Version : •••••He still has an "I" problem•••••

11-04-2018, 11:49 AM
A dood goes into a welfare office, steps up to the window and says, "I went to the doctor." "How can we help sir", says the clerk.

"I need financial assistance. The doctor says I have an eye problem. Cuz I just can't see myself working", says the dood.

He's still the same.

His speeches the last few days, as he goes around stumping for fellow Democrats, are full of "I", "me", "my" just like they've always been.



Maybe he needs to go see the "I" doctor too!

11-04-2018, 02:10 PM
A dood goes into a welfare office, steps up to the window and says, "I went to the doctor." "How can we help sir", says the clerk.

"I need financial assistance. The doctor says I have an eye problem. Cuz I just can't see myself working", says the dood.

He's still the same.

His speeches the last few days, as he goes around stumping for fellow Democrats, are full of "I", "me", "my" just like they've always been.



Maybe he needs to go see the "I" doctor too!

My boss is an Conservative and I like him very much! He is the son of Missionary parents who founded 74 Church's world wide. But he knows I'm a Liberal and recently he wants to know how the Liberals think. (I want to know how he thinks too)

He still complains about Blacks and welfare and how that is a big waste of money. But when it came to an almost 2 trillion dollar tax give away, to the most wealthy individuals and corporations. He doesn't seem to have a problem with that! Or the Billions of dollars being foolishly spent, guarding against mostly women and children invading our Southern border.

My attitude is, "If your going to complain about one, don't forget to complain about the other ones too!"

Natural Lefty
11-04-2018, 02:38 PM
If that post is intended to portray Obama as a narcissist, it falls pitifully short. It's not the use of singular pronouns that makes one a narcissist, it's the traits of grandiosity and feeling above the law or above others, acting in an exploitative fashion, without empathy, and reacting to any criticism very harshly.

Based on the DSM criteria, Psychology Today concludes that Trump is a narcissist, while apparently Obama is not, although he is not mentioned here.


11-04-2018, 09:52 PM
Mostly Women and Children ehh, I guess you fall for fake news again, the majority of them are NOT women and children. They cherry pick a few pics of weary mother and children and strollers and you fall for it hook line and sinker. Look at the group photos and tell me they are mostly women and children. Some of the footage I've seen are able bodied men and oh yes it's the women and children that were brazen enough to throw rocks at the Mexican police. Damn you're gullible.

My boss is an Conservative and I like him very much! He is the son of Missionary parents who founded 74 Church's world wide. But he knows I'm a Liberal and recently he wants to know how the Liberals think. (I want to know how he thinks too)

He still complains about Blacks and welfare and how that is a big waste of money. But when it came to an almost 2 trillion dollar tax give away, to the most wealthy individuals and corporations. He doesn't seem to have a problem with that! Or the Billions of dollars being foolishly spent, guarding against mostly women and children invading our Southern border.

My attitude is, "If your going to complain about one, don't forget to complain about the other ones too!"

11-05-2018, 08:03 AM
Mostly Women and Children ehh, I guess you fall for fake news again, the majority of them are NOT women and children. They cherry pick a few pics of weary mother and children and strollers and you fall for it hook line and sinker. Look at the group photos and tell me they are mostly women and children. Some of the footage I've seen are able bodied men and oh yes it's the women and children that were brazen enough to throw rocks at the Mexican police. Damn you're gullible.

Once again your Fox News let you down. The real news counted everybody and put them into 3 category's.

1. Men

2. Women

3. Children

When you add the number of Women + Children it's higher then the Men total. That means a majority of the people are Women and Children! I just saw the chart again! The amount of Men to Women are about equal. Then as I said earlier, when you factor in the children it's an overwhelming majority of them are Women and Children. Not Men!

I worked with children for years, so explaining elementary things doesn't bother me! lol

11-05-2018, 09:13 AM
If I owned a lot of free real estate in Conservatives' heads, much like Obama apparently still does, I'd use "I" a lot too.

Real estate is traditionally a sound investment, so it’s probably smart of Obama to snatch up even more of it now, especially when he’s getting such a good price.

Natural Lefty
11-05-2018, 10:07 AM
I find it pretty easy to get into conservatives' heads. There is a lot of empty space in there.

11-05-2018, 02:33 PM
I find it pretty easy to get into conservatives' heads. There is a lot of empty space in there.

That's unfair, Natural Lefty....

Most conservatives I know don't realize they're getting dupped into being included in the "upper middle class" who were supposedly the class to be getting these class cuts, but don't realize that the tax cuts being done are not for them.

Steelplate? Hello? You're not 'rich,' bro.

These cuts aren't for you.....

11-05-2018, 04:09 PM
Steelplate? Hello? You're not 'rich,' bro.

These cuts aren't for you.....

Nat Left,

I realize you're correct.

These guys actually think they're in Warren Buffet's tax bracket because they own a house.

My bad.

11-05-2018, 09:17 PM
They can't decide if it's 7000 or 4000 and with no one really knowing but yet here you are suggesting that they've documented and completed headcounts of the group and found more women and children. I believe my own eyeball and from the pictures of the large groups it's majority young men so no I don't believe your fake news and yes the photos I'm seeing are from your fake news. Look at the large group photos see many strollers in there? I see a lots of men.


Once again your Fox News let you down. The real news counted everybody and put them into 3 category's.

1. Men

2. Women

3. Children

When you add the number of Women + Children it's higher then the Men total. That means a majority of the people are Women and Children! I just saw the chart again! The amount of Men to Women are about equal. Then as I said earlier, when you factor in the children it's an overwhelming majority of them are Women and Children. Not Men!

I worked with children for years, so explaining elementary things doesn't bother me! lol

11-05-2018, 09:20 PM
Yeah and healthcare premium was also a "tax" so yeah those policies effect those in the middle class and who says I own a home, I am living out of a rat infested hotel on $250 a month so stop making assumptions because that's what you libbies are really good at, forecasting things with your overactive imagination.

11-06-2018, 08:18 AM
Like I was saying:


11-06-2018, 08:21 AM
They can't decide if it's 7000 or 4000 and with no one really knowing but yet here you are suggesting that they've documented and completed headcounts of the group and found more women and children. I believe my own eyeball and from the pictures of the large groups it's majority young men so no I don't believe your fake news and yes the photos I'm seeing are from your fake news. Look at the large group photos see many strollers in there? I see a lots of men.


Seems obvious, right?

But maybe it's not ... if one has an "I" problem:EyePop:

11-06-2018, 08:45 AM
Since we're out hear comparing people with, "I" problems:


"In a certain way, I am on the ballot' on Tuesday."


Psst, Etucks. Good job on steering this thread exactly where they wanted it to be steered. Now instead of talking about how hilarious it is to compare Obama and Trump as far as their egos go, now you're arguing the straw man that you yourself created. Bang up job.

So since we've apparently moved on to the migrant caravan discussion, here's a nice video to get you through the morning.


11-06-2018, 09:06 AM
Yeah and healthcare premium was also a "tax" so yeah those policies effect those in the middle class and who says I own a home, I am living out of a rat infested hotel on $250 a month so stop making assumptions because that's what you libbies are really good at, forecasting things with your overactive imagination.

Yes the Health Care money came from a tax on the Rich! Do you have a problem with that???

11-06-2018, 09:18 AM
Since we're out hear comparing people with, "I" problems:


"In a certain way, I am on the ballot' on Tuesday."


Psst, Etucks. Good job on steering this thread exactly where they wanted it to be steered. Now instead of talking about how hilarious it is to compare Obama and Trump as far as their egos go, now you're arguing the straw man that you yourself created. Bang up job.

So since we've apparently moved on to the migrant caravan discussion, here's a nice video to get you through the morning.


I didn't think there was any thing to discuss about "I" and Obama! The bottom line is this about Obama. He inherited the worst financial disaster since the great Depression. Guess what folks??? He got us through it and the great Health Care Bill. So for anyone to think Obama is a narcissist. See Lefty comments about that definition!

Historians have recognized Obama contributions as an President and put him in the near great Presidents category. (better then even Reagan) So this "I" stuff thread hints of either racism or complete ignorance! So yes, I did thread jack this ridiculous thread to talk about more relevant topics. (So I will cease to comment on this thread and start my own instead)

Carry on about the "I" topic!

11-06-2018, 09:52 AM
Since we're out hear comparing people with, "I" problems:


"In a certain way, I am on the ballot' on Tuesday."


Psst, Etucks. Good job on steering this thread exactly where they wanted it to be steered. Now instead of talking about how hilarious it is to compare Obama and Trump as far as their egos go, now you're arguing the straw man that you yourself created. Bang up job.

So since we've apparently moved on to the migrant caravan discussion, here's a nice video to get you through the morning.


Once again John Oliver is right on point.

11-06-2018, 09:56 AM
I didn't think there was any thing to discuss about "I" and Obama! The bottom line is this about Obama. He inherited the worst financial disaster since the great Depression. Guess what folks??? He got us through it and the great Health Care Bill. So for anyone to think Obama is a narcissist. See Lefty comments about that definition!

Historians have recognized Obama contributions as an President and put him in the near great Presidents category. (better then even Reagan) So this "I" stuff thread hints of either racism or complete ignorance! So yes, I did thread jack this ridiculous thread to talk about more relevant topics. (So I will cease to comment on this thread and start my own instead)

Carry on about the "I" topic!

•Copy that!

•Yes, I like that:Secret:

11-06-2018, 10:38 AM

Hide your wives and kids!

Natural Lefty
11-06-2018, 02:07 PM
LOL Dark Shadow. Today is the big day. Let's vote Blue Wave, and just say no to Red Tide.

11-07-2018, 11:34 AM
Anybody peep Trump's 'press conference' today?


11-09-2018, 06:37 AM
Anybody peep Trump's 'press conference' today?

And that hot mess is over the largest military complex on the planet.

11-15-2018, 09:26 PM
It's an I problem until we hit a rough patch and then it's a YOU problem, in other words take credit underservedly and then no accountability when things go wrong.
Seems obvious, right?

But maybe it's not ... if one has an "I" problem:EyePop:

11-15-2018, 10:01 PM
It's an I problem until we hit a rough patch and then it's a YOU problem, in other words take credit underservedly and then no accountability when things go wrong.

Preach Putin, Preach!

11-16-2018, 09:28 AM
It's an I problem until we hit a rough patch and then it's a YOU problem, in other words take credit underservedly and then no accountability when things go wrong.

Our president to a 'T'.

Natural Lefty
11-16-2018, 04:00 PM
Dark Shadow and Brent beat me to my next comment, but I am more than glad to see that.