View Full Version : Village San Juan

07-08-2018, 06:06 PM
Did a drive by yesterday to see how the ponds were looking after being dug out and refilled this last year- FML- it's a Koi pond- at least there are lots of little mosquito fish in there, but adult koi and a bunch of little 1-2" koi all over- it's painted "no fishing" on the concrete along the main road- bums me out, fished those ponds since the mid 70's. I guess the peeps running this place would be bummed to see a few bass gulping down the numerous goldfish all over the place. I would never disobey the signs all over the lake saying not to throw fish in there, but what if it happened? Koi fattening up a few Otay transplanted bass? The horror!

07-09-2018, 07:30 AM
Another brilliant suggestion. :Cool:

07-09-2018, 09:41 AM
Another brilliant suggestion. :Cool:

Once those bass fatten up, you can catch them on plastic worms sprayed with WD40 to mask the smell of your hands.

07-09-2018, 07:47 PM
Another brilliant suggestion. :Cool:

I'm full of 'em- and all my Jelly Worms and Sassy Shad are doused in the good old WD-40. Just don't do that while smoking, burn me once...

I do miss the occasional respectable fish out of those tiny ponds choking a Slammer... just makes me sad...

07-09-2018, 08:48 PM
Another brilliant suggestion. :Cool:

Another genius response, Mr. Sunglasses cool guy! Your aptitude for douchiness is unparalleled

07-09-2018, 09:45 PM
Another genius response, Mr. Sunglasses cool guy! Your aptitude for douchiness is unparalleled

Uo No look who showed up!!! People this guy is a "Hooligan" who think he knows something about trout fishing. (he doesn't, but he sure know how's to antagonize people) Please ignore him and don't let good poster's go away because of people like him!!!

By the way, he didn't got all hopped up in the GD section and took his anger out in the fishing section! lol Even though people swear that's what wrong with this website!

07-16-2018, 09:22 PM
Uo No look who showed up!!! People this guy is a "Hooligan" who think he knows something about trout fishing. (he doesn't, but he sure know how's to antagonize people) Please ignore him and don't let good poster's go away because of people like him!!!

By the way, he didn't got all hopped up in the GD section and took his anger out in the fishing section! lol Even though people swear that's what wrong with this website!

Yawn...guess I shouldn’t have used “unparalleled” in the last post. Well, since YOU resorted to name calling, allow me to retort E. Suckerfish. Pa, if you lay off the cough medicine, your responses may be more coherent. I answered sarcasm with sarcasm.

First off, I must applaud this post; as it may be the first time you didn’t mention “I” or “myself”. As impressive as that was, you just couldn’t resist including your own vapid opinions. It’s quite apparent, through the multitudes of narcissistic posts, you see yourself as the protagonist of FNN, so that must make me the antagonist, right hotdog?

How can you ask people to ignore me, when you reply to my comments with quotes? You need to put down that book of bad ideas you wrote, because you’re divulging false information. The difference between you and I, esucker, is the fact that you use size 18 trebles, and I use size 18 callibaetis. I catch salmo trutta in the wild, you release them in a toilet. Please tell me where can I find the entomology of power bait? You must be right, I don’t know anything about trout fishing. You got any defective powerbait and bite-on for me? Maybe a couple coupons at the local pay-to-play lakes?

Don't get it twisted, I'm in no means badmouthing bait fishing. Before you go and "get all hopped up" and respond, just remember egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.


07-18-2018, 10:53 AM
Yawn...guess I shouldn’t have used “unparalleled” in the last post. Well, since YOU resorted to name calling, allow me to retort E. Suckerfish. Pa, if you lay off the cough medicine, your responses may be more coherent. I answered sarcasm with sarcasm.

First off, I must applaud this post; as it may be the first time you didn’t mention “I” or “myself”. As impressive as that was, you just couldn’t resist including your own vapid opinions. It’s quite apparent, through the multitudes of narcissistic posts, you see yourself as the protagonist of FNN, so that must make me the antagonist, right hotdog?

How can you ask people to ignore me, when you reply to my comments with quotes? You need to put down that book of bad ideas you wrote, because you’re divulging false information. The difference between you and I, esucker, is the fact that you use size 18 trebles, and I use size 18 callibaetis. I catch salmo trutta in the wild, you release them in a toilet. Please tell me where can I find the entomology of power bait? You must be right, I don’t know anything about trout fishing. You got any defective powerbait and bite-on for me? Maybe a couple coupons at the local pay-to-play lakes?

Don't get it twisted, I'm in no means badmouthing bait fishing. Before you go and "get all hopped up" and respond, just remember egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.


Was this also sarcasm?

King Me

07-18-2018, 03:49 PM
Was this also sarcasm?

King Me

Stick to the Hardy Boys if you’re looking to crack the case. Perhaps those books may be more on your reading level, as you did not comprehend the last post.

En Prise ya silly Patzer………Stick to checkers

07-19-2018, 09:04 PM
Trout wars? Dude is pissed cause the Trout isn't marketed enough? Come on Manfred

07-20-2018, 11:17 AM
Trout wars? Dude is pissed cause the Trout isn't marketed enough? Come on Manfred


Cmon, Trout does Subway and Powerade!

07-20-2018, 09:45 PM
Right? And he's the best baseball player since Mantle... so anyway, somebody throw some bass in those village ponds. I'm guessing a coupe of locals already have, crossing fingers-