View Full Version : Memorial Day

old pudd fisher
05-27-2018, 09:02 PM
Hope you all have a great weekend and take a little time to think about what its all about.5110251103

05-28-2018, 09:29 AM
Thank you to all who have and are currently serving our great country!

05-28-2018, 02:58 PM
Can never Thank all who server and protect us 24/7 enough plus the one's that did not make it home Thank you from my heart.

05-28-2018, 06:04 PM
I don't like it when people are the spelling police or the punctuation police. (I was interrogated a couple a weeks ago by the punctuation police) Or the Holiday police. Holiday's have different meanings to different people. When I was 14 my BFF put flowers on his dead fathers grave. (killed in an automobile accident) Was he wrong for doing that?

Well I just saw a poll. What does Memorial Day mean to you? Here's the results.

35% say to honor war dead.

44% say to honor all Veterans.

14% say to honor all dead.

7% say they don't know.

The Webster Dictionary say's to honor war dead. But what do they know!!! lol

old pudd fisher
05-28-2018, 08:26 PM
I don't like it when people are the spelling police or the punctuation police. (I was interrogated a couple a weeks ago by the punctuation police) Or the Holiday police. Holiday's have different meanings to different people. When I was 14 my BFF put flowers on his dead fathers grave. (killed in an automobile accident) Was he wrong for doing that?

Well I just saw a poll. What does Memorial Day mean to you? Here's the results.

35% say to honor war dead.

44% say to honor all Veterans.

14% say to honor all dead.

7% say they don't know.

The Webster Dictionary say's to honor war dead. But what do they know!!! lol
I always thought it was to honor the war dead mostly but also to give some respect to all Military personal that have served or still severing . Kinda like veterans day more for the war dead I guess. But honoring a lost friend or family member on that day seems very appropriate to me.

05-28-2018, 09:22 PM
I always thought it was to honor the war dead mostly but also to give some respect to all Military personal that have served or still severing . Kinda like veterans day more for the war dead I guess. But honoring a lost friend or family member on that day seems very appropriate to me.

It originally was called Decorations Day and it was celebrity on a State by State basis. So the Congress decided to make 2 Federal holiday's, one to the fallen War dead (Memorial day) and the 2nd to honor all veterans. (Veterans day) But this is America the land of the Free!!! With as much Freedom as we can stand! lol So it can be anything (my opinion) that someone want's it to be, as long as their not hurting anyone else! lol I think all Veterans should be honored 365 day's a year anyway, so we got a little room for other's too!!! lol