View Full Version : ok Im done

05-22-2018, 04:11 PM
see all you suckers later. this site is crap now. the most active post in this site is about Trumps presidency. Thanks for all the good times to all the cool people I met here over the years but I come on here to get an up to date fishing report. Not an ear full of "he's a jerk.. no you're a jerk" crap. I will pop on to check my messages every couple months but other than that PEACE OUT!!

Althea Hamby
05-23-2018, 06:39 AM
Yes but we can make it alive.

05-23-2018, 07:52 AM
Yes but we can make it alive.

That is so true, post something and it becomes alive! Don't wait for other's to do something and then complain when they don't. Take the Bull by the horn and make a thread. I posted the lost fishing pole thread because I'm a suckey Spring time fishermen. I've been going fishing but not catching much, so no fishing threads from me!

Lady Quagga
05-23-2018, 09:57 AM

05-24-2018, 02:44 PM
What he said......

05-24-2018, 03:28 PM
What he said......

You mean you're not gonna have a Hamlet-esque soliloquy when you bounce?

Narcissism is a biatch, isn't it?

05-24-2018, 04:03 PM
I like how the two jack wagons responsible for pushing away more members than anyone .... Lady Quagga and Dark ***** still have to take parting shots at people who are fed up with their crap and are leaving. No one gives two fucks about you two or your opinions.

05-24-2018, 10:06 PM
I like how the two jack wagons responsible for pushing away more members than anyone .... Lady Quagga and Dark ***** still have to take parting shots at people who are fed up with their crap and are leaving. No one gives two fucks about you two or your opinions.

Haha Lady Quagga is on a witch hunt to get scuba Chris kicked off. Lol

Lady Quagga
05-25-2018, 12:43 PM
I like how the two jack wagons responsible for pushing away more members than anyone

Sorry but I won't take credit for pushing anyone away. People leave of their own accord - some for legitimate reasons, others not so much - and certainly not because of me or DS. One notable exodus had absolutely nothing to do with either of us, but I'd argue that it was the motivation for others to follow suit. Put your big boy pants on and deal with it.

Lady Quagga and Dark ***** still have to take parting shots at people

If you leave with a parting shot, don't be surprised that one follows you out the door. Or are you going to be a hypocrite and say something brilliant like "That's different!"?

No one gives two f**** about you two or your opinions.

But they care soooooo much about you and yours? Riiiiiiiight. :Rolls Eyes:

Lady Quagga
05-25-2018, 12:48 PM
Haha Lady Quagga is on a witch hunt to get scuba Chris kicked off. Lol

Your stupidity has reached monumental proportions. Do yourself a favor and quit while you're behind.

05-25-2018, 03:02 PM
Nipple twisting left wing punks hide behind the keyboard .

Simijab is correct.

05-25-2018, 05:10 PM
Nipple twisting left wing punks hide behind the keyboard .

Simijab is correct.

Nipple twisting left wing punks hiding behind their keyboards. Has replaced Right Wing Conservatives punks who can't hide behind their Keyboards. Because Trump a Republican has become President and the heat got too hot for them. Our 2 snipers who bravely stayed behind are excluded of course from that analogy!

05-25-2018, 05:38 PM
This really isn't a jab at the OP. (he's behaved himself decently on here) But what I find very curious is how people yearn for the "Bad old day's to come back." The last fish report the OP wrote, he was severely barbecued by more then one member.

My opinion is, if someone takes the time to write a fish report. It should be followed with, "thank you for your effort" and congrats all the way around! Instead in the Bad old day's, many people thought it was their duty and obligation. To Micro Manage all fish reports and severely criticize anything that has even the slightest bit of controversy to it. Or just throw in their own personal insecurity's of blowing up spots or just plain jealously! I'm happy to report now that more or less, "that is a thing of the past." Yet people are constantly yearning to go back to those Bad old day's!

No Thank you!!!!

05-25-2018, 07:42 PM
Nipple twisting left wing punks hiding behind their keyboards. Has replaced Right Wing Conservatives punks who can't hide behind their Keyboards. Because Trump a Republican has become President and the heat got too hot for them. Our 2 snipers who bravely stayed behind are excluded of course from that analogy!

05-25-2018, 07:44 PM
This really isn't a jab at the OP. (he's behaved himself decently on here) But what I find very curious is how people yearn for the "Bad old day's to come back." The last fish report the OP wrote, he was severely barbecued by more then one member.

My opinion is, if someone takes the time to write a fish report. It should be followed with, "thank you for your effort" and congrats all the way around! Instead in the Bad old day's, many people thought it was their duty and obligation. To Micro Manage all fish reports and severely criticize anything that has even the slightest bit of controversy to it. Or just throw in their own personal insecurity's of blowing up spots or just plain jealously! I'm happy to report now that more or less, "that is a thing of the past." Yet people are constantly yearning to go back to those Bad old day's!

No Thank you!!!!

Did you get some money from the Iran deal?

05-25-2018, 08:21 PM
Did you get some money from the Iran deal?

We all did! It was called cheaper barrels of Oil on the International market. It's over $70 dollar's a barrel now. When Obama was President it was less then $50 a barrel. I think they will repeal the Gas tax here in Calif, but you won't even notice it when it happens. (the price of oil will continue to climb)

05-26-2018, 11:18 AM
you won't even notice it.

Until you pay your registration fees.....

05-26-2018, 11:31 AM
Nipple twisting left wing punks hiding behind their keyboards. Has replaced Right Wing Conservatives punks who can't hide behind their Keyboards. Because Trump a Republican has become President and the heat got too hot for them. Our 2 snipers who bravely stayed behind are excluded of course from that analogy!

Snipers? You guys really are a bunch of smug mofo's.

This section has been nothing but childish back and forth and certainly has contributed nothing positive to this site and I'd say by far the majority on this forum would rather it be trashed. I almost reminisce about the days when just a good nature'd joke about the Bucket Brigade would get you a good time out, this forum needs some direction and it needs to be a positive one. You can get your political rocks off all over the Internet, just like I don't want political crap when I'm watching football I don't want political crap unconnected to fishing on a fishing website.

05-26-2018, 04:06 PM
Until you pay your registration fees.....

How much did they really go up? $40 or less is my guess on older cars. We had almost the same kind of a jump on our boat registrations, when they put the mussel fee in there. I didn't see anybody standing in front of Wal-Mart. Asking you to sign their petition, to get the Mussel fee repealed off of our boat registrations through a ballot proposition.

05-26-2018, 04:32 PM
Snipers? You guys really are a bunch of smug mofo's.

This section has been nothing but childish back and forth and certainly has contributed nothing positive to this site and I'd say by far the majority on this forum would rather it be trashed. I almost reminisce about the days when just a good nature'd joke about the Bucket Brigade would get you a good time out, this forum needs some direction and it needs to be a positive one. You can get your political rocks off all over the Internet, just like I don't want political crap when I'm watching football I don't want political crap unconnected to fishing on a fishing website.

If I really thought there wouldn't be an invasion to retake this forum to the Right Wing lies in 2019. I wouldn't care if the political section here was very quiet. Any sportsman forums are viewed by the Right Wing as fertile grounds to gain recruits. Did you already forget how popular the 2012, "who you are voting for President thread was here?" 90,000 views and almost 9,000 comments. (no that's not a typo!)

Do you know how dangerous Trump and the Republicans in Congress are to our Democracy? Trump said last week after the Chinese President declared himself President for life. Maybe we should try that? Who would stop him if he did that? The Republican Congress? (I don't think so) His hand picked Cabinet? (nope try again) The Supreme Court? What is their enforcement arm? Dog the Bounty Hunter!!!

I'm sorry if you want to sleep at the switch on a slow moving cue! But some of us like our Freedoms and Democracy. So we won't let the propaganda machines get into our everyday lives unchecked! They made a big deal about Facebook! This is just another social platform of exchange of ideas! So don't treat it as, "it's only about fishing!"

05-26-2018, 08:26 PM
Here we go again, no wonder I stop posting here long time ago.

05-26-2018, 09:06 PM
This is the part that has me scratching my head. Opinions given in the GD section about anything. Don't spill over to any Fishing reports or Fishing questions. Yet people act like they do!

As far as I can see, no one is reminded how they voted or are they in favor of Gun control after every fish report they write or any fishing question they answer in the fishing sections. But it's an convenient excuse!

05-27-2018, 09:38 PM
It is not all about you, it is about your opinion and your post where there are always few ppl follow you and post different opinion until it become so unfriendly forum. Also there always some with unfriendly post along the line. This is forum where ppl all over join, meet and have fun, not to be this kind of environment. I always see a few of same ppl against you ever since that post 4-5 years back, and also a few of same bad attitudes toward other forum member.

05-28-2018, 09:23 AM
I will repeat this for the umteenth hundredth time.
Why the he!! are you on this page commenting and getting butthurt when it is a political topic and and GENERAL DISCUSSION FORUM........NOT a FISHING REPORT SECTION!
Yet you come on here an b!t$h about the topics of conversation. Good god people. If you cannot handle the change from Obama bashing to Trump bashing then take your SNOWFLAKE butts back to the FISHING REPORTS and stay out of these. It really is that easy , but you continually come on here and prove that you're no different than anybody else on this GENERAL DISCUSSION page and bash people for it and blame them for the fishing reports not being up to speed and the site going downhill....SMDH

05-28-2018, 03:13 PM
Great argument there, just about everybody has a car in fact some have 2-3 cars. Compare that to how many people own boats? Your gas tax is getting repealed! boo hooo hooo.

How much did they really go up? $40 or less is my guess on older cars. We had almost the same kind of a jump on our boat registrations, when they put the mussel fee in there. I didn't see anybody standing in front of Wal-Mart. Asking you to sign their petition, to get the Mussel fee repealed off of our boat registrations through a ballot proposition.

05-28-2018, 04:20 PM
[QUOTE=steelhead;796216]Great argument there, just about everybody has a car in fact some have 2

It's your road and bridges too!!! If you don't mind driving on Crappy roads and dangerous bridges, what can I say??? You can't let your house go to Heck, the city will get on you for that. But I guess we can "do that" to our roads and bridges when the people are in charge!!! lol

05-28-2018, 07:29 PM
[QUOTE=steelhead;796216]Great argument there, just about everybody has a car in fact some have 2

It's your road and bridges too!!! If you don't mind driving on Crappy roads and dangerous bridges, what can I say??? You can't let your house go to Heck, the city will get on you for that. But I guess we can "do that" to our roads and bridges when the people are in charge!!! lol

Tax money from previous taxes was spent on some train they are building. Enough already. Please.

05-29-2018, 09:00 AM

Tax money from previous taxes was spent on some train they are building. Enough already. Please.

How about I get the last words on the Gas Tax repeal and then I'll shut up on the subject! (at least on this thread) lol

Besides the Crappy roads and the bridges fallen down, what about more delay's on the Freeway's enlarging projects??? You know when your going fishing and you get that slow down at the same spot where they been working on for the last 5 years. (that will only get worse)

The big reason the gas tax repeal will pass is the $1.00 a gallon increase we all have seen since it's been announced. The Gas tax increase was only 15 cents a gallon I believe. Yet the price of Gasoline has risen well over a dollar a gallon. What's that all about??? The International price of a barrel of oil has risen from $50 to $70 and is still rising. What's causing that??? 1 Big factor is the instability in the Middle East, where so much of the worlds oil comes from. As a stabilizing force, what country since WW2 has been has been the leader of the Free world??? The USA of course!!

Since Trump has been in office, it's arguable that he gave away the USA status of being the leader of the Free world. Now couple that with the crazy Middle East anyway, you now have more instability then when Obama was running the show. Is it any wonder the price of oil keeps going up!!! Trump wants to take credit for the stock market going up. Shouldn't he also take the blame because of his Middle East policy's of the price of oil going up. Obama had in his last couple of years the price of oil going down by as much as 50%.

I am a "Man of my word," so this is the last rant I'm going to make on repealing the Gas Tax. (in this thread) But I don't think you people are going to gaining anything with it's repeal but only losing!!!

05-30-2018, 10:11 AM
I like how the two jack wagons responsible for pushing away more members than anyone .... Lady Quagga and Dark *****.

Do we get medals or something? A consolation prize for 2nd place perhaps?

No one gives two fucks about you two or your opinions.

Much like I don't give ½ a fu[k about people leaving, posting that they're leaving, and them giving the reasons on why they're leaving?

Funny how that works.

Our 2 snipers....

Uhh...yeah, no. I prefer to be the Σ wolf around these parts.

05-30-2018, 10:45 AM
This is just another social platform of exchange of ideas! So don't treat it as, "it's only about fishing!"

Yes with the misleading forum title of "Fishingnetwork.net" I can see where your confusion lies.

05-30-2018, 12:03 PM
Yes with the misleading forum title of "Fishingnetwork.net" I can see where your confusion lies.

Now I'm confused too!


05-30-2018, 12:03 PM
Yes with the misleading forum title of "Fishingnetwork.net" I can see where your confusion lies.
You know Seal, you would probably don't know this, but I enjoy bantering with you more then anyone else.

There is so many things in this life that are not 100% pure. Things aren't just Black or White, there is plenty of examples of GREY things going on in this world. Myself and other's could name hundreds of things that aren't 100% pure. But my example will be a fun one, so as not to upset the puritans on here, to the point that they can't sleep at night.

20 years ago Chinese buffets were all the rage! As the years went on they got to be less and less popular and such fewer locations stayed in business. One of the last existing one around my house started serving Fried chicken, Corn and Mashed potatoes. (even though their sign still said Chinese buffet) I chuckled to myself about that, but I didn't stand up there and make a big dramatic speech like some departing members did. I could have sounded like them and said, because this place serves Fried chicken and more patrons are more interested in the Fried chicken compared to traditional Chinese dish's. "I WON'T EAT HERE ANYMORE" even though there were still tons of traditional Chinese dish's being served.

Now doesn't that sound kinda silly???

But that's how it appears to me, when people say because there is a GD section on a fishing website, it just ruins the place for me! Even though the GD conversations stay in the GD section and fishing questions stay in fishing section.

Thanks Seal for being the straight man and setting up my latest rant!!! lol

Lady Quagga
05-30-2018, 01:27 PM
I prefer to be the Σ wolf around these parts.


05-30-2018, 03:09 PM

Hey, don't be mad because you're part of the eTucker Pack.

Apparently you're the sniper!

05-30-2018, 05:03 PM
Just to be clear because I don't know sarcasm. The 2 snipers I was referring to was Chucky & Steelhead. They cannot defeat the occupying army, (the big 5) they are only able to take harassing shots at them. The Conservative army lead by Dev & HawgZy cut and ran when the jig was up.

05-31-2018, 01:29 PM
Hey guys, figured id check back and see how the thread is going. And of course its going just as I thought. More comments on here than any other post.

05-31-2018, 03:21 PM
Hey guys, figured id check back and see how the thread is going. And of course its going just as I thought. More comments on here than any other post.


Do you need a hug? LOL Are you seeking attention?? Its all good mang. I just keep on lurking!!! Whooo hooo

06-01-2018, 10:40 AM
Hey guys, figured id check back and see how the thread is going. And of course its going just as I thought. More comments on here than any other post.

Oh man. We are so sorry to see you go. Is there anything at all that might make you change your mind?............ROFLMAO
There, you can leave now. Buh byyyyyeeeee!

Lady Quagga
06-01-2018, 12:44 PM
see all you suckers later

figured id check back

Roseanne Barr's got nothing on you......