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View Full Version : Legality of live crawdads for bait..

04-29-2018, 11:42 AM
I have fished with live crawdads as bait for in almost all Southern California Lakes, although not for several years now (I don't fish for bass anymore with bait). Does anyone who really knows the law, if it's legal to net crawdads at a local stream, then take them miles away to a lake to be used as live bait? Is this a new law? I didn't see any rules against this in the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife inland fisheries rules and regulations booklet. I know you can't do this with minnows and other baitfish. Also, do any bait shops even still sell live crawdads?

04-29-2018, 01:29 PM
I have fished with live crawdads as bait for in almost all Southern California Lakes, although not for several years now (I don't fish for bass anymore with bait). Does anyone who really knows the law, if it's legal to net crawdads at a local stream, then take them miles away to a lake to be used as live bait? Is this a new law? I didn't see any rules against this in the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife inland fisheries rules and regulations booklet. I know you can't do this with minnows and other baitfish. Also, do any bait shops even still sell live crawdads? no you can’t anymore. You have to catch it from the lake you are fishing from now. I used to catch crawfish near my house in West Covina to use for bait and I did good. One time I was at legg lake I caught a smallmouth and largemouth bass on live crawfish

04-29-2018, 01:38 PM
Hmm good question. They still sell them in select bait shops. So I'm not sure you "have" to catch them in the same water as you fish them in. But that's only my logic talking and not information from DFG.

04-29-2018, 01:40 PM
I have fished with live crawdads as bait for in almost all Southern California Lakes, although not for several years now (I don't fish for bass anymore with bait). Does anyone who really knows the law, if it's legal to net crawdads at a local stream, then take them miles away to a lake to be used as live bait? Is this a new law? I didn't see any rules against this in the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife inland fisheries rules and regulations booklet. I know you can't do this with minnows and other baitfish. Also, do any bait shops even still sell live crawdads?

The same bait shops in San Diego that sells Minnows have crawdads. (I bought some last year)

04-29-2018, 05:11 PM
bowler- Where did you hear, or read that you have to catch them in the lake you are fishing them in? If that's true, how come bait & tackle shops in the San Diego area sell live 'dads? The stores and the bait collectors have to have commercial permits issued from the California Fish and Wildlife Department to take and sell live crawdads. If it was against the law to use crawdads bought in several tackle shops at any lake, the CDFW would not allow them to be sold. If this is a law, it should be somewhere in the CDFW rules and reg. booklet. Maybe I'm blind..

04-29-2018, 08:04 PM
bowler- Where did you hear, or read that you have to catch them in the lake you are fishing them in? If that's true, how come bait & tackle shops in the San Diego area sell live 'dads? The stores and the bait collectors have to have commercial permits issued from the California Fish and Wildlife Department to take and sell live crawdads. If it was against the law to use crawdads bought in several tackle shops at any lake, the CDFW would not allow them to be sold. If this is a law, it should be somewhere in the CDFW rules and reg. booklet. Maybe I'm blind..
I read it somewhere. But it will be dumb to let you transport them from lake to lake if you have to have your boat completely dry because of the mussels

04-29-2018, 08:20 PM
I think I see what the problem is, people are using logic and regulations to make up their own stew of a story. (let me explain) Certain lakes allow bait fish that are only caught at that lake to be used as bait there. Because of mussels, dry boats only are allowed at most lakes. Now throw in the crawdad question and you have 1 big stew for an answer. lol

04-30-2018, 10:55 AM
I have fished with live crawdads as bait for in almost all Southern California Lakes, although not for several years now (I don't fish for bass anymore with bait). Does anyone who really knows the law, if it's legal to net crawdads at a local stream, then take them miles away to a lake to be used as live bait? Is this a new law? I didn't see any rules against this in the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife inland fisheries rules and regulations booklet. I know you can't do this with minnows and other baitfish. Also, do any bait shops even still sell live crawdads?

new romeos in the delta.they sell then when they are in supply

04-30-2018, 12:24 PM
Never has been a problem in the past,but I’d certainly want to know (for sure) if it’s illegal now!

Cya Tuna Vic

Fish Dog
04-30-2018, 08:54 PM
This is what the reg book says...

4.00. Bait-General.
Legally acquired and possessed invertebrates,
mollusks, crustaceans, amphibians (except salamanders),
fish eggs and treated and processed
foods may be used for bait, except:
(a) No species specified as endangered, threatened,
candidate, fully-protected, or otherwise
protected under state and federal law may be
used as bait.
(b) No salamander may be used as bait. See section
5.05 for other amphibians that may be
used as bait.
(c) See Section 5.35 for restrictions on crayfish;
(d) See Section 7.50(b)(74) for restriction on bait
collecting in Hat Creek;
(e) No trout may be maintained or possessed in a
live condition in any container on or attached
to any boat;
(f) Except for restrictions listed under special regulations,
dead ocean fish may be used as bait
statewide. This section supersedes the provisions
of sections 4.10, 4.15, 4.20, 4.25 and 4.30.

5.35. Crayfish.
(a) Open season: All year, except for closures
listed in subsection (d) of this Section.
(b) Limit: No limit.
(c) Methods of take: Crayfish may be taken only
by hand, hook and line, dip net or with traps
not over three feet in greatest dimension. Any
other species taken shall be returned to the
water immediately. Traps need not be closely
(d) Closures for Protection of Shasta Crayfish:
Rock Creek (in the Hat Creek Drainage in
Shasta County), Fall River upstream of Spring
Creek Bridge, Lava Creek, Tule River and
all connected waters upstream of Little Tule
River, Sucker Springs Creek, Crystal Lake,
Rising River and Rising River Lake are closed
to take and possession of crayfish. (See Section
4.30 for prohibition against crayfish use for
bait in sections of the Pit River).
(e) The season closures in Chapter 3 (District
Trout and Salmon Special Regulations) do
not apply to crayfish fishing with methods
other than hook and line (see sections 7.00
and 7.50(a)(3)).

04-30-2018, 10:40 PM
Fish Dog-
I already read this and looked thru the entire Rules and Regs. booklet to see if there was more. I'll have to look again to see if there are special regulations for Lake Perris and other State Recreation Area lakes. But I doubt if there is. This pretty much sums it up..

4.00. Bait-General.
Legally acquired and possessed invertebrates,
mollusks, CRUSTACEANS, amphibians (except salamanders),
fish eggs and treated and processed
foods may be used for bait"

05-04-2018, 10:48 AM
my question is. is there a market for them?

05-04-2018, 02:04 PM
my question is. is there a market for them?

Oh yea!!! Not everyone has rhythm in their soul to make those Bass lures move properly!!! lol

05-04-2018, 02:41 PM
great topic.
so does anyone know if they crawdads in LA ?


05-05-2018, 01:51 PM
Let’s say perhaps u having a live crawfish boil at ur local lake balboa lake , legg lake etc....those pesky pinchers
Sometimes miss the hot pot and crawl their way near ur fish gear toward freedom! Hmmmmmm,

Hit any Asian market within SGV and practically a full bait aquarium of live: crawdad/turtles/frogs, bass/catfish/trout,
Even live sheephead ,turbot , and lingcod. Pricey but avail

Even live Alaskan king crab!! $$$$$$ like $40/lb.