View Full Version : Supermoon/Blue Moon/Total Eclipse

Lady Quagga
01-31-2018, 06:17 AM
Spent the early hours outside watching this gorgeous eclipse. Bundled up, dragged out the laptop and binoculars, and watched the slow transition into totality.

The moon is leaving totality as I type this, but I thought I'd share this screenshot during its peak from the Griffith Observatory's live coverage.



01-31-2018, 07:55 AM
Spent the early hours outside watching this gorgeous eclipse. Bundled up, dragged out the laptop and binoculars, and watched the slow transition into totality.

The moon is leaving totality as I type this, but I thought I'd share this screenshot during its peak from the Griffith Observatory's live coverage.



My 92 year old father loves the moon. He loves to tell me moon story's, like what is a blue moon? (2 full moons in the same month) He's loves tweaking in my Grandfather's clock Moon phase. Thanks for sharing!!!

02-14-2018, 01:22 AM
heres a pic i took of the moon through binoculars then played with in gimp basically a free photoshop type and brought out the detail and the stars. https://jdogg661.deviantart.com/art/moon-552319085
but not during this phase. i always wanted those high priced telescopes to actually check out the moon close up. but then they make these cool cameras that can go on the high end telescopes but then you are talking like spending 10k for a sick set up where you can get some cool space pictures and videos. but still too expensive for me.

Lady Quagga
02-14-2018, 01:37 AM
Nicely done rendering!

The bump map is based on the light/dark color variations, yes?

Have you ever been to a Griffith Observatory Star Party? There are some incredible DIY amateur telescopes there.