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old pudd fisher
01-23-2018, 08:57 PM
The National Anthem kneeling thing this last year sure did bug me how about you. I don't care to even watch it because of that. Just a old *** Vietnam Veterans point of view.

01-24-2018, 12:05 AM
Old Pudd you shouldn't stir up the hornets nest with the Libs in here they will come out frothing at the mouth and accuse you of being a heartless racist for holding this belief. I'm not a vet but I'm bothered by it as well, too much identity politics with the democrats that they forget we're Americans first.

The National Anthem kneeling thing this last year sure did bug me how about you. I don't care to even watch it because of that. Just a old *** Vietnam Veterans point of view.

01-24-2018, 03:58 PM
Old Pudd you shouldn't stir up the hornets nest with the Libs in here they will come out frothing at the mouth and accuse you of being a heartless racist for holding this belief. I'm not a vet but I'm bothered by it as well, too much identity politics with the democrats that they forget we're Americans first.

Let me be the frothing liberal to respond. Part of being an American is having the right to protest what we feel is an injustice. Probably the best example of a prolong protest was the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. I don't think anyone with a straight face would say what they did in the 1960's was wrong!!! Now you have the women's movement, are they wrong to protest??? If you're looking for rules on how to protest, who do you think should be the judge???

01-24-2018, 09:36 PM
They are not protesting women's equality their protest is a manifestation of the BLM movement which started with the Michael Brown Shooting and your king Obama and DOJ jumped into the middle of those protest and publicly indicted the cop before any facts and investigation took place.
Obama came out and he said they would investigate and prosecute to the full extent of the law and his sidekick Eric Holder sent his FBI goons in there to attempt to find any misconduct so that they could pin it on the cop and stir up racial strife. It turns out the urban hoodlum was in the wrong and was the aggressor and also had committed a robbery before the shooting and all evidence cleared the cop and justified the shooting with eyewitnesses providing accounts that corroborated with the cops version of the event. Now you have the facts. So a movement based on them glorifying a criminal and inciting violence against law enforcement and you're okay with it. You really are brain washed

Let me be the frothing liberal to respond. Part of being an American is having the right to protest what we feel is an injustice. Probably the best example of a prolong protest was the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. I don't think anyone with a straight face would say what they did in the 1960's was wrong!!! Now you have the women's movement, are they wrong to protest??? If you're looking for rules on how to protest, who do you think should be the judge???

01-25-2018, 06:47 AM
How's fishing???????????

01-25-2018, 07:31 AM
How's fishing???????????

I'll let you know Saturday when I write up my fishing report!!

01-25-2018, 07:36 AM
They are not protesting women's equality their protest is a manifestation of the BLM movement which started with the Michael Brown Shooting and your king Obama and DOJ jumped into the middle of those protest and publicly indicted the cop before any facts and investigation took place.
Obama came out and he said they would investigate and prosecute to the full extent of the law and his sidekick Eric Holder sent his FBI goons in there to attempt to find any misconduct so that they could pin it on the cop and stir up racial strife. It turns out the urban hoodlum was in the wrong and was the aggressor and also had committed a robbery before the shooting and all evidence cleared the cop and justified the shooting with eyewitnesses providing accounts that corroborated with the cops version of the event. Now you have the facts. So a movement based on them glorifying a criminal and inciting violence against law enforcement and you're okay with it. You really are brain washed

I'm talking in a more General sense, "about American's right to protest." Do you think the Foosball protest is the only big protest that happened this year??? I brought up the women's protest because it is less controversial. But if you want another big controversial protest to talk about, "what about the Confederate monument protest?" They are all related!!! In a Democracy (which we live in) taking away our right to protest is fundamental to our Freedom. (are you against our Freedoms???) That's why I asked, "what should be the rules on protesting and who should decide what the rules are?' Not is the NFL protest a good protest??? (A good protest is in the eye of the beholder)

I'll leave with you with what President Trump said after the Virginia protest. If they get away with taking down statues of General Lee, what's next??? Taking down statues of Washington and Jefferson??? If your against the NFL protest where does it stop??? Banning all Protest??? If that happens we have lost our Freedoms!!!!

01-25-2018, 12:08 PM
Old Fisher was referring specifically to the kneeling protest and you conflate it by bringing in other protests. Nice deflection.

If you are claiming
I'm talking in a more General sense, "about American's right to protest." Do you think the Foosball protest is the only big protest that happened this year??? I brought up the women's protest because it is less controversial. But if you want another big controversial protest to talk about, "what about the Confederate monument protest?" They are all related!!! In a Democracy (which we live in) taking away our right to protest is fundamental to our Freedom. (are you against our Freedoms???) That's why I asked, "what should be the rules on protesting and who should decide what the rules are?' Not is the NFL protest a good protest??? (A good protest is in the eye of the beholder)

I'll leave with you with what President Trump said after the Virginia protest. If they get away with taking down statues of General Lee, what's next??? Taking down statues of Washington and Jefferson??? If your against the NFL protest where does it stop??? Banning all Protest??? If that happens we have lost our Freedoms!!!!

01-25-2018, 12:41 PM
Old Fisher was referring specifically to the kneeling protest and you conflate it by bringing in other protests. Nice deflection.

If you are claiming
I'll admit you got a real good handle about the weakness of the players case and how and where they are taking out their protest. But it does lead to a much bigger picture.

Let me explain it in a different way. (I'll use a scene from a movie that's is based on a True story)

The people vs Larry Flint (Hustler magazine)

In the movie Larry Flint lawyer gave his opening statement and went something like this. I don't like what Larry Flint does for a living!!! It disgust's me, but we all have protections in the Bill of Rights. If we start taking away peoples rights because we don't agree with how they are used. One day we will "ALL" be without rights!!!

So where do we draw the line?????

01-25-2018, 01:30 PM
They are not protesting women's equality their protest is a manifestation of the BLM movement which started with the Michael Brown Shooting and your king Obama and DOJ jumped into the middle of those protest and publicly indicted the cop before any facts and investigation took place.
Obama came out and he said they would investigate and prosecute to the full extent of the law and his sidekick Eric Holder sent his FBI goons in there to attempt to find any misconduct so that they could pin it on the cop and stir up racial strife. It turns out the urban hoodlum was in the wrong and was the aggressor and also had committed a robbery before the shooting and all evidence cleared the cop and justified the shooting with eyewitnesses providing accounts that corroborated with the cops version of the event. Now you have the facts. So a movement based on them glorifying a criminal and inciting violence against law enforcement and you're okay with it. You really are brain washed

I'm going to have to go with LQ's name for you on this one steelplatehead.
Until you've been black, grew up black, lived through the struggle and repression that is still currently going on and has been for hundreds of years.
Please feel free to STHU and let them peacefully protest!
They are harming no one, but you sensitive flag waving wanna be patriots. A real 'American' would be striving to right this situation and not making it worse. They are American citizens just like you and I and I'd be willing to bet that if your family and yourself had been through what there's have. You'd be on both knees praying for help from god and not just kneeling.

01-25-2018, 02:26 PM
So Tucker is a constitutionalist untilit doesn't jive with his belief system and you, well you're just a pimple on his ***! If there's this idea of freedom to protest and expression why the outrage when the KKK protest? I suppose until you've lived a life of struggle and repression much like that chick Rachel Dolezal you won't know what it is to be black. Liberal lunacy is what ails you

I'm going to have to go with LQ's name for you on this one steelplatehead.
Until you've been black, grew up black, lived through the struggle and repression that is still currently going on and has been for hundreds of years.
Please feel free to STHU and let them peacefully protest!
They are harming no one, but you sensitive flag waving wanna be patriots. A real 'American' would be striving to right this situation and not making it worse. They are American citizens just like you and I and I'd be willing to bet that if your family and yourself had been through what there's have. You'd be on both knees praying for help from god and not just kneeling.

01-25-2018, 02:47 PM
F#{€, here we go.... This site is done.

01-25-2018, 03:48 PM
F#{€, here we go.... This site is done.

No it's not!!! If this was done in a fish report or in a general fishing discussion thread you would be correct. This was put in the GD section and the only people who want to discus the subject are participating!!! It's not spilling over to any fishing threads!!!

01-25-2018, 03:55 PM
So Tucker is a constitutionalist untilit doesn't jive with his belief system and you, well you're just a pimple on his ***! If there's this idea of freedom to protest and expression why the outrage when the KKK protest? I suppose until you've lived a life of struggle and repression much like that chick Rachel Dolezal you won't know what it is to be black. Liberal lunacy is what ails you

The real problem is too much education!!! I know what an authoritarian leader wants to do. First eliminate Freedom of the press and then go after Freedom of speech. Once that has been accomplished, next go after the right to assemble etc.

Any sign our great leader (Trump) wants to do any of those things????

Lady Quagga
01-25-2018, 04:21 PM
So Tucker is a constitutionalist untilit doesn't jive with his belief system and you, well you're just a pimple on his ***! If there's this idea of freedom to protest and expression why the outrage when the KKK protest? I suppose until you've lived a life of struggle and repression much like that chick Rachel Dolezal you won't know what it is to be black. Liberal lunacy is what ails you

I didn't think it was possible, but you've managed to exceed your previous accomplishments in stupidity.

Did you really compare the Black Lives Matter movement with the Ku Klux Klan (a historically criminal organization which espouses racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy and has engaged in wanton violence against minorities)? Do you honestly believe that the KKK holds the same legitimacy as the BLM, regardless of either's First Amendment Rights?

Such stupidity coming from you shouldn't be surprising, especially considering you mentioned Rachel Dolezal, a woman exposed as a fraud and liar for her racial and cultural appropriation.

01-25-2018, 04:38 PM
Did you really compare the Black Lives Matter movement with the Ku Klux Klan (a historically criminal organization which espouses racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy and has engaged in wanton violence against minorities)? Do you honestly believe that the KKK holds the same legitimacy as the BLM, regardless of either's First Amendment Rights?.

Yeah, I'm sure he did.

I'm going to LOVE the response to this.

01-25-2018, 05:29 PM
The short answer for you is they are both BAD, Very BAD, BAD, Bigly bad hombres. The Bureau of land management is legitimate the BLM movement is a terrorist movement not much better than the KKK movement encouraging attacks leading to the deaths of law enforcement officers and inpiring civil unrestin general, so no they are not legitimate. My analogies are going way over your pea brain to comprehend. Rachael Dolezal was embraced by the left until her fraud was discovered and left them no choice. So when's the RESIST protest? Good news I heard some companies are giving out bonuses is yours?

I didn't think it was possible, but you've managed to exceed your previous accomplishments in stupidity.

Did you really compare the Black Lives Matter movement with the Ku Klux Klan (a historically criminal organization which espouses racism, antisemitism, and white supremacy and has engaged in wanton violence against minorities)? Do you honestly believe that the KKK holds the same legitimacy as the BLM, regardless of either's First Amendment Rights?

Such stupidity coming from you shouldn't be surprising, especially considering you mentioned Rachel Dolezal, a woman exposed as a fraud and liar for her racial and cultural appropriation.

Lady Quagga
01-25-2018, 07:06 PM
[T]he BLM movement is a terrorist movement not much better than the KKK movement encouraging attacks leading to the deaths of law enforcement officers and inpiring civil unrestin general, so no they are not legitimate. My analogies are going way over your pea brain to comprehend.

You are completely clueless if you truly believe that is the BLM's agenda. What is obvious is that your comparison of the BLM and the KKK is to criticize the activities of the former, while legitimizing the activities of the latter.

The Atlantic published a recent article (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/drawing-distinctions-antifa-the-alt-right-and-black-lives-matter/538320/) which succinctly summaries the motives (and offers fair criticism of) the BLM movement:

Then there is Black Lives Matter. After spending a lot of time reading and reporting about the movement, I understand its primary end to be stopping unjust killings by police officers; some of its members have broader agendas, like economic redistribution, but reforming police is the movement’s main goal and the one that is universally shared.

And its primary means are twofold: Its members engage in street protests in lots of cities; and its leaders push for 10 specific reforms set forth in Campaign Zero, which calls for an end to “broken windows” policing, more community oversight of police departments, stricter limits on the use of force, independent investigations of police misconduct, community representation in municipal governments, body cameras, better training, an end to “policing for profit,” demilitarization, and union contracts that don’t protect misbehaving police officers from being held accountable.

If you disagree with any of my characterizations about the means and ends of those groups, we are at odds over facts, not values, and I am open to seeing evidence that challenges my assessment of a complicated matter. Bearing that in mind can make hashing out the truth less fraught and more likely to proceed constructively and profitably.

Given my understanding of the facts, where do I stand?

Black Lives Matter

For starters, I don’t think Black Lives Matter belongs in the online conversation about whether Americans should be denouncing violence “on all sides.” The movement’s end of stopping unjust police killings is laudable; and its leaders and the vast majority of its members openly favor nonviolent means. Plus, unlike Nazis, nothing about the future it desires is inseparable from initiating violence. That doesn’t mean it is beyond criticism. It is a large, free-wheeling movement without clear leaders, and individual participants have no doubt acted badly on many occasions, as is true of groups as varied as the Sons of Liberty in 1775, anti-Vietnam War protesters, and the Tea Party. I have criticized Black Lives Matter activists in the past for disrupting a Bernie Sanders event and for the tactic of blocking freeways.

But I draw a distinction between objectionable acts of civil disobedience and engaging in violence. Some Black Lives Matter critics blame the group for the killing of five Dallas police officers. But the gunman acted alone, using tactics that the protest movement never urged or used, and group leaders denounced the killings. The group has the same relationship to the Dallas killer as nonviolent pro-life groups have to the extremist who perpetrated a mass killing at a Planned Parenthood.

Rachael Dolezal was embraced by the left until her fraud was discovered and left them no choice.

Which is irrelevant to the subject hand, and is nothing more than deflection.

So when's the RESIST protest?

More irrelevant blathering, more pointless deflection.

Good news I heard some companies are giving out bonuses is yours?

And yet even more deflection on your part. Seems your hypocrisy goes hand in hand with your - what was the phrase you used? - oh yeah, your pea-brained foolishness.

old pudd fisher
01-25-2018, 07:08 PM
Let me be the frothing liberal to respond. Part of being an American is having the right to protest what we feel is an injustice. Probably the best example of a prolong protest was the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. I don't think anyone with a straight face would say what they did in the 1960's was wrong!!! Now you have the women's movement, are they wrong to protest??? If you're looking for rules on how to protest, who do you think should be the judge???
Sorry that I have made such a ruckus and I agree that Americans have a right to protest, but come on at a NFL football game Gueess ! A lot of kids just Idle pro sport figures and I don't think they need to see that stuff at a football game. Common sense should be the judge.

01-25-2018, 07:17 PM
The National Anthem kneeling thing this last year sure did bug me how about you. I don't care to even watch it because of that. Just a old *** Vietnam Veterans point of view.

Kneeling for the anthem. What a joke. Try kneeling in North Korea. See how that works out for you. Protest in a different way if you want. I want to see football not a protest.

Lady Quagga
01-25-2018, 07:39 PM
Sorry that I have made such a ruckus and I agree that Americans have a right to protest, but come on at a NFL football game Gueess ! A lot of kids just Idle pro sport figures and I don't think they need to see that stuff at a football game. Common sense should be the judge.

Fisher, your solution is simple - don't patronize the NFL.

I personally don't condone the idolatry of professional athletes - that doesn't mean I don't oppose their method of protest.

And if you want to talk common sense, then you should consider the efforts of the NFL's Let's Listen Together (http://www.nfl.com/letslistentogether) campaign, and Colin Kaepernick, who is conspicuous by his absence in that campaign in spite of his leadership.

Kneeling for the anthem. What a joke. Try kneeling in North Korea. See how that works out for you. Protest in a different way if you want.

Looks like Chuckles just got hoisted by his own petard. :Rolls Eyes:

01-25-2018, 08:39 PM
Because Quoting the Atlantic and treating it as the last word on what to believe about an organization's motive makes what you say factual. Newsflash you don't know jack @#$# and citing some liberal outlet to defend your position does not make you informed. Oh but it's all tied into the discussion of RESISTING the established GOP, BLM, Rachael Dolezal, pay raises and bonuses all tied to the one you so hate!

You are completely clueless if you truly believe that is the BLM's agenda. What is obvious is that your comparison of the BLM and the KKK is to criticize the activities of the former, while legitimizing the activities of the latter.

The Atlantic published a recent article (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/drawing-distinctions-antifa-the-alt-right-and-black-lives-matter/538320/) which succinctly summaries the motives (and offers fair criticism of) the BLM movement:

Which is irrelevant to the subject hand, and is nothing more than deflection.

More irrelevant blathering, more pointless deflection.

And yet even more deflection on your part. Seems your hypocrisy goes hand in hand with your - what was the phrase you used? - oh yeah, your pea-brained foolishness.

Lady Quagga
01-25-2018, 08:58 PM
Because Quoting the Atlantic and treating it as the last word on what to believe about an organization's motive makes what you say factual. Newsflash you don't know jack @#$# and citing some liberal outlet to defend your position does not make you informed.

Don't be stupid. I offered The Atlantic article because it offered both facts and legitimate criticism of BLM, without dismissing the movement as a whole. Once again, English comprehension isn't high on your limited skillset, as your failure to distinguish facts from criticism clearly shows.

Oh but it's all tied into the discussion of RESISTING the established GOP, BLM, Rachael Dolezal, pay raises and bonuses all tied to the one you so hate!

There you go again with your pea-brain hypocritical deflecting, raising subjects irrelevant to the BLM & anthem-kneeling controversy. Hot tip steelplatehead - saying they are all tied in doesn't make it so.

Neither does it deflect from your feeble attempt at legitimizing of the KKK.

01-25-2018, 10:17 PM
Yes quote a liberal outlet that pretends to be objective with minor sleights while the article itself supports the cause, no wonder libs like you are brainwashed by what you read and your failure to grasp how all these discussions and issues are tied to the common denominator of Trump resistance is proof you are a stupid lemming that likely struggles to put one foot of the other while talking.

Don't be stupid. I offered The Atlantic article because it offered both facts and legitimate criticism of BLM, without dismissing the movement as a whole. Once again, English comprehension isn't high on your limited skillset, as your failure to distinguish facts from criticism clearly shows.

There you go again with your pea-brain hypocritical deflecting, raising subjects irrelevant to the BLM & anthem-kneeling controversy. Hot tip steelplatehead - saying they are all tied in doesn't make it so.

Neither does it deflect from your feeble attempt at legitimizing of the KKK.

Lady Quagga
01-25-2018, 10:47 PM
Yes quote a liberal outlet that pretends to be objective with minor sleights while the article itself supports the cause, no wonder libs like you are brainwashed by what you read and your failure to grasp how all these discussions and issues are tied to the common denominator of Trump resistance

Once again you have failed to demonstrate and facts offered, dismissed the criticisms (miserably and incorrectly) as mere sleights, and made unsupported accusations of your own regarding BLM. You've incorrectly labelled me as a liberal - which can be attributed to your aforementioned lack of reading comprehension. You've once again exposed your own hypocrisy by deflecting using your pea-brained Trump argument. Nevermind the fact that BLM existed before the Orangutan in Chief came to office, or the fact that taking up both the BLM cause and anti-Trump stance can occur independently of one another, or even one's own political stance (a concept your addled mind is incapable of grasping).

And all this whilst - once again - trying to deflect from your feeble attempt at legitimizing of the KKK.

that likely struggles to put one foot of the other while talking.

That's pretty funny, coming from you walking around while having your own foot squarely up your rectum.

01-26-2018, 09:24 AM
Kneeling for the anthem. What a joke. Try kneeling in North Korea. See how that works out for you.

Only Chuckles would insinuate that he wants the US to be more like North Korea, without realizing that he insinuated it.

mstr fish
01-26-2018, 08:43 PM
I love my country. Although I may not participate with the kneeling thing. Everyone one has there right to if they wish. Not sure it changes government systems. Isn’t that why we vote? Regardless of what controls the office I never agree 100% on there views. All systems regardless of organizations can be fixed to Serve the people. Kneeling in my opinion only makes a statement. Still doesn’t change crap!

01-26-2018, 09:30 PM
Bwahahhahaha. More blathering from the blathering quiggly. Are you having a meltdown yet and are you not benefitting one iota from this economic boom? How about you getting in on some of this money so that you won't have to work until you're 80 instead of shooting your mouth at things you don't really understand? Cheer up a little it might last another 7 years and by then you're either better off or you're exactly where you are now.

Once again you have failed to demonstrate and facts offered, dismissed the criticisms (miserably and incorrectly) as mere sleights, and made unsupported accusations of your own regarding BLM. You've incorrectly labelled me as a liberal - which can be attributed to your aforementioned lack of reading comprehension. You've once again exposed your own hypocrisy by deflecting using your pea-brained Trump argument. Nevermind the fact that BLM existed before the Orangutan in Chief came to office, or the fact that taking up both the BLM cause and anti-Trump stance can occur independently of one another, or even one's own political stance (a concept your addled mind is incapable of grasping).

And all this whilst - once again - trying to deflect from your feeble attempt at legitimizing of the KKK.

That's pretty funny, coming from you walking around while having your own foot squarely up your rectum.

Lady Quagga
01-26-2018, 11:17 PM
Bwahahhahaha. More blathering from the blathering quiggly. Are you having a meltdown yet and are you not benefitting one iota from this economic boom? How about you getting in on some of this money so that you won't have to work until you're 80 instead of shooting your mouth at things you don't really understand? Cheer up a little it might last another 7 years and by then you're either better off or you're exactly where you are now.

More irrelevant deflection from the hypocritical illiterate racist schmuck. Run along dipsh*t - your KKK buds are waiting for you to finish eating your soggy biscuit.

mstr fish
01-26-2018, 11:48 PM
In my opinion the is racism and Idiocrasy’s effect all. I am considered a minority and statistically should not be where I’m at. I could blame everyone and everything if I choose to do so, but where would that get me. So I take a knee. That proves a lot. I’d rather get off my tush and pound the pavement and remain determined to become who I am today. I can blame my ethinc background etc. blah blah blah but I’m the only one who loses. Instead I’d rather get off my potty pot and make a better life for myself. In my opinion there is good and bad in any organization. But not all members are bad. Things happen and I may not agree with some but others I do. I don’t care about color, religion, creed etc. (Not in a bad way. Just mean I see people and try not to judge.)The biggest issue I have is some expect free hand outs, while others like my self get up and work everyday. Can’t find a job. Wouldn’t know always had one even if it didn’t pay what I know I’m worth. Racial profiling I’m sure it happens but so does discrimination against all in some form or another. I always empathize stop blaming others and accept responsibility for yourself.

Lady Quagga
01-27-2018, 11:02 AM
You've offered some interesting points that deserve an honest response.

I love my country. Although I may not participate with the kneeling thing. Everyone one has there right to if they wish. Not sure it changes government systems.

I too love my country, and I too would not take a knee during the Anthem (though not because of some misguided allegiance or deference). But to think it does not bring about change is incorrect - more on that below.

Isn’t that why we vote? Regardless of what controls the office I never agree 100% on there views. All systems regardless of organizations can be fixed to Serve the people. Kneeling in my opinion only makes a statement. Still doesn’t change crap!

Voting is not the only method of change. In fact, in the history of our country, there have been many circumstances and events which have precluded voting. And while I agree that our political, social, or economic systems can be changed for the better, demonstrations have been shown to effect change, and not serve merely as statements.

In my opinion the is racism and Idiocrasy’s effect all. I am considered a minority and statistically should not be where I’m at. I could blame everyone and everything if I choose to do so, but where would that get me. So I take a knee. That proves a lot. I’d rather get off my tush and pound the pavement and remain determined to become who I am today. I can blame my ethinc background etc. blah blah blah but I’m the only one who loses. Instead I’d rather get off my potty pot and make a better life for myself. In my opinion there is good and bad in any organization. But not all members are bad. Things happen and I may not agree with some but others I do. I don’t care about color, religion, creed etc it’s your right. But cross the lines and you get what you deserve. The biggest issue I have is some expect free hand outs, while others like my self get up and work everyday. Can’t find a job. Wouldn’t know always had one even if it didn’t pay what I know I’m worth. Racial profiling I’m sure it happens but so does discrimination against all in some form or another. I always empathize stop blaming others and accept responsibility for yourself.

I admire your idea that you can use personal achievement to overcome systematic discrimination and institutional disadvantage. Unfortunately, for far too many people, that is not a realistic (or even possible) means of change. That's not to say that I believe people should resort to blaming others instead of making an effort to improve their situation in life - far from it. No, it's not right to forever blame others and live perpetually with your hand out - But that's not what this thread is about. Colin Kaepernick used his talent and his success to lend his support for a movement that, while flawed, is noble in it's motives and efforts. His demonstration wasn't an exercise in self-pity, but a use of his position and success to speak out for others who have no voice. His actions no doubt had consequences, but they also brought about positive change - one only needs to visit the NFL's website (http://www.nfl.com/letslistentogether) to see the beginning of that change.

Lady Quagga
01-27-2018, 11:12 AM
But cross the lines and you get what you deserve.

This is the only statement you made that I take serious issue with. This sort of mentality, at it's core, is the rationalization used by terrorists, fundamentalists, authoritarians, and neo-fascists to exert control over others.

mstr fish
01-27-2018, 11:27 AM
This is the only statement you made that I take serious issue with. This sort of mentality, at it's core, is the rationalization used by terrorists, fundamentalists, authoritarians, and neo-fascists to exert control over others.

My apologies as that was not my intention. I will edit that as soon as possible. That by far was not what I was trying to imply and I realize how it can be perceived. I appreciate you pointing that out so I can address.

01-27-2018, 12:59 PM
NOOOO, you're speaking too much truth and throwing a wrench into the liberal narrative of blame the system!

In my opinion the is racism and Idiocrasy’s effect all. I am considered a minority and statistically should not be where I’m at. I could blame everyone and everything if I choose to do so, but where would that get me. So I take a knee. That proves a lot. I’d rather get off my tush and pound the pavement and remain determined to become who I am today. I can blame my ethinc background etc. blah blah blah but I’m the only one who loses. Instead I’d rather get off my potty pot and make a better life for myself. In my opinion there is good and bad in any organization. But not all members are bad. Things happen and I may not agree with some but others I do. I don’t care about color, religion, creed etc it’s your right. But cross the lines and you get what you deserve. The biggest issue I have is some expect free hand outs, while others like my self get up and work everyday. Can’t find a job. Wouldn’t know always had one even if it didn’t pay what I know I’m worth. Racial profiling I’m sure it happens but so does discrimination against all in some form or another. I always empathize stop blaming others and accept responsibility for yourself.

mstr fish
01-27-2018, 02:29 PM
You've offered some interesting points that deserve an honest response.

I too love my country, and I too would not take a knee during the Anthem (though not because of some misguided allegiance or deference). But to think it does not bring about change is incorrect - more on that below.

Voting is not the only method of change. In fact, in the history of our country, there have been many circumstances and events which have precluded voting. And while I agree that our political, social, or economic systems can be changed for the better, demonstrations have been shown to effect change, and not serve merely as statements.

I admire your idea that you can use personal achievement to overcome systematic discrimination and institutional disadvantage. Unfortunately, for far too many people, that is not a realistic (or even possible) means of change. That's not to say that I believe people should resort to blaming others instead of making an effort to improve their situation in life - far from it. No, it's not right to forever blame others and live perpetually with your hand out - But that's not what this thread is about. Colin Kaepernick used his talent and his success to lend his support for a movement that, while flawed, is noble in it's motives and efforts. His demonstration wasn't an exercise in self-pity, but a use of his position and success to speak out for others who have no voice. His actions no doubt had consequences, but they also brought about positive change - one only needs to visit the NFL's website (http://www.nfl.com/letslistentogether) to see the beginning of that change.

I am aware of why he took a knee. The point I was trying to make was,

1) We (or at least I) have felt or experienced what he is making a statement about.

2) We all have a voice regardless of status.

3) If we have an issue acknowledge it (which has been done) and then put in a plan to rid of it.

4) Lastly, my own experience was shared to emphasize that regardless of what or who were made of we can do anything we want in life.

I by no means walk on water and can easily say that the world is unfair to me, but how far is that going to get me? Instead I’d rather look at ways to to try and better myself, and lead by example by treating ALL equally.

Lady Quagga
01-27-2018, 05:22 PM
I am aware of why he took a knee. The point I was trying to make was,

1) We (or at least I) have felt or experienced what he is making a statement about.

2) We all have a voice regardless of status.

3) If we have an issue acknowledge it (which has been done) and then put in a plan to rid of it.

4) Lastly, my own experience was shared to emphasize that regardless of what or who were made of we can do anything we want in life.

I by no means walk on water and can easily say that the world is unfair to me, but how far is that going to get me? Instead I’d rather look at ways to to try and better myself, and lead by example by treating ALL equally.

I agree with all these points in general. However, on your second point: while we may all have a voice, we do not have an equal voice, and that is because of our status. And unfortunately, that is reflected on all aspects of our lives, including our vote, one of the instruments of change you spoke of.

02-02-2018, 08:37 AM
F#{€, here we go.... This site is done.

Don't come in these sections if you can't handle it. Stay in the fishing sections.
This section is CLEARLY labeled as non fishing and what's going on now happens to be pretty damned important. hence all of the discussion.

02-02-2018, 08:50 AM
Kneeling for the anthem. What a joke. Try kneeling in North Korea. See how that works out for you. Protest in a different way if you want. I want to see football not a protest.

So in your complete lack of brain function you say we should be more like N. Korea. You do now know why we think you're an idiot.
You actually made the 'libtards' point for them moron. because we are not N. Korea. we are allowed to peacefully protest in any way you want as long as it's not harming anyone or anything and they're not.
My suggestion is don't watch the athletes that come from backgrounds that have witnessed the injustices all of there lives and are now in a position to be noticed and are taking advantage of it if it hurts your feelings. My brothers all served in the military and I assure you, they agree that they fought for these players right to do EXACTLY what they're doing. The only one that doesn't is my 85 year old dad and that's because he's still racist and thinks ALL black people are on welfare. The reason we rarely speak anymore. It's sad when that is always the first thing out of his mouth. Fox News has consumed him and he's unbearable. It pisses me off that I can't have a conversation with him anymore without some regurgitated Fox news bull$%#@ being hurled at me. Even when I point out the inaccuracies and bogus crap, he still just denies and keeps ranting. He's definitely part of Trumps 30%.
I have a question. Have you ever been to any football party at any bar or anywhere else that 'everyone' stops and takes off their hats and hand over their heart sings the National Anthem? If you say yes you're lying or go to some really small parties. Do you get mad at the ones that don't and leave? No, of course not. That makes you a hypocrite.

02-02-2018, 02:31 PM
So in your complete lack of brain function you say we should be more like N. Korea. You do now know why we think you're an idiot.
You actually made the 'libtards' point for them moron. because we are not N. Korea. we are allowed to peacefully protest in any way you want as long as it's not harming anyone or anything and they're not.
My suggestion is don't watch the athletes that come from backgrounds that have witnessed the injustices all of there lives and are now in a position to be noticed and are taking advantage of it if it hurts your feelings. My brothers all served in the military and I assure you, they agree that they fought for these players right to do EXACTLY what they're doing. The only one that doesn't is my 85 year old dad and that's because he's still racist and thinks ALL black people are on welfare. The reason we rarely speak anymore. It's sad when that is always the first thing out of his mouth. Fox News has consumed him and he's unbearable. It pisses me off that I can't have a conversation with him anymore without some regurgitated Fox news bull$%#@ being hurled at me. Even when I point out the inaccuracies and bogus crap, he still just denies and keeps ranting. He's definitely part of Trumps 30%.
I have a question. Have you ever been to any football party at any bar or anywhere else that 'everyone' stops and takes off their hats and hand over their heart sings the National Anthem? If you say yes you're lying or go to some really small parties. Do you get mad at the ones that don't and leave? No, of course not. That makes you a hypocrite.

Eh, don't worry too much about Chucky.

He's the master of the one sentence comebacks.

I don't think I've seen him create 2 sentences.

He's the kid in jr high that did the "I know you are but what am I?" comeback.

02-02-2018, 09:01 PM
So in your complete lack of brain function you say we should be more like N. Korea. You do now know why we think you're an idiot.
You actually made the 'libtards' point for them moron. because we are not N. Korea. we are allowed to peacefully protest in any way you want as long as it's not harming anyone or anything and they're not.
My suggestion is don't watch the athletes that come from backgrounds that have witnessed the injustices all of there lives and are now in a position to be noticed and are taking advantage of it if it hurts your feelings. My brothers all served in the military and I assure you, they agree that they fought for these players right to do EXACTLY what they're doing. The only one that doesn't is my 85 year old dad and that's because he's still racist and thinks ALL black people are on welfare. The reason we rarely speak anymore. It's sad when that is always the first thing out of his mouth. Fox News has consumed him and he's unbearable. It pisses me off that I can't have a conversation with him anymore without some regurgitated Fox news bull$%#@ being hurled at me. Even when I point out the inaccuracies and bogus crap, he still just denies and keeps ranting. He's definitely part of Trumps 30%.
I have a question. Have you ever been to any football party at any bar or anywhere else that 'everyone' stops and takes off their hats and hand over their heart sings the National Anthem? If you say yes you're lying or go to some really small parties. Do you get mad at the ones that don't and leave? No, of course not. That makes you a hypocrite.
So my opinion means nothing to you? Who said anything about race. Why would I stand for the national anthem if I’m not at the game. Players need to play football. Protest on youre you are own time.

02-02-2018, 09:02 PM
Eh, don't worry too much about Chucky.

He's the master of the one sentence comebacks.

I don't think I've seen him create 2 sentences.

He's the kid in jr high that did the "I know you are but what am I?" comeback.
Why would anyone worry about me?

Natural Lefty
02-02-2018, 10:14 PM
I have a solution to all you patriotic citizens not wanting to watch patriotic citizens take a knee during the national anthem: Don't watch the Super Bowl. My mother always used to call it the Stupid Bowl. A recent study found that almost every ex-NFL player had serious brain damage. (Maybe that explains OJ's behavior.) We have far more important things to do than watch people trying to knock each other down.

02-03-2018, 10:40 PM
I have a solution to all you patriotic citizens not wanting to watch patriotic citizens take a knee during the national anthem: Don't watch the Super Bowl. My mother always used to call it the Stupid Bowl. A recent study found that almost every ex-NFL player had serious brain damage. (Maybe that explains OJ's behavior.) We have far more important things to do than watch people trying to knock each other down.

How is someone patriotic taking a knee?

Lady Quagga
02-03-2018, 11:38 PM
How is someone patriotic taking a knee?

Someone else summed it up eloquently:

"When you risk it all for the people, that’s patriotic."

Lady Quagga
02-04-2018, 05:18 AM
Why would anyone worry about me?

quod erat demonstrandum

Lady Quagga
02-04-2018, 05:25 AM
Protest on youre you are own time.

Exactly - youre you are own time!

Go draxx them sklounst, Chuckles!

Natural Lefty
02-04-2018, 11:08 AM
Thank you again, Miss Quagga. :) People who want to make the world a better place in whatever way they deem appropriate are "patriotic" as far as I am concerned, as well as philanthropic.

02-04-2018, 08:09 PM
How about that Dodge ad?

Nothing like using a little MLK Jr to sell some trucks.

02-05-2018, 10:25 AM
quod erat demonstrandum

I haven't seen QED used since my advanced math classes. Nicely done...

Lady Quagga
02-05-2018, 01:53 PM
How about that Dodge ad?

Nothing like using a little MLK Jr to sell some trucks.

About as bad as the AHF using MLK's image on their billboards which have been popping up around L.A. lately.



(They've also used Cesar Chavez and Nelson Mandela in the same billboard campaign.)

02-05-2018, 03:10 PM
I'm hearing Mountain Dew is gonna pitch Gandhi for their new flavor next year.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever....and Do the Dew."

Lady Quagga
02-05-2018, 03:50 PM
I'm hearing Mountain Dew is gonna pitch Gandhi for their new flavor next year.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever....and Do the Dew."

I hear the logo got leaked......


old pudd fisher
02-05-2018, 08:38 PM
How about that Dodge ad?

Nothing like using a little MLK Jr to sell some trucks.

Hey Hey ! Its their right to do that. $$$$$ . Kinda like NFL players right to kneel before a game. This is the year of 2018 . Stand by more is on the way and coming soon to a city near you. :EyePop::EyePop:

Lady Quagga
02-05-2018, 08:50 PM
Hey Hey ! Its their right to do that. $$$$$ . Kinda like NFL players right to kneel before a game. This is the year of 2018 . Stand by more is on the way and coming soon to a city near you. :EyePop::EyePop:

Actually, you're wrong.

Eric D. Tidwell, manager of the Estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, which handles the licensing King’s intellectual property, made the decision to allow King’s sermon to be used in the advertisement.

old pudd fisher
02-05-2018, 09:14 PM
Actually, you're wrong.
Yeah then its a legal thing and ok but still think advertisement should be left out of it, I wonder if King is benefitting from the decision $$$$ .

Lady Quagga
02-05-2018, 09:31 PM
Yeah then its a legal thing and ok but still think advertisement should be left out of it, I wonder if King is benefitting from the decision $$$$ .

I doubt King is benefiting from it, unless they've found a way to transfer funds to the afterlife.

And given the full context of the speech Pudd, I would have to agree with you - it was a shameful use of MLK's words to promote truck sales.

02-06-2018, 08:55 AM
And given the full context of the speech Pudd, I would have to agree with you - it was a shameful use of MLK's words to promote truck sales.

I think the first edit of the ad was a lot better:


02-06-2018, 10:07 AM
So Tucker is a constitutionalist untilit doesn't jive with his belief system and you, well you're just a pimple on his ***! If there's this idea of freedom to protest and expression why the outrage when the KKK protest? I suppose until you've lived a life of struggle and repression much like that chick Rachel Dolezal you won't know what it is to be black. Liberal lunacy is what ails you

You're waaaaay too easy steelplatehead. All I have to do is let you keep running your mouth.

"Good news I heard some companies are giving out bonuses is yours?" You are too dumb to realize that your paltry 'bonus' will be gone and you'll still be paying the same for your healthcare (for now) and you'll still be getting your same wage and nothing has changed EXCEPT, your corporation now get's to keep all this years left over and all of every year from now on left over from the 'tax relief' and you know how much you'll see????? Keep holding you breath. They'll buy up their own stocks, give themselves (CEO's etc.) enormous bonuses and will keep doing so as long as they can. The workers will get a one time stipend to shut their stupid butts up. I guess you're also OK with us paying these chicken@&$& corporations (Apple, etc.) $68 BILLION tax bill for them so they can claim to be hero's and move jobs here, when all along this country has been making them more profit by buying their products than they can even spend. $68 billion will go a long way into boosting profits and share prices. They wait and get the guys they want in office to dodge paying any taxes at all and have US PAYING THEM. What part of this is OK with you?
How about they pay the outstanding tax bill and then they are allowed to take advantage of the new tax 'reform' after paying whats owed to the people of the United States. What these greedy corporations avoid, you and me (all middle working class parties) will be making up the difference. If the Walton's would just take $1 billion of the their almost $100 billion. That's a thousand million for each billion to you numerically challenged ones. 100 billion is a $100,000,000 x 1,000 times over. Just one billion or 1/100th of that could pay for ALL Wal-mart employees health insurance in full and pay them twice what they're making. They would still have $90 BILLION dollars. It all comes down to greed and how much greed you're willing to accept. I have little tolerance, but you on the other hand seem to think that these 1%er's that are being handed our country give one single s%^& about you. Here's a little fact for you. Please don't break out in hives. I know you're allergic to them.

Walmart isn't paying for those food stamps (now called SNAP), you are. The annual bill that states and the federal government foot for working families making poverty-level wages is $153 billion. A single Walmart Supercenter costs taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year in public assistance money.Feb 16, 2016

This 'between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year' is PER STORE and there is 3,522 of just the Supercenters.

Total number of Walmart stores in the United States from 2012 to 2017, by type
Records: Search:
Type 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Sam's Club 611 620 632 647 655 660
Discount stores 629 561 508 470 442 415
markets 210 286 407 639 667 735
Supercenters 3,029 3,158 3,288 3,407 3,465 3,522
Total 4,479 4,005 4,203 4,516 4,574 4,672

Hopefully the link below will work, but I'm not sure if you consider Forbes Magazine to be 'Fake News'.


The fact that you're OK with them getting tax cuts pretty much puts you where we all know where you stand and how much logical thinking you utilize. SMDH

02-06-2018, 10:14 AM
So Tucker is a constitutionalist untilit doesn't jive with his belief system and you, well you're just a pimple on his ***! If there's this idea of freedom to protest and expression why the outrage when the KKK protest? I suppose until you've lived a life of struggle and repression much like that chick Rachel Dolezal you won't know what it is to be black. Liberal lunacy is what ails you

You're waaaaay too easy steelplatehead. All I have to do is let you keep running your mouth.

"Good news I heard some companies are giving out bonuses is yours?" You are too dumb to realize that your paltry 'bonus' will be gone and you'll still be paying the same for your healthcare (for now) and you'll still be getting your same wage and nothing has changed EXCEPT, your corporation now get's to keep all this years left over and all of every year from now on left over from the 'tax relief' and you know how much you'll see????? Keep holding you breath. They'll buy up their own stocks, give themselves (CEO's etc.) enormous bonuses and will keep doing so as long as they can. The workers will get a one time stipend to shut their stupid butts up. I guess you're also OK with us paying these chicken@&$& corporations (Apple, etc.) $68 BILLION tax bill for them so they can claim to be hero's and move jobs here, when all along this country has been making them more profit by buying their products than they can even spend. $68 billion will go a long way into boosting profits and share prices. They wait and get the guys they want in office to dodge paying any taxes at all and have US PAYING THEM. What part of this is OK with you?
How about they pay the outstanding tax bill and then they are allowed to take advantage of the new tax 'reform' after paying whats owed to the people of the United States. What these greedy corporations avoid, you and me (all middle working class parties) will be making up the difference. If the Walton's would just take $1 billion of the their almost $100 billion. That's a thousand million for each billion to you numerically challenged ones. 100 billion is a $100,000,000 x 1,000 times over. Just one billion or 1/100th of that could pay for ALL Wal-mart employees health insurance in full and pay them twice what they're making. They would still be have $90 BILLION dollars. It all comes down to greed and how much greed you're willing to accept. I have little tolerance, but you on the other hand seem to think that these 1%er's that are being handed our country give one single s%^& about you. Here's a little fact for you. Please don't break out in hives. I know you're allergic to them.

Walmart isn't paying for those food stamps (now called SNAP), you are. The annual bill that states and the federal government foot for working families making poverty-level wages is $153 billion. A single Walmart Supercenter costs taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year in public assistance money.Feb 16, 2016

This 'between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year' is PER STORE and there is 3,522 of just the Supercenters.

Total number of Walmart stores in the United States from 2012 to 2017, by type
Records: Search:
Type 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Sam's Club 611 620 632 647 655 660
Discount stores 629 561 508 470 442 415
markets 210 286 407 639 667 735
Supercenters 3,029 3,158 3,288 3,407 3,465 3,522
Total 4,479 4,005 4,203 4,516 4,574 4,672

Hopefully the link below will work, but I'm not sure if you consider Forbes Magazine to be 'Fake News'.


The fact that you're OK with this pretty much puts you where we all know where you stand and how much logical thinking you utilize. SMDH

02-06-2018, 11:40 PM
No thanks for dissertation jackhole. Healthcare is fine but if you're afraid yours is going away because Obamacare is DOA then I can see how you feel about these issues. What was different 5 months ago and now? The corporations were going to make billions anyways, did the higher taxes for them go into your pocket? It didn't mine. The corporations are getting the lower tax breaks, individuals making a good living are going to pay more, do a little research before you run your mouth idiot! I'm sure millions of people are NOT happy about getting extra money back from their taxes. You are a @#$# government leech who is good at pointing fingers and engaging in class warfare. I seem to remember a McFerrin classic, don't worry be happy! Try it sometimes and don't be so negative.

You're waaaaay too easy steelplatehead. All I have to do is let you keep running your mouth.

"Good news I heard some companies are giving out bonuses is yours?" You are too dumb to realize that your paltry 'bonus' will be gone and you'll still be paying the same for your healthcare (for now) and you'll still be getting your same wage and nothing has changed EXCEPT, your corporation now get's to keep all this years left over and all of every year from now on left over from the 'tax relief' and you know how much you'll see????? Keep holding you breath. They'll buy up their own stocks, give themselves (CEO's etc.) enormous bonuses and will keep doing so as long as they can. The workers will get a one time stipend to shut their stupid butts up. I guess you're also OK with us paying these chicken@&$& corporations (Apple, etc.) $68 BILLION tax bill for them so they can claim to be hero's and move jobs here, when all along this country has been making them more profit by buying their products than they can even spend. $68 billion will go a long way into boosting profits and share prices. They wait and get the guys they want in office to dodge paying any taxes at all and have US PAYING THEM. What part of this is OK with you?
How about they pay the outstanding tax bill and then they are allowed to take advantage of the new tax 'reform' after paying whats owed to the people of the United States. What these greedy corporations avoid, you and me (all middle working class parties) will be making up the difference. If the Walton's would just take $1 billion of the their almost $100 billion. That's a thousand million for each billion to you numerically challenged ones. 100 billion is a $100,000,000 x 1,000 times over. Just one billion or 1/100th of that could pay for ALL Wal-mart employees health insurance in full and pay them twice what they're making. They would still be have $90 BILLION dollars. It all comes down to greed and how much greed you're willing to accept. I have little tolerance, but you on the other hand seem to think that these 1%er's that are being handed our country give one single s%^& about you. Here's a little fact for you. Please don't break out in hives. I know you're allergic to them.

Walmart isn't paying for those food stamps (now called SNAP), you are. The annual bill that states and the federal government foot for working families making poverty-level wages is $153 billion. A single Walmart Supercenter costs taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year in public assistance money.Feb 16, 2016

This 'between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year' is PER STORE and there is 3,522 of just the Supercenters.

Total number of Walmart stores in the United States from 2012 to 2017, by type
Records: Search:
Type 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Sam's Club 611 620 632 647 655 660
Discount stores 629 561 508 470 442 415
markets 210 286 407 639 667 735
Supercenters 3,029 3,158 3,288 3,407 3,465 3,522
Total 4,479 4,005 4,203 4,516 4,574 4,672

Hopefully the link below will work, but I'm not sure if you consider Forbes Magazine to be 'Fake News'.


The fact that you're OK with this pretty much puts you where we all know where you stand and how much logical thinking you utilize. SMDH

02-07-2018, 08:44 AM
No thanks for dissertation jackhole. Healthcare is fine but if you're afraid yours is going away because Obamacare is DOA then I can see how you feel about these issues. What was different 5 months ago and now? The corporations were going to make billions anyways, did the higher taxes for them go into your pocket? It didn't mine. The corporations are getting the lower tax breaks, individuals making a good living are going to pay more, do a little research before you run your mouth idiot! I'm sure millions of people are NOT happy about getting extra money back from their taxes. You are a @#$# government leech who is good at pointing fingers and engaging in class warfare. I seem to remember a McFerrin classic, don't worry be happy! Try it sometimes and don't be so negative.

Once again for the mentally challenged.
It all comes down to greed. Your paltry 'bonus' will be a one time thing and why don't you just wait and see what actually happens down the road.
I'll use Walmart again for an example. Our government subsidizes over $1million per Supercenter on healthcare and welfare benefits for their employees. The Waltons are worth $100 Billion. That's billion with a B. They could give up 1 billion of that and still be billionaires 99 times over. I hope they can eat on that. That would allow for ALL of their employees to have 100% paid healthcare and double their pay with money left over. I remember when I was a kid and some companies would do that for their employees, but now???? Yea right. "it would affect our shareholders" that's all you hear. Screw the workers, screw the government and worry about the 'shareholders'.
Enjoy your paltry 'bonus' while they buy up all of their stock to help the 'shareholders' so they can get real bonuses. If you actually gave one s$%t about anyone but you, maybe you'd understand why this is not good and in the long run just as always it will fail at our expense again and we can do absolutely nothing about it because YOUR PARTY IS REMOVING ALL PROTECTION FOR US YOU MORON!

02-07-2018, 09:04 AM
No thanks for dissertation jackhole. Healthcare is fine but if you're afraid yours is going away because Obamacare is DOA then I can see how you feel about these issues. What was different 5 months ago and now? The corporations were going to make billions anyways, did the higher taxes for them go into your pocket? It didn't mine. The corporations are getting the lower tax breaks, individuals making a good living are going to pay more, do a little research before you run your mouth idiot! I'm sure millions of people are NOT happy about getting extra money back from their taxes. You are a @#$# government leech who is good at pointing fingers and engaging in class warfare. I seem to remember a McFerrin classic, don't worry be happy! Try it sometimes and don't be so negative.

Well peoples one time Bonuses and paltry tax cut will expire in 7 years. (yet the Rich and Corporate tax rates will live on) Here's something to chew on!!! 2018 projected Federal deficit will be over 1 trillion dollars. Obama got it down to 400 Billion dollars right before he left office. Now they can do nothing for a few years, but eventually they will have to do something!!!

You guy's think you're so smart, what do you think their going to do?????? (I already gave my opinion)

02-10-2018, 08:18 PM
Paltry?? A few thousand extra dollars is not paltry, and if someone were to invest that few thousand for the next 7 years is that still paltry? What you don't address is nothing was done about the tax brackets the last 8 years and the middle class didn't get anything, so I ask you what is different? So it's going to benefit the shareholders ehhh?? That's great because I'm a shareholder. I didn't need the government to get by, I actually did just fine the past 8 years but now I'm not going to turn down the paltry crumbs as you like to call it.

Once again for the mentally challenged.
It all comes down to greed. Your paltry 'bonus' will be a one time thing and why don't you just wait and see what actually happens down the road.
I'll use Walmart again for an example. Our government subsidizes over $1million per Supercenter on healthcare and welfare benefits for their employees. The Waltons are worth $100 Billion. That's billion with a B. They could give up 1 billion of that and still be billionaires 99 times over. I hope they can eat on that. That would allow for ALL of their employees to have 100% paid healthcare and double their pay with money left over. I remember when I was a kid and some companies would do that for their employees, but now???? Yea right. "it would affect our shareholders" that's all you hear. Screw the workers, screw the government and worry about the 'shareholders'.
Enjoy your paltry 'bonus' while they buy up all of their stock to help the 'shareholders' so they can get real bonuses. If you actually gave one s$%t about anyone but you, maybe you'd understand why this is not good and in the long run just as always it will fail at our expense again and we can do absolutely nothing about it because YOUR PARTY IS REMOVING ALL PROTECTION FOR US YOU MORON!

02-10-2018, 08:48 PM
Paltry?? A few thousand extra dollars is not paltry, and if someone were to invest that few thousand for the next 7 years is that still paltry? What you don't address is nothing was done about the tax brackets the last 8 years and the middle class didn't get anything, so I ask you what is different? So it's going to benefit the shareholders ehhh?? That's great because I'm a shareholder. I didn't need the government to get by, I actually did just fine the past 8 years but now I'm not going to turn down the paltry crumbs as you like to call it.

I'd like to address a few of your points and then I'm sure Brent will give his opinion. The working and middle class will get some tax relief for the next 7 years. (Then nothing!!!) The Republicans budget they just passed for the next 2 years, will have a trillion dollars or more a year of deficit spending in their budget. (you know they can't keep that up forever don't you???) So they will eventually have to do something, like hit you up with a Value Added Tax (Federal Sales on many items you will buy for the rest of your life) 20 years after you received that pittance of a tax relief. When you add up the numbers of what you got and then what you will have to pay for the rest of your life. (You will be a complete loser on this deal.) While corporations and the Rich will still be getting the benefits. They will have taken you as a complete sucker!!!!!!!

02-10-2018, 09:02 PM
Easy there John Elway fisherman, It's nice that you think you know everything, down to a T for the next 7 years. The reality is no one really knows what is going to happen until it happens, it's all conjecture and citing the Congressional Budget Office which is a bipartisan.... yeah right. Did you know certain Obamacare exchanges were going to raise cost 100%? Was that ever touted by Nancy Pelosi and Obama? If you knew what exactly was going to happen you wouldn't be on fishingnetwork pretending you did.

I'd like to address a few of your points and then I'm sure Brent will give his opinion. The working and middle class will get some tax relief for the next 7 years. (Then nothing!!!) The Republicans budget they just passed for the next 2 years, will have a trillion dollars or more a year of deficit spending in their budget. (you know they can't keep that up forever don't you???) So they will eventually have to do something, like hit you up with a Value Added Tax (Federal Sales on many items you will buy for the rest of your life) 20 years after you received that pittance of a tax relief. When you add up the numbers of what you got and then what you will have to pay for the rest of your life. (You will be a complete loser on this deal.) While corporations and the Rich will still be getting the benefits. They will have taken you as a complete sucker!!!!!!!

02-10-2018, 09:19 PM
Easy there John Elway fisherman, It's nice that you think you know everything, down to a T for the next 7 years. The reality is no one really knows what is going to happen until it happens, it's all conjecture and citing the Congressional Budget Office which is a bipartisan.... yeah right. Did you know certain Obamacare exchanges were going to raise cost 100%? Was that ever touted by Nancy Pelosi and Obama? If you knew what exactly was going to happen you wouldn't be on fishingnetwork pretending you did.

I get it, let's play ostrich and put our heads in the sand. We won't actually worry about "anything" till it actually happens!!!! Some how you think the government can deficit spend forever and there will never be a day of reckoning!!! Or they will think of some solution that won't cause it's citizens any financial pain. I got a great Idea!!!! You and I can become partners. I'll be your manager and I can send you to Greece and you can give them your financial wisdom on deficit spending and the solution when you run out of credit!!!

Lady Quagga
02-10-2018, 10:54 PM

02-11-2018, 10:16 AM
We got a bunch of fortune telling fisherman who can read Ganja leaves. The keyword in that headline is "could" and then again maybe not.
