View Full Version : I miss the old FNN

01-21-2018, 09:02 PM
3 reports since the 10th, today is the 21st.
Any comments? Or on this fishing site are we focused on the government shut down?
It is The fishing news network. Is anyone fishing on this site?

01-21-2018, 10:47 PM
i dont put my skunks up but i go to castaic as much as i can. im on banks though and at lagoon i dont think i can get deep enough in my light gear i take on motorcycle. and the upper is always a pain from the shore at this time of year. as soon as it warms up hopefully the fishing will be on for me again. well soon the fishing will be turned on everywhere. i still go when its tough because you can catch some monsters when its cold if you get lucky.

01-22-2018, 07:41 AM
3 reports since the 10th, today is the 21st.
Any comments? Or on this fishing site are we focused on the government shut down?
It is The fishing news network. Is anyone fishing on this site?

Inshore saltwater is really good ... 1 angler... less than 3 hrs ... 20 sand/calico bass 2-4 lbs class ... NO KOOKS ... awesome days! anything 40++ feet of water over some structure ... All plastics with needle to fizz fish! Pretty much anywhere along the SoCal coastline is good right now. Be respectful to others and enjoy yourself!

01-22-2018, 08:28 AM
I too have noticed how slow things have gotten around here. I do surf the other fishing websites on Facebook where several former loud mouths on here went. I was accused of having an IQ of 100 around here by a long time member. (which is ok) But when I make comments on the Facebook fishing websites, I'm truly the smartest guy in the room!!! FNN from a standpoint of reports and knowledge is on a college level. Facebook fishing websites on the other hand are written to the level of about a 4th grader's level minus the pictures. It's not as if there isn't any knowledgeable people on there. Boat owners and Captains are on there and even my "nemesis" the former editor of W.O.N. is there.

Which brings up the point I want to make. The Editor of W.O.N. in his editorials was a Russ Limbaugh clone. Saying things like the Heartland of America is where the true sportsman live and work. Excuse me, but I'm a "Californian" and proud of it!!! Maybe though (cat break) Zoey jumped on my lap.

I'm back

Maybe the Editor of W.O.N. was on to something. He felt the people most interested in Hunting & Fishing have a Conservative leaning in their politics. If that is the case, the best environment for them is for the Dems to control things so they can complain about everything but not have to offer any real solutions.

If you buy that argument, it's all "Obama's fault" this website is slower then it use to be. How can it be Obama's fault when he is no longer President???? Exactly!!!! He is no longer President, we now have President Trump. Other then him goosing the economy (he did hurt California) how can you defend Trump??? You really can't and other members know this and left or greatly reduced their participation on here.

What does that have to do about fishing and fish reports you might be wondering??? Politics do work their way into fishing reports and discussions. (that's just human nature) People also don't like to be embarrassed!!! So if you ever said things politically on here or even hinted at it, which many members did. Where are you now with Trump??? He's pretty hard to defend!! So it's just easier to reduce your participation on this website instead!!!

That's just my opinion, but if you go back and see when Trump got elected. I bet you can see a slow down in the activity on here from then on.

01-22-2018, 09:11 AM
I too have noticed how slow things have gotten around here. I do surf the other fishing websites on Facebook where several former loud mouths on here went. I was accused of having an IQ of 100 around here by a long time member. (which is ok) But when I make comments on the Facebook fishing websites, I'm truly the smartest guy in the room!!! FNN from a standpoint of reports and knowledge is on a college level. Facebook fishing websites are written to the level of about a 4th grade level minus the pictures. It's not as if they isn't any knowledgeable people on there. Boat owners and Captains are on there and even my "nemesis" the former editor of W.O.N.

Which brings up the point I want to make. The Editor of W.O.N. in his editorials was a Russ Limbaugh clone. Saying things like the Heartland of America is where the true sportsman live and work. Excuse me, but I'm a "Californian" and proud of it!!! Maybe though (cat break) Zoey jumped on my lap.

I'm back

Maybe the Editor of W.O.N. was on to something. He felt the people most interested in Hunting & Fishing have a Conservative leaning in their politics. If that is the case, the best environment for them is for the Dems to control things so they can complain about everything but not have to offer any real solutions.

If you buy that argument, it's all "Obama's fault" this website is slower then it use to be. How can it be Obama's fault when he is no longer President???? Exactly!!!! He is no longer President, we now have President Trump. Other then him goosing the economy (he did hurt California) how can you defend Trump??? You really can't and other members know this and left or greatly reduced their participation on here.

That's just my opinion, but if you go back and see when Trump got elected. I bet you can see a slow down in the activity on here from then on.
Facebook pretty much IS for adolescence type mentality and for people over 70 years of age! Just saying. :Idea:

01-22-2018, 09:33 AM
Facebook pretty much IS for adolescence type mentality and for people over 70 years of age! Just saying. :Idea:

That is the competition for FNN!! Let's do a Rebirth of FNN and start writing up more of peoples fishing adventures. I'll be writing one this week, I encourage other to do the same!!!

01-22-2018, 10:01 AM
The state of pay to fish lakes along with the lack of trout stocks has had an affect on the contributions to this page also. Many of the more seasoned anglers don't really enjoy the social network side of fishing. Seasoned is a code word for older by the way. Also on the other end of the spectrum is the younger anglers that FNN is kind of a dinosaur to and they use other sources for communication.

Everybody tries to make more of it than it really is, times are a chang'n and while I don't always like the changes there ain't much we can do about it. Besides it's much better to actually go fishing than it is to read about it on the Internet.

01-22-2018, 10:23 AM
I posted this because this site is how I pick where to go. I hit Wolford with the wife and kids during their Christmas break, only fished it for a few hours for the skunk. The kid got bored because there weren't any rocks to throw in the boat. Left early, like Jdogg I didn't post a skunk report, but I have in the past. I'll try that lake again, maybe leave the kid at home and fish it harder. Last year I didn't fish much, so the license was barely used. I'm going to get my money's worth out of this years license.

01-22-2018, 11:58 AM
I recently joined this site with the intent to post fishing reports for castaic, as I am there pretty often. Five years ago, I would come here religiously to see reports. They were real world reports unlike other sites that would be a copy/paste from the previous week. Then, people stopped posting. I decided to join and put in my 2 cents with the hope that fellow fisherman would follow suit. Now one needs to post their secret spot or secret techniques, even a simple "this is what didn't work" would help. I wish I had that type of guidance when I first began angling. The hope is to help others, specially beginners, join and enjoy our great sport.
Fishing report to follow.....

01-22-2018, 12:06 PM
The state of pay to fish lakes along with the lack of trout stocks has had an affect on the contributions to this page also. Many of the more seasoned anglers don't really enjoy the social network side of fishing. Seasoned is a code word for older by the way. Also on the other end of the spectrum is the younger anglers that FNN is kind of a dinosaur to and they use other sources for communication.

Everybody tries to make more of it than it really is, times are a chang'n and while I don't always like the changes there ain't much we can do about it. Besides it's much better to actually go fishing than it is to read about it on the Internet.

Better to go fishing then read about it on the Internet!! (True in a perfect world) But we don't live in a perfect world, so what's the next best thing??? Hef, sure made a nice living on the next best thing didn't he???? lol

01-22-2018, 12:26 PM
3 reports since the 10th, today is the 21st.
Any comments? Or on this fishing site are we focused on the government shut down?
It is The fishing news network. Is anyone fishing on this site?

Plenty of people are fishing but it almost isn't worth putting up a post anymore. It took all of three replies for this thread to go to politics. Enough said.

01-22-2018, 02:08 PM
Plenty of people are fishing but it almost isn't worth putting up a post anymore. It took all of three replies for this thread to go to politics. Enough said.

Absolutely ENOUGH SAID!! Couldn’t agree more Marley.

01-22-2018, 02:15 PM
Plenty of people are fishing but it almost isn't worth putting up a post anymore. It took all of three replies for this thread to go to politics. Enough said.

You can thanks eTucks for that one. I was gonna rip him a new one, but had better things to do. I expected "The Others" to step up, but they're on at least, a 4 year vacation.

In any case, perhaps the downfall of the site is because even the admins themselves have given up.

There's so many cases of obvious Spam going on here, but hey, who cares. It seems that the Titanic has already struck the iceberg.


I remember back in the day when those threads where eliminated immediately.

"I miss the old FNN."

01-22-2018, 02:38 PM
People keep asking the same question over and over again about what happened on here???

So far the only good explanation was the Pay lakes closed!!! Ok that's true but what about all the other reports???

Nobody has any explanation for them!!!

I gave my opinion, enough said!!!!

01-22-2018, 03:16 PM
OK, reality check, Part 1. Let us begin.

I was accused of having an IQ of 100 around here by a long time member. (which is ok) But when I make comments on the Facebook fishing websites, I'm truly the smartest guy in the room!!!

Wow, and modest too!

FNN from a standpoint of reports and knowledge is on a college level. Facebook fishing websites on the other hand are written to the level of about a 4th grader's level minus the pictures.

College level? 4th grader's level? I think it's a mix of both, depending on who's opening their mouth.

Maybe the Editor of W.O.N. was on to something. He felt the people most interested in Hunting & Fishing have a Conservative leaning in their politics. If that is the case, the best environment for them is for the Dems to control things so they can complain about everything but not have to offer any real solutions.

If you buy that argument, it's all "Obama's fault" this website is slower then it use to be. How can it be Obama's fault when he is no longer President????

Wait, you brought Obama in the mix? This has NOTHING to do with Obama, unless DockRat, HawgzLoco, or Devore had posted something in this thread in order for you to retort. But how on earth do you bring Obama into the mix? Jesus on a christ.

Exactly!!!! He is no longer President, we now have President Trump.

Exactly, eTucks. Then why even bring him up?!

What does that have to do about fishing and fish reports you might be wondering???

Nobody is wondering, but please enlighten us, IQ 100:

Politics do work their way into fishing reports and discussions. (that's just human nature) People also don't like to be embarrassed!!! So if you ever said things politically on here or even hinted at it, which many members did. Where are you now with Trump??? He's pretty hard to defend!! So it's just easier to reduce your participation on this website instead!!!

Gen Disc is down there, eTucks. Nobody brought politics onto this thread until you did.

That's just my opinion, but if you go back and see when Trump got elected. I bet you can see a slow down in the activity on here from then on.

Trump? Go check on who brought politics first onto the thread.

Thanks, Tucks. You're better off giving us reports on Wolford than opening your mouth about politics outside the GenDisc thread. You've become the Reverse DockRat, without even knowing it.

01-22-2018, 04:00 PM
OK, reality check, Part 1. Let us begin.

Wow, and modest too!

College level? 4th grader's level? I think it's a mix of both, depending on who's opening their mouth.

Wait, you brought Obama in the mix? This has NOTHING to do with Obama, unless DockRat, HawgzLoco, or Devore had posted something in this thread in order for you to retort. But how on earth do you bring Obama into the mix? Jesus on a christ.

Exactly, eTucks. Then why even bring him up?!

Nobody is wondering, but please enlighten us, IQ 100:

Gen Disc is down there, eTucks. Nobody brought politics onto this thread until you did.

Trump? Go check on who brought politics first onto the thread.

Thanks, Tucks. You're better off giving us reports on Wolford than opening your mouth about politics outside the GenDisc thread. You've become the Reverse DockRat, without even knowing it.

What's the answer's then???

I gave the "copy from the winners answer." Western Outdoor News is by far the most successfully Hunting & Fishing Publication in the Southern California area. I'll even quote Deve for this answer. Hillary got an over whelming amount of her votes for President from Southern CA. Yet W.O.N. panders to the "Hard Right" in politics to their sportsman audience. Are they stupid??? The majority of Southern CA voters voted for Hillary, yet they come off as an Russ Limbaugh protege. I trust them to have done their research and realize the sportsman that comprise their target audience are predominately Hard Core Conservatives.

Now back to this same question that keeps getting asked on here.

What happened to all the Fish reports and general fishing discussions that use to be on here all the time. My answer is, "the people started leaving when Trump got elected President." (which then caused a chain reaction of people leaving) Those Conservatives on here no longer felt comfortable because the only people who were left were Progressives, middle of the roaders and Independents. Not the old guard who were mostly Conservatives!!! (Birds of a feather do like to flock together.) But when the old guard felt they flew like Eagles on here, now there is only Turkeys left behind, so they all bailed on this web site.

That is just my opinion but why not just ask the people themselves, on why they don't post fish reports on here anymore. Someone who chimed in today, use to post a lot of fish reports in the past. In checking the record, he hasn't posted one since last March. (I wonder why???)

01-22-2018, 05:47 PM
I thought it was because I moved ........lol

01-22-2018, 05:53 PM
What's the answer's then???

I gave the copy the winners answer. Western Outdoor News is by far the most successfully Hunting & Fishing Publication in the Southern California area. I'll even quote Deve for this answer. Hillary got any over whelming amount of her votes for President from Southern CA. Yet W.O.N. panders to the "Hard Right" in politics to their sportsman audience. Are they stupid??? The majority of Southern CA voters voted for Hillary, yet they come off as an Russ Limbaugh protege. I trust them to have done their research and realize the sportsman that comprise their target audience are Hard Core Conservatives.

Now back to this same question that keeps getting asked on here.

What happened to all the Fish reports and general fishing discussions that use to be on here all the time. My answer is, "the people started leaving when Trump became President." (which then caused a chain reaction of people leaving) They no longer felt comfortable on here because the only people left were Progressives, middle of the roaders and Independents. Not the old guard who were mostly Conservatives!!! (Birds of a feather like to flock together.) But when the old guard felt they flew like Eagles on here, now there is only Turkeys left they bailed on this web site.

That is just my opinion but why not just ask the people. Why don't some people post fish reports on here any more??? Someone who chimed in today, use to post a lot of fish reports. In checking he hasn't posted one since last March. (I wonder why???)

I preferred your original Cliff Note's response.

01-22-2018, 09:01 PM
....(I wonder why???)

I don’t have time to fish like I used to so reading about it is as good as it gets for me right now. And when I read about it and the third reply jumps ridiculously into politics I just don’t want to play.

01-23-2018, 08:42 AM
What's the answer's then???

Who cares?

That's my final answer.

01-23-2018, 09:16 AM
I'll give my final answer too.

People rejected my conspiracy theory. (that's ok)

But what people do accept as why things are a little slower on here is the following.

1. 3 pay lakes closed as being pay lakes and thus we no longer get reports from them.

2. Reduced trout stockings makes for less reports.

3. People don't have as much time to fish as they use too!!!

There is your consensus of why they are less fish reports on FNN then there use to be.

01-23-2018, 10:35 AM
Nobody posts anything that’s the problem. Nobody wants to get their spots or tricks jacked. If you post a report it gets 2500 views and 3 replies. Then there are no reports for a month. The whole political thing has nothing to do with fishing reports. Who gives a F$$k what your political beliefes are that don’t catch fish, or stop you from posting your fishing report. If you guys want to finger pop each others assholes about who is better a lib or conservative take it to some political forum. Every couple months a thread pops up like this hell I posted 1 just a few months back. Why not start replying to threads like thanks or nice fish or anything. When people post and they get replies it feels like you’ve accomplished something. But to have no replies and to get it hijacked by some political wacko turns people off.

01-23-2018, 11:29 AM
I am guilty of not posting reports, because of the way a lot of the posts got hijacked into a political argument, or if someone responded that someone else didn't like a war of ugly words broke out, to the point that some threads were locked, or completely eliminated. Darkshadow has shown in this thread how the same old political garbage has crept into this post, and he is spot on about the lack of moderating from the administrators as well. We all have different political viewpoints, and trying to establish your political point, on a fishing site is pointless, and diminishes the validity of the site itself. I have met several really cool folks because of this website, and have gotten to know them while fishing together, or chatting in line before the lakes open. We dont agree on everything, but what we do agree on, is that we enjoy fishing together, a time when all the crap can be put aside. The camaraderie on this site has vanished, so have the get togethers, the surf events or the striper events etc. Heck, there are even some folks, who in my estimation, have never posted a fishing report, but are quick to interject nasty remarks, throwing out wolf cookies, trying to start a fight.... I am too old for all of that, plus it defeats the purpose of this site itself. The most prolific posters on this site have all been banned, or just left the site, or just lurk. And I am in no way condoning the actions that led to them being banished. Heck, if properly moderated, those threads never would have gotten that far out of control in the first point, or better yet, if we all stuck to fishing reports, it never would have occurred in the first place...... If I want to watch, and or listen to folks argue and fight, all I have to do is turn on any news network, I dont have time for that at home, and I sure dont have time for it here................. I though a while back there was a movement on this site to put all of the non fishing BS into the general discussion section, for all of those who felt it necessary to fight and verbally attack one another, but that either never came to fruition, or was never enforced.....Maybe if we just got back to fishing, and networking with each other for that purpose, this site could return to the fun place it was in the past................Dave

01-23-2018, 12:04 PM
Why not start replying to threads like thanks or nice fish or anything.

Yes,YES. Let’s all start trying to do this!! Well said!!

Mr. Tucker, please, PLEASE give this piece of advice a chance. Just say, “nice fish” or “congrats on the fish.” Politics do NOT matter!

01-23-2018, 12:48 PM
Yes,YES. Let’s all start trying to do this!! Well said!!

Mr. Tucker, please, PLEASE give this piece of advice a chance. Just say, “nice fish” or “congrats on the fish.” Politics do NOT matter!

Me personally I try to leave politics out of any fish report.

I was just merely trying to answer the question that keeps being brought up!! (playing nice together really is the key!!!)

01-23-2018, 01:13 PM
Some pics too would
Be nice!!!Lol.. J/k..


01-23-2018, 01:23 PM
Nobody posts anything that’s the problem. Nobody wants to get their spots or tricks jacked. If you post a report it gets 2500 views and 3 replies. Then there are no reports for a month. The whole political thing has nothing to do with fishing reports. Who gives a F$$k what your political beliefes are that don’t catch fish, or stop you from posting your fishing report. If you guys want to finger pop each others assholes about who is better a lib or conservative take it to some political forum. Every couple months a thread pops up like this hell I posted 1 just a few months back. Why not start replying to threads like thanks or nice fish or anything. When people post and they get replies it feels like you’ve accomplished something. But to have no replies and to get it hijacked by some political wacko turns people off.

Let me address the no reply part. It's not like your fish report isn't read and enjoyed by hundreds of people. (it is) But the non members to members is 25 or more to 1. That's why people get only a limited amount of reply's.

The 300 lbs Gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about is peoples paranoia about burning spots. (you could have a whole thread on that one)

01-23-2018, 01:27 PM
Some pics too would
Be nice!!!Lol.. J/k..


For you Mike,

Every time I'm going to go Crappie fishing, I'll be sure to take some pictures of the catch!!! lol

01-23-2018, 02:48 PM
...(you could have a whole thread on that one)

Please, God. No!

01-23-2018, 03:04 PM
Please, God. No!

I'm with you on that one.

01-23-2018, 03:58 PM
Please, God. No!

You guy's are no fun!!!! lol

01-23-2018, 04:40 PM
the non members to members is 25 or more to 1.

The 300 lbs Gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about is peoples paranoia about burning spots. (you could have a whole thread on that one)

Then, let’s fix the low ratio. No more bringing politics into the fishing forums, just give guys positive feedback on all of the reports.

And, as far as the gorilla goes, paranoia.....?? Really?? I apologize Mr. Tucker but I have to disagree.

I couldn’t care less if people are fishing the same spots that I know of at any of the local lakes. I enjoy seeing people catch fish. I, and I’m sure a lot of other people have, given away gear repeatedly at the lake. When talking to people, if I’m having a good day and they’re not, I routinely give them packages of plastics or lures that I’ve had success on. Then flat out tell them where to go and how to fish the baits.

I take kids out, CONSTANTLY. Other adults and co-workers who don't know how to fish as well. Do you think I take them out and give them baits I have no confidence in? Take them to places I’ve never fished before? The whole goal is to get these guys and their kids on some fish.

The gorilla is simply guys getting clowned on the forums. Being told their fish “doesn’t look like a 4 pounder” or “check their scale,” etc. As mentioned above, having their thread jacked and so on. Sharing info? Not an issue. Being embarrassed, ALWAYS an issue.

Let’s stay classy FNN!!

01-23-2018, 06:34 PM
Then, let’s fix the low ratio. No more bringing politics into the fishing forums, just give guys positive feedback on all of the reports.

And, as far as the gorilla goes, paranoia.....?? Really?? I apologize Mr. Tucker but I have to disagree.

I couldn’t care less if people are fishing the same spots that I know of at any of the local lakes. I enjoy seeing people catch fish. I, and I’m sure a lot of other people have, given away gear repeatedly at the lake. When talking to people, if I’m having a good day and they’re not, I routinely give them packages of plastics or lures that I’ve had success on. Then flat out tell them where to go and how to fish the baits.

I take kids out, CONSTANTLY. Other adults and co-workers who don't know how to fish as well. Do you think I take them out and give them baits I have no confidence in? Take them to places I’ve never fished before? The whole goal is to get these guys and their kids on some fish.

The gorilla is simply guys getting clowned on the forums. Being told their fish “doesn’t look like a 4 pounder” or “check their scale,” etc. As mentioned above, having their thread jacked and so on. Sharing info? Not an issue. Being embarrassed, ALWAYS an issue.

Let’s stay classy FNN!!

I should have been a Lawyer!!! lol

I love fact checking and then presenting my evidence. I also truly do like to try to understand where people are coming from and act accordingly. First I totally agree, "in a fish report there is no place for any political discussions." It should be totally all about the fishing!!! However, people bring up all the time that political statements get into the fish reports and derail the whole thing.

So I just looked it up to see how often that happens.

I started from the top and went back 6 months in each Lake section. I was only going to do a random sample, so I thought 20 fish reports should be enough to get a feel, about how often does politics make their way into a fish report. Other then the W.O.N. Big Bear tournament, where your's truly complained about W.O.N. No other political remarks were made in any fish report!!! I know 20 fish reports isn't all the reports but it's probably fair to say, "it's not a wide spread problem!!"

Now when it comes to full disclosure in a fish report. I write a ton of fish reports and always give full disclosure!!! But I do remember people who complain about a spot or lake being burned by a fish report on here.

01-23-2018, 09:24 PM
Now when it comes to full disclosure in a fish report. I write a ton of fish reports and always give full disclosure!!!

This, this is great.

But seriously, “fact checking,” “presenting my evidence?” This is where you and I have to simply go our separate ways. I no longer look through the general discussion board because everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just don’t want to read it anymore.

For the record, Mr. Tucker wins this debate. I don’t want to debate, just want to fish and hear about other’s trips. No need for “fact checking” and definitely don’t want to hear or read anyone “presenting their evidence” in an effort to win a debate.

Good luck out there guys and let’s start posting more reports.

Ornery Bob
01-23-2018, 11:07 PM
For me, too many of the people here would rather talk sh*t than talk fishing.

This is the only forum where I've posted my fishing reports/videos and been told I was both stupid and bad for the sport.

Apparently, I'm bad for the sport because I say where I'm fishing and that makes other people go there. Evidently I recently "burned" Dana Point harbor that way. Seriously? Dana Point is some sort of secret spot?

I've also been told I was stupid to go lobster fishing because it was a lot of work for nothing. So that's the mentality I've experienced here.

Oh yes, I'm also some sort of ego freak because I have a YouTube channel dedicated to my float tube fishing experiences.

I will continue to post my reports as I create them, but I don't come here for fun or camaraderie, because there doesn't seem to be any. Like I said, I think too many people here would rather talk sh*t than talk fishing.

01-24-2018, 09:38 AM
I am honestly one who lurks the boards more than contributes. Ive been here on and off for a few years and have gotten a lot out of these boards. I chime in when I feel I know something that may help and post a report pretty much only after a kick ***** outing... so not very often. And even tho I enjoy a good report and pics, im probably not gonna post "good job" in every report. But, I think a good idea would be to have like buttons in the posts. That way we can all say good job and leave the responses to those interested in that topic(or particular fish/spot/tackle info).

01-25-2018, 01:57 AM
Too bad this if only local fishing forum for SoCal. I used to enjoy this site a lot. I don't post fishing report here because I live in private lake and I don't want anyone to complain about me showing off my catch. I enjoy fishing report so I know what you catch them on, deep or shallow, what type of structure etc not to steal anybody's spot. I know a lot of people report because they want to show their catch, me included, but why bother if you only get a hateful or none response.

01-25-2018, 01:11 PM
I agree 100% seal.
Things are changing and in my personal situation. When i can only fish every 4-6 weeks on a weekend and keep getting get skunked, just not much to talk about.
Still trying, just nothing to report, but I guess to keep the posts up I could just post 'fished DVL and caught nothing on everything'.

01-25-2018, 01:17 PM
Then, let’s fix the low ratio. No more bringing politics into the fishing forums, just give guys positive feedback on all of the reports.

And, as far as the gorilla goes, paranoia.....?? Really?? I apologize Mr. Tucker but I have to disagree.

I couldn’t care less if people are fishing the same spots that I know of at any of the local lakes. I enjoy seeing people catch fish. I, and I’m sure a lot of other people have, given away gear repeatedly at the lake. When talking to people, if I’m having a good day and they’re not, I routinely give them packages of plastics or lures that I’ve had success on. Then flat out tell them where to go and how to fish the baits.

I take kids out, CONSTANTLY. Other adults and co-workers who don't know how to fish as well. Do you think I take them out and give them baits I have no confidence in? Take them to places I’ve never fished before? The whole goal is to get these guys and their kids on some fish.

The gorilla is simply guys getting clowned on the forums. Being told their fish “doesn’t look like a 4 pounder” or “check their scale,” etc. As mentioned above, having their thread jacked and so on. Sharing info? Not an issue. Being embarrassed, ALWAYS an issue.

Let’s stay classy FNN!!

While I agree with most of what you said Bass413, I do agree that posts can make your spot a little sketchy sometimes.
Just a few months ago a guy caught a double digit at DVL and as soon as the post hit the lake went from 20 boats one Saturday to over a hundred the next with a 2 hour wait just to launch. Luckily DVL can handle it on the water (not the marina and tackle shop), but I can tell you it did not help the fishing. I will post when I have something to post because I know that most bass fisherman that fish DVL and Perris like we do already know the spots, so I usually just post numbers, size and baits anyways. You have to leave them with a little homework to do.

01-25-2018, 01:19 PM
Too bad this if only local fishing forum for SoCal. I used to enjoy this site a lot. I don't post fishing report here because I live in private lake and I don't want anyone to complain about me showing off my catch. I enjoy fishing report so I know what you catch them on, deep or shallow, what type of structure etc not to steal anybody's spot. I know a lot of people report because they want to show their catch, me included, but why bother if you only get a hateful or none response.

I would love to see what you're catching JJ. I can handle it, I promise!
Love seeing beautiful fish, regardless of where they where caught.

01-25-2018, 01:21 PM
For me, too many of the people here would rather talk sh*t than talk fishing.

This is the only forum where I've posted my fishing reports/videos and been told I was both stupid and bad for the sport.

Apparently, I'm bad for the sport because I say where I'm fishing and that makes other people go there. Evidently I recently "burned" Dana Point harbor that way. Seriously? Dana Point is some sort of secret spot?

I've also been told I was stupid to go lobster fishing because it was a lot of work for nothing. So that's the mentality I've experienced here.

Oh yes, I'm also some sort of ego freak because I have a YouTube channel dedicated to my float tube fishing experiences.

I will continue to post my reports as I create them, but I don't come here for fun or camaraderie, because there doesn't seem to be any. Like I said, I think too many people here would rather talk sh*t than talk fishing.

Screw them Bob!
I love your videos.

01-25-2018, 01:21 PM
This, this is great.

But seriously, “fact checking,” “presenting my evidence?” This is where you and I have to simply go our separate ways. I no longer look through the general discussion board because everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just don’t want to read it anymore.

For the record, Mr. Tucker wins this debate. I don’t want to debate, just want to fish and hear about other’s trips. No need for “fact checking” and definitely don’t want to hear or read anyone “presenting their evidence” in an effort to win a debate.

Good luck out there guys and let’s start posting more reports.

LMAO. Very well put sir!

mstr fish
01-26-2018, 12:11 AM
Wow!! How quick this got moved to this section. Wasn’t there a time where this was a members only site? Didn’t we have at one time a private place for members when it went public? Didn’t we have a ton of moderaters to help control things? Where did it all go?

I unfortunately don’t get to fish as much as I like but am working on changing that. Even though my las report was a skunk trip, I reported anyways.

I have seen in my short time people get bashed for keeping there legal limits (even though I practice c&r with some species). It’s there legal right to. I have seen many share their hot spots and claim they get jacked. Not doubting that either. Been out many times to see people on good spots that I would normally hit, however I don’t own the water just have the privilege to use it. It also makes me search for new spots and and learn. Catching is great, but for me when you can count on catching at a particular spot religiously it gets boring for me. I’d rather work on trying to get hooked up in new area I find that I know is holding fish.

I agree to disagree with many things but respect everyone’s views. That’s what makes this world unique. If everyone thought like me and agreed, how boring. I have many, friends, colleagues and clientele all across the board and I respect their beliefs as I do for the rest of you. We all can make a difference but the reality is regardless of the world and politics we have to find ways to make it work to make it work to our advantage. I’m no philosopher, but rather than spend negative energy I’d rather spend positive energies to enjoy life.

I guess in short inthe past this thread wouldn’t of got moved. The member asked about fishing reports in the fishing section and it got moved here.

I posted in this section a while back and it was suggested that I put my post in the section that this member originally put theirs. I even apologized as I was not trying to start anything.

My fellow member into miss the many reports and pics coming in. I realize many may have moved on to wherever for whatever reason and that’s there choice. Keep posting as time allows.

01-26-2018, 11:27 PM
So it's a prime example,
I posted this thread on the general freshwater board because I do more freshwater fishing.
It got moved to the quagga board.
My post had nothing to do with politics.
Put it back where it belongs. The old FNN wouldnt move it here.
This venue is for trolls who don't fish.
I miss When FNN was about fishing. Some a hole decided to move it to our political board.

01-27-2018, 05:07 AM
So it's a prime example,
I posted this thread on the general freshwater board because I do more freshwater fishing.
It got moved to the quagga board.
My post had nothing to do with politics.
Put it back where it belongs. The old FNN wouldnt move it here.
This venue is for trolls who don't fish.
I miss When FNN was about fishing. Some a hole decided to move it to our political board.

In fairness to whom every moved this thread to the GD section. Your title and your 3 opening lines (especially line 2 made it look like it belonged in the GD section)

Cheer up though. I think you got a desired effect!!! Several members said they are going to try to write up more of their fishing adventures. Also the proof is in the pudding, look at the amounts of fish reports given "since" you posted this thread. It equaled or passed what was given in the previous 3 weeks.

Lady Quagga
01-27-2018, 10:01 AM
So it's a prime example,
I posted this thread on the general freshwater board because I do more freshwater fishing.
It got moved to the quagga board.
My post had nothing to do with politics.
Put it back where it belongs. The old FNN wouldnt move it here.
This venue is for trolls who don't fish.
I miss When FNN was about fishing.

Your arguments lost any validity the moment you opened the thread with:

Or on this fishing site are we focused on the government shut down?

And oh yeah:

Some a hole decided to move it to our political board.

"Some a hole", huh? Glad to hear your support for the admins.