View Full Version : FCC Votes to Kill Net Neutrality

12-14-2017, 11:38 AM
Seems like the general population was for safeguarding the open internet. I believe one study said something like 83% were in favor of keeping the current foundation.

But, the Federal Communications Committee voted on Thursday to ignore the public and kill net neutrality protections.

What say ye?

Natural Lefty
12-14-2017, 04:19 PM
One more reason to NEVER vote Republican. This shows us who these people who voted in favor of putting the internet essentially up for sale are answering to.

Hopefully, there will be a popular revolt against this decision, and one way or another, net neutrality will be back before too much time has passed.

12-14-2017, 04:36 PM
Hopefully, there will be a popular revolt against this decision, and one way or another, net neutrality will be back before too much time has passed.

Well, during that time, I'm sure major ISPs and telecoms will have reaped the rewards.

And once sense and sensibility comes back around, they'll demand being labeled a public utility again, thus begging the government for hand outs and tax breaks so they can improve their infrastructure for the benefit of the American public.

Can't wait for my Time Warner bill next year, and see that I now have a "Netflix" fee attached.

What a great year 2017 has been.

12-14-2017, 07:04 PM
Well, during that time, I'm sure major ISPs and telecoms will have reaped the rewards.

And once sense and sensibility comes back around, they'll demand being labeled a public utility again, thus begging the government for hand outs and tax breaks so they can improve their infrastructure for the benefit of the American public.

Can't wait for my Time Warner bill next year, and see that I now have a "Netflix" fee attached.

What a great year 2017 has been.
Do you want a wahburger with your French cries. Please. This has been coming down the road for a long time and you know it.

12-14-2017, 07:08 PM
One more reason to NEVER vote Republican. This shows us who these people who voted in favor of putting the internet essentially up for sale are answering to.

Hopefully, there will be a popular revolt against this decision, and one way or another, net neutrality will be back before too much time has passed.

Those darn republicans. Always up to no good. I’m suprised you didn’t blame TRUMP.

12-14-2017, 08:39 PM
Chucky is the type of person that will respond to this thread without knowing who Ajit Pai is, without having to Google it first.

(Because if he wasn't, he would realize that his the President Trump comment he made above, is quite ironic.)

Speaking of brilliant people, check this one:


12-14-2017, 10:14 PM
Chucky is the type of person that will respond to this thread without knowing who Ajit Pai is, without having to Google it first.

(Because if he wasn't, he would realize that his the President Trump comment he made above, is quite ironic.)

Speaking of brilliant people, check this one:


Dang. You are awesome. I guess I should stfu. Do you believe everything you read?

12-15-2017, 08:41 AM
Do you believe everything you read?

If it proceeds, "Posted by CHUCKY", then no, I don't.

Natural Lefty
12-15-2017, 09:56 AM
Chucky, just because rich people who own corporations have planned this for a long time, doesn't make selling off the internet to the highest bidder, a good thing.

Trump gets part of the blame, but I don't particularly blame him, because this is a longstanding GOP policy wish. I think Ajit Pai was actually appointed by Obama, by the way, but the impetus to carry out this scheme wasn't present until the current administration. If Obama had wanted it to happen, it would have happened while he was president. Perhaps the others who voted for ending net neutrality were appointed by Trump? I am not sure about that but that's my guess.

12-15-2017, 11:33 AM
Go have a look at who took money from ATT, Verizon and Comcast (communication lobbyist)
Almost all republicans and most democrats too. Don't think this is only a republican issue. The list and amounts are staggering. I've seen varying amounts depending on the sites you check, but if you do check, you'll quickly understand.
This will end bad. Greed ALWAYS wins out with these giant mega corporations.

12-15-2017, 01:35 PM
,,,but I don't particularly blame him, because this is a longstanding GOP policy wish.


Of the 239 Republicans in the US House of Representatives, only 107 added their names to a letter released this morning supporting FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to repeal net neutrality rules. I'd hardly call that a longstanding GOP policy wish.

I think Ajit Pai was actually appointed by Obama, by the way, but the impetus to carry out this scheme wasn't present until the current administration. If Obama had wanted it to happen, it would have happened while he was president. Perhaps the others who voted for ending net neutrality were appointed by Trump? I am not sure about that but that's my guess.

Yes Obama appointed Pai (on McConnell's recommendation, go figure) but the title of FCC Chairman was given out by our current president. I can assume that being appointed "chairman" gives Pai a higher step stone to shout from.

It's interesting how a 5 person jury determines Net Neutrality's fate.

Natural Lefty
12-15-2017, 05:21 PM
Schumer wants a vote to undo the repeal of net neutrality, and it looks like he has popular opinion very much on his side.

Apparently ending net neutrality is not very popular with Republican politicians, and even less so with Republican voters, then, but I think it is with internet and media corporations that are big donors mostly to Republicans, along with some Democrats. I know that this has been on their wish list. It has been talked about for several years at least.

Obama never should have complied with a recommendation from McConnell.

Natural Lefty
12-15-2017, 05:28 PM
By the way, how many Democrats signed that letter? Not many I would wager.

The gizmodo article says that Republicans hold 3 of the 5 seats on the FCC committee; apparently they are the ones who are voting in favor of ending net neutrality. Thus, I would say that this is a Republican driven attempt to change internet policy.