View Full Version : SPEAKERS CORONER (If we were all New Yorkers)

12-07-2017, 06:37 AM
This is a Tongue & Cheek thread inspired from a "Married with Children episode." I hope other people start other fun threads for the entertainment of our FNN members.

When I was in college as a Business major, several professors talked about the difference of working on the East coast vs the West coast. On the East coast as told by the professors it was an Dog eat Dog environment in business. (where stepping all over people was the norm to get ahead) While working on the West coast was really a laid back experience and people expected to get ahead by their work ethics.

I also remember as a child watching the TV series "All in the Family." Where the main character Archie Bunker was a crude bigoted person, who spoke his mind on everything! With those thoughts in my head, I realized how tolerant we are in California when we go out in public. Had this been in New York, (with a New York attitude) I would of spoken up 3 times in one day about other peoples rude behavior!!!

These are the 3 incidents that happened to me in one day and if I was a New Yorker I would have spoken up.

The first one was at the Grocery store where I was buying some Pineapple juice for my father. I had only 2 items so I went to the 15 items or less cashier. There was only 2 people in front of me, so I thought I would be done quick. Nope!!! The lady in the front was talking on her cell phone the whole time she was doing her transaction. To say she took 3 or 4 times longer then it should of was an understatement. As an Californian I just stood there and took it! Had I been an New Yorker I would have said something like this, "Hey Lady, you got people waiting behind you and they got lives too!!!" So hang up your Damn Cell phone so you can complete your transaction!!! I would have then said to the guy in front of me, some people just can't walk and chew gum at the same time!!!

Next place I went too was the $1 car wash to rinse off the dust off of the war wagon.

The car wash has 3 Bay's and they are all taken. In the first 2 Bay's all the vehicles were all soaped up, so it was going to take some time for them to finish. In the 3rd Bay the guy was all done washing his car, now he was just drying his car. Now he saw I was waiting and could have easily moved up 30 feet and finished drying his car in a parking stall. Nope he sat there for the next 10 minutes and continued drying his vehicle in the Bay. 2 other cars pulled in behind me and were also waiting before this guy finally pulled his car up and finished drying it in a parking stall. Now if I was an New Yorker, I would have said, "Hey dude move your Damn car up 30 feet so I can get in there." But being a Californian I said nothing!!!

Last place I went to that day was Norm's for dinner with my father.

While in the Restaurant, I heard a child scream not once or twice but continuous for the next 30 minutes. Now this wasn't a baby but a 4 or 5 year old who wasn't getting his way. I know this because I got up and walked to the other side of the Restaurant to check it out. As an Californian I said nothing!! Had I been a New Yorker, I would have walked up and said something like this, "Lady there is other people here trying to eat their dinner and your kid is making that kinda difficult!" Besides you should have taken him to McDonald s where he could have gotten a Happy Meal. I could have then looked at the Kid and said, "You would have liked eating a Happy Meal better then this stuff right kid!!!"

If only I was an New Yorker!!! lol

Natural Lefty
12-07-2017, 02:48 PM
LOL I am a true Californian and would have remained calm and done as you did.

Little did we know when we were growing up, that Archie Bunker would become a billionaire and parlay that into becoming the president, sadly. Trump is from New York officially, you know.

12-07-2017, 03:01 PM
The problem with trying to admonish parents for not taking care of their kids in a public environment is the fact they can always use the:

"OMG you have to apologize!! My kid's on the spectrum!" even though the parents have never seen a psychologist at all. Apparently, the self diagnosis that occurs with parents nowadays is outstanding, because they now are absolved on the fact they're sh!tty parents.

I didn't know you could claim your kid being 'on the spectrum' without even seeing a professional. So the next time the crotch fruit start throwing a tantrum at the '12 items or less line' at Walmart, remember, you can't say anything. Doesn't matter if you're from New York or a fellow Angeleno.

I started to throw a tantrum at Zodys? You wanna know the face my mom gave me to take me off the spectrum quick?
