View Full Version : The world today.

old pudd fisher
11-17-2017, 09:58 PM
Its a changing world I must say but their are a lot of good people out their. I am older now will be 70 pretty soon and have been doing some home improvement projects around the house these days. The last two times that I was at Home Depot I bought several heavy bags of cement mix and as I was loading them into my truck both times a younger man just walking by in the parking lot said let me help you. They were just guys walking into the store to buy some stuff also. Wow such good people they were but on the other hand it made me feel pretty old but I guess I look it or else they would not have offered.

11-19-2017, 08:38 AM
Yup I’ve been there,I too at 65yrs old get certain responses and actions that remind me I’m an “old dude” now,even though my mind doesn’t feel like it,I also agree there’s still a lot of good people out there,but it seems the tables are turning.

Cya Tuna Vic

11-20-2017, 09:47 AM
What's funny is that I'm pretty good with giving up my seat on the subway or bus to the older folk.

And then I see this:


LOL. Sorry old people, you'll have to stand now if people take that article to heart.

old pudd fisher
11-20-2017, 10:41 AM
What's funny is that I'm pretty good with giving up my seat on the subway or bus to the older folk.

And then I see this:


LOL. Sorry old people, you'll have to stand now if people take that article to heart.
Yeah it was nice of them but not needed, I took the cement home mixed it by hand and poured it into the holes I dug for posts. Then came in the house and made love to my wife like a beast. Ha Ha50484

11-20-2017, 11:06 AM
Reminds me of something I saw over the weekend.

Some guy held the door for a woman, and he got yelled at.

"What? Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't hold my own door open."

I just had to laugh inside. How things do change.