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10-02-2017, 04:28 PM
Tom Petty, Dead 66 yrs. old

10-02-2017, 04:48 PM
Tom Petty, Dead 66 yrs. old

That's so funny he was on my mind this past week. I recently watched the movie the "Postman" and I thought what an unusual roll he played in the movie. The movie is just 'ok' but his small part stuck out in my mind. RIP Tom Petty!!!

10-02-2017, 08:05 PM
Our neighborhood teenage band was kicking out some Petty this weekend, his music will live on.

10-02-2017, 08:44 PM
What's your favorite Heartbreaker song, mine is American Girl

10-02-2017, 09:55 PM
What's your favorite Heartbreaker song, mine is American Girl

So many good ones to choose from, but I think his most played song on the radio was Refugee.

10-03-2017, 09:40 AM
Our 14 hour drive to Yellowstone and back contained many a Tom Petty songs.

My favorite has to be either Mary Jane's Last Dance or Running Down a Dream.

Or maybe You Don't Know How It Feels. Free Fallin? American Girl....

So many to name. RIP, Tom.

10-04-2017, 11:19 AM
Our 14 hour drive to Yellowstone and back contained many a Tom Petty songs.

How fast were you driving? Takes me 17 hours to get to Denver from the IE.

10-04-2017, 03:07 PM
How fast were you driving?

A CHP buddy of mine let me know a good trick.

"9 you're fine. 10 you're mine."

So, if you see a sign posted that says the speed limit is 80? You can go 89. You go 90 and you may get popped.


I could've done 13 hours and 20 minutes, but apparently people need to stop to go pee. That's what Gatorade bottles are for.

Lady Quagga
10-04-2017, 08:07 PM
Our 14 hour drive to Yellowstone and back contained many a Tom Petty songs.

My favorite has to be either Mary Jane's Last Dance or Running Down a Dream.

Or maybe You Don't Know How It Feels. Free Fallin? American Girl....

So many to name. RIP, Tom.

DS didn't know who Tom Petty was until 2012. :Dancing Banana:

I could've done 13 hours and 20 minutes, but apparently people need to stop to go pee. That's what Gatorade bottles are for.

DS drinks his own Gatorade.

10-04-2017, 09:27 PM
A CHP buddy of mine let me know a good trick.

"9 you're fine. 10 you're mine."

So, if you see a sign posted that says the speed limit is 80? You can go 89. You go 90 and you may get popped.


I could've done 13 hours and 20 minutes, but apparently people need to stop to go pee. That's what Gatorade bottles are for.

Your last statement reminds me of my Hunting partner Dan. (He would only stop for Gas on a road trip) A small Ice chest full of drinks, bag of snacks and 1 Barro's Pizza and a pee cup. I was good to go non-stop to Albuquerque New Mexico more times then I can remember. (13 hour trip) Our fastest trip was LA to San Antonio Texas in 19 hours. But every time I would tell other's about his driving style, they never believed me. (when they went of course they found out the truth) They all came back with the same sad story, "he wouldn't even stop to let me pee!!!" Even when people are "warned" they just can't fathom some people don't want to stop driving even though the Land of Milk and Honey is the final destination. In our case it was the land of Deer and Antelope. In your case it was Yosemite Valley. Yet these other people think wasting valuable time of stopping to eat and pee was more important then being in "God's Country!!" lol

10-05-2017, 04:39 PM
A CHP buddy of mine let me know a good trick.

"9 you're fine. 10 you're mine."

So, if you see a sign posted that says the speed limit is 80? You can go 89. You go 90 and you may get popped.


I could've done 13 hours and 20 minutes, but apparently people need to stop to go pee. That's what Gatorade bottles are for.

I always set my cruise control 7 miles over posted and have never been stopped. I drive over 40K miles a year too.
It's not worth the hassle for them unless your around 10 miles over. And by the way. I'm not about to pee into a jar while driving. I'm never in that big of a hurry.
What's next a poopy grocery bag:Shocked:....yuck!

10-05-2017, 04:41 PM
Your last statement reminds me of my Hunting partner Dan. (He would only stop for Gas on a road trip) A small Ice chest full of drinks, bag of snacks and 1 Barro's Pizza and a pee cup. I was good to go non-stop to Albuquerque New Mexico more times then I can remember. (13 hour trip) Our fastest trip was LA to San Antonio Texas in 19 hours. But every time I would tell other's about his driving style, they never believed me. (when they went of course they found out the truth) They all came back with the same sad story, "he wouldn't even stop to let me pee!!!" Even when people are "warned" they just can't fathom some people don't want to stop driving even though the Land of Milk and Honey is the final destination. In our case it was the land of Deer and Antelope. In your case it was Yosemite Valley. Yet these other people think wasting valuable time of stopping to eat and pee was more important then being in "God's Country!!" lol

Sounds like a good road trip partner.

If you need to pee or eat, go to sleep.

I'll wake you up once we get to Utah. Or Idaho.

10-06-2017, 09:33 AM
A CHP buddy of mine let me know a good trick.

"9 you're fine. 10 you're mine."

So, if you see a sign posted that says the speed limit is 80? You can go 89. You go 90 and you may get popped.

I could've done 13 hours and 20 minutes, but apparently people need to stop to go pee. That's what Gatorade bottles are for.

Yea parts of Utah you can open it up some. Thought maybe you were busting out some Fast and Furious there Dom.....