View Full Version : Los Alamitos Bay Pays Off for a First Time Float Tuber!

Ornery Bob
08-16-2017, 12:19 AM
One of my viewers asked me to help him get started with his first time float tube fishing and we had a great time!

One of the reasons I decided to make videos in the first place was because I was having so much fun, I wanted to share it and let people know how fun and easy float tube fishing really is.

The motto over at the Float Tube Fishing Forum is "We're always on the fish!" and in my experience that's true. Float tubers just flat out catch fish!

This video also shows how you just never know how it's going to play out. I fish a spot that gives up a small spottie when we're going one direction and I hit the same spot coming back about half an hour later and it gives up two more fish, one of them a real toad! The funny thing is, you could hit that same spot tomorrow and it could be a ghost town. The fish are always on the move, so you just keep plugging away.

I also recently watched a YouTube fishing video and the guy said something that I plan to test... "If you're hitting spots you know must have fish and you're not getting bit, change colors." So I'm going to be paying more attention to this color idea in future sessions.

All in all a very fun day! I'm so happy I was able to make a new friend and help him get started in this great sport! He had a good experience and caught a personal best his first time out in a tube! It doesn't get any better than that!

Happy fishing!


08-16-2017, 08:20 AM
That's the way to make a believer,he seems hooked,nice going Bob,what was that fish he caught,looked like a sandie?

Cya Tuna Vic

Ornery Bob
08-16-2017, 09:20 AM
It was actually a spottie. I'm always worried that first timers are going to have a bad experience in some way, but so far it's been good. Always good to catch a personal best!

08-16-2017, 12:21 PM
Bob being n the water , in control of your own craft . Is a Win fish or no fish caught . I hit water only too feel a tug with hope of getting a fish next to my kayak . I made the trip to Mission with the hope of landing fish . A plus was it was on a hard bait I painted my self .

murrieta angler
08-16-2017, 08:04 PM
Good on you for bringing an new recruit to the float game.
You guys had a nice productive day as well with the catching part and that always helps the new guys confidence.
Thanks for the report,

Ornery Bob
08-17-2017, 06:59 AM
Thanks, guys!