View Full Version : Are whittler fishing spots any good?

07-05-2017, 03:47 PM
I've been fishing la mirada, legg lake and clark for over 5 years and never really seen as much bass comparing to catfish and panfish that I use to fish before but, I just got into bass fishing after about 4 years of not regularly fishing about 2 weeks ago. I've fished these lakes and laguna lake the pass 2 weeks and I noticed that there are a lot of newborn bass and some good sized ones. Anyway the only luck ive been getting fish one is a small 2 inch inline roaster tail spinner and a small 2 in rapala floating zerk bait. I found this site around and barely learned how to post :Embarrassed: so if you guys have any suggestions please tell them (kinda lost with what lures I should be using and how to use them :Embarrassed:) but to what I know is that its best to work crank baits very slow since a lot of the time they tend to follow and it gives the lures a finesse action.

07-05-2017, 03:51 PM
I've been fishing la mirada, legg lake and clark for over 5 years and never really seen as much bass comparing to catfish and panfish that I use to fish before but, I just got into bass fishing after about 4 years of not regularly fishing about 2 weeks ago. I've fished these lakes and laguna lake the pass 2 weeks and I noticed that there are a lot of newborn bass and some good sized ones. Anyway the only luck ive been getting fish one is a small 2 inch inline roaster tail spinner and a small 2 in rapala floating zerk bait. I found this site around and barely learned how to post :Embarrassed: so if you guys have any suggestions please tell them (kinda lost with what lures I should be using and how to use them :Embarrassed:) but to what I know is that its best to work crank baits very slow since a lot of the time they tend to follow and it gives the lures a finesse action.

When it comes to bass fishing park lakes I tend to lean toward drop shotting 4-4.5 inch roboworms. Purple colors usually work best for me. It's slow boring fishing, but it works...

07-05-2017, 04:58 PM
When it comes to bass fishing park lakes I tend to lean toward drop shotting 4-4.5 inch roboworms. Purple colors usually work best for me. It's slow boring fishing, but it works...

funny thing I just got those purple robo worms but I think their 6 inches and not 5 but, I have I a question, do you fish drop shots in grass, because I got caught on grass a lot, although I wasn't using any grass weight, it might have been because I was using egg sinkers which work better on Carolina rigs

07-13-2017, 07:21 PM
I've had my best luck at dusk and at night on texas rig dark robos with a glass bead worked/twitched very slow. Since lots of city lakes are stocked with trout, there are quite a few people that have been having some luck using larger crank and swimbaits as well. Good luck.